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United Nations Mission in the Sudan: Review of Results-Based Budgeting (INS-07-004), 21 Dec 2007

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS) 21 Dec 2007 report titled "Review of Results-Based Budgeting [INS-07-004]" relating to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan. The report runs to 23 printed pages.

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services
Authored on
December 21, 2007
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Simple text version follows

                       Inspection and Evaluation Division

            Review of Results-Based Budgeting in United Nations
                        Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)

                                           21 December 2007

Project team members include:
    Kishan Sirohi, Team Leader
    Emily Hampton-Manley, Team member
    Catherine Nyawire, Team Member

Field Work Conducted: 29 June � 7 July 2007
This report was prepared under the supervision of:
    Arild Hauge, Head, Inspection Section, IED
     (Eddie) Yee Woo Guo, Acting Head, IED

OIOS/IED Contact Information: phone: (212) 963-8148; fax: (212) 963-9427; email:


            Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services in the
      Review of Results-Based Budgeting in United Nations Mission in Sudan

                           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
        In undertaking complex and multidimensional peacekeeping operations, the United
Nations faces many challenges, including a surging budget that has grown from US$1
billion in 1999 to US$5 billion in 2006. This has precipitated the shift away from input-
based budgeting to results-based budgeting (RBB) within the overall context of ongoing
organizational reforms. This report is a review of the relevance, efficiency and
effectiveness of RBB in peacekeeping operations, with a specific focus on the United
Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). The report is third in a series of such reports prepared
by the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) in response to a request by the

       OIOS notes that the UNMIS mandate makes it a complex and integrated mission.
Many of the tasks assigned to the mission in the mandate call for an integrated strategy
between UNMIS and other United Nations agencies, funds and programmes operating in
Sudan. UNMIS was also assigned additional tasks by the Security Council to lead the
process that will culminate in the deployment of a joint United Nations/African Union
peacekeeping operation in Darfur. OIOS took into account these and other specific
circumstances in which mission planning in general, and the RBB in particular is
operationalized in UNMIS.

        OIOS notes that staff in UNMIS perceives the Controller's Budget Instructions and
the Strategic Guidance as generic and not particularly targeted to address specific situations
in individual missions. OIOS confirmed earlier conclusions made in the reviews of RBB in
the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the United
Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) that combining the two into a single guidance
document may improve their perceived utility by mission staff. UNMIS issued separate
Mission Budget Instructions (MBI) after receipt of the Controller's Budget Instructions and
Strategic Guidance. OIOS notes that since the creation of the Strategic Planning Office
senior management involvement has improved in the RBB process but recommends that the
mission should also establish a formal mechanism for a mission-wide forum where senior
management may articulate their vision and priorities as well as field questions from staff as
a lead up to the preparation of the RBB framework. In addition, OIOS also saw a need for
all sections in the mission to have opportunity to participate and contribute to the strategic
planning process as well as engage in formal coordination for planning and preparation of
the draft RBB framework.

        OIOS found that some indicators of achievement in the RBB framework did not
have specific baselines and targets. In addition, the expected accomplishments and
indicators had not been changed since inception of the mission and some of them had since
been overtaken by events. OIOS draws the mission's attention to RBB guidelines, which
require expected accomplishments and indicators to be changed in order to reflect the



progress of the mission in fulfilling its mandate. In particular, OIOS notes that the RBB
framework did not reflect any of the additional tasks assigned to the mission with regard to
the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, in spite of the fact that this has increasingly become a
priority for the mission and the Strategic Guidance for 2007-2008 also explicitly drew
mission attention to that requirement.

        OIOS found that the Mission Strategic Planning Framework is not yet fully
integrated into the RBB framework. In addition, although senior leadership is fully
supportive and engaged in the strategic planning process, a few sections of the mission did
not have the opportunity to participate. OIOS concluded that this compromised ownership
and accountability and urges that appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that the
process is participatory and inclusive.

        The automated Lotus-based RBB monitoring tool that is used in UNMIS for data
collection and monitoring the RBB framework was found to be effective and reportedly
user-friendly. However, OIOS urges UNMIS to demonstrate in a more practical way how
the reports generated by the Lotus monitoring tool are utilized to inform management
decision- making. OIOS also urges UNMIS to take appropriate steps to ensure that all RBB
focal points receive training as well as to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for
RBB. OIOS notes that UNMIS has a practice of appointing alternative RBB focal points in
every section to ensure continuity during staff turnover and absence from mission, and
recommends that this be shared with other missions as a best practice.

       OIOS concluded that UNMIS was making good progress to improve mission
planning but needed to strengthen linkages with the budgeting process by integrating the
mission strategic planning framework with the RBB framework. The report contains 7
recommendations, all specifically directed to UNMIS. However, references have been
made throughout the report, to observations made in the RBB reviews in UNMIK and
UNMIL, where other relevant recommendations to improve RBB in peacekeeping were
made to OPPBA and DPKO/DFS.



                                                                                      Paragraphs    Page
             Executive Summary...........................................................           .....2
             Abbreviations       ...........................................................        .....4
     I.      Introduction: RBB in United Nations Peacekeeping..................1 � 6............6
     II.     Review Findings........................................................... 7 � 9.............7
     III.    UNMIS Background.......................................................10 � 12..........8
     IV.     Preparation of the RBB Framework....................................13 � 18.........10
     V.      Analysis of the UNMIS RBB Framework for 2007-2008..........19 � 30..........12
     VI.     Linkages to Strategic Planning and Mission Management.........31 � 36...........17
     VII.    Performance Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting ............37 � 40...........19
     VIII.   Capacity Development and Best Practices............................41 � 44...........20
     IX.     Conclusion.................................................................45 � 47...........21
     X.      Recommendations........................................................48 - 54............22


ACABQ                    Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
AMIS                     African Union Mission in Sudan
AU                       African Union
CBI                      Controller's Budget Instructions
CITS                     Communication Information Technology Section
CPA                      Comprehensive Peace Agreement
DFS                      Department of Field Support
DPKO                     Department of Peacekeeping Operations
EBA                      Enterprise Budget Application
MBI                      Mission Budget Instructions
MIP                      Mandate Implementation Plan
OIOS                     Office of Internal Oversight Service
OO                       Office of Operations
OPPBA                    Office of Programme Planning, Budgets and Accounts



PFD       Peacekeeping Finance Division
RBB       Results-based Budgeting
RBM       Results-based Management
SOP       Standard Operating Procedures
SPO       Strategic Planning Office
SRSG      Special Representative of the Secretary-General
UNAMID    United Nations African Mission in Darfur
UNAMIS    United Nations Advance Mission in Sudan
UNAMSIL   United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
UNCT      United Nations Country Team
UNICEF    United Nations Children's Fund
UNMIK     United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
UNMIL     United Nations Mission in Liberia
UNMIS     United Nations Mission in Sudan



I.      Introduction : Results-Based Budgeting in United Nations Peacekeeping

        1.      The United Nations undertakes complex multidimensional peacekeeping
        operations throughout the world and works with diverse partners, each focusing on
        specific aspects of the integrated peacekeeping effort, such as humanitarian relief,
        elections monitoring and supervision, economic reconstruction and institution building.
        Over the past seven years, the aggregate peacekeeping budget has increased more than
        five fold from US$1 billion in 1999 to over US$5 billion in 2006. It is against this
        backdrop that former Secretary-General Kofi Annan proposed organization-wide reforms,
        including a shift away from input-based budgeting to results-based budgeting (RBB),
        with the intention of establishing a versatile planning and management tool that would
        directly connect resource allocation to results. 1

        2.     The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), at the request of the Controller2 ,
        is undertaking a review of the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the RBB in
        peacekeeping operations. The review covers all phases of the RBB as applied to
        peacekeeping operations, and encompasses the RBB framework at the mission level as
        well as support and guidance provided by Headquarters to the missions throughout the
        RBB process.

        3.     This report is third in a series of OIOS reports on RBB and specifically examines
        the RBB process as applied to the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). 3 The
        review focuses on the consistency and alignment of the RBB operational framework in
        regard to the mission's mandate as well as its relevant processes, policy guidelines and
        standard operating procedures (SOPs) for peacekeeping operations. Particular emphasis
        is on the practical application of the RBB framework to UNMIS' operations, including
        the presence of time-bound performance indicator baselines and targets, documentation
        of performance indicator methodologies at mission level, observed change in indicators
        of achievement, and whether the elements of the framework provide an adequate
        measurement of results achieved. The review further addresses integration of RBB into
        the mission's planning and decision-making process, evaluation, self- monitoring and any
        adjustments to the framework, capacity development, training, and the use of best
        practices. Recommendations which were made in previous reports on RBB at the United
        Nations Interim A  dministration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), and the United Nations
        Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), which may also apply to UNMIS will not be repeated in
        this report as new recommendations but will be reiterated to note that the
        recommendation also applies to UNMIS.

        4.     In conducting this review, OIOS utilized a variety of qualitative and quantitative
        evaluation methods, basing its findings on the following six data sources: (1) interviews

  Interim report on results-based budgeting for the biennium 2002-2003; A/57/478 of 15 October 2002.
  Controller's memorandum to OIOS of 28 Nov 2005.
  OIOS has already issued two reports: Review of Results-based Budgeting in the United Nations Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) of 6 August 2007 and Review of results-based Budgeting in The
United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) of 31 October 2007.



        with personnel from the Department of Peacekeeping Operation (DPKO), the Department
        of Field Support (DFS), and the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts
        (OPPBA) at Headquarters; (2) interviews and focus groups with mission staff at
        UNMIS;4 (3) surveys of senior management in all 18 peacekeeping missions to assess
        their understanding, nature and extent of involvement in RBB systems application; (4)
        similar surveys of staff at the operational level in all 18 peacekeeping missions; (5)
        programme data analyses; and (6) a literature review and document analysis. 5

        5.      There were a few limitations in conducting the survey of mission staff. Due to
        high vacancy rates, staff absences on leave and staff turnover, it was difficult to define a
        fixed universe of staff from which to survey, and OIOS was also unable to apply
        consistent sampling criteria in the selection of the survey population by the missions. As
        a result, OIOS is not able to determine a precise survey response rate. In order to address
        these limitations, all findings were based on evidence derived from multiple sources,
        including surveys.

        6.     OIOS greatly appreciates the cooperation and assistance extended to it by DPKO,
        DFS, OPPBA and senior leadership and staff in UNMIS during the course of this review.
        The report fully incorporates the comments received from UNMIS and notes that all
        recommendations have been accepted and implementation of the recommendations is in

II.     Review Findings

        7.     UNMIS has been using RBB since its inception in 2005 and hence been focusing
        on results based performance measurement; however, OIOS found that RBB was not
        being utilized to its full potential at UNMIS due to the following two issues:

                 i)       Until 2007, the mission did not have dedicated capacity to address
                          coordinated and comprehensive planning for the mission resulting in the
                          linkage between the strategic planning and the mission's budgetary (RBB)
                          process less effective;
                 ii)      Since the creation of the Strategic Planning Office (SPO), senior
                          management involvement has improved in the RBB process but it could
                          be better managed at the mission through a formal mechanism where
                          senior management articulate their vision and the specific direction for the
                          RBB framework each year and the issuance of mission-specific
                          instructions or SOPs on RBB.

        8.     Additionally, OIOS found that, overall; there are improvements that can be made
        to the mission's RBB framework. Areas for improvement include:

  An OIOS inspection team visited UNMIS from 29 June 2007 to 7 July 2007 and held meetings with 73 key
UNMIS staff in the form of 56 one-on-one interviews and 3 focus groups.
  The two separate surveys for senior management and RBB at the operational level were administered during
February-April 2007 period, yielding 51 and 110 responses respectively, for UNMIS 5 and 8 responses respectively.



                 i)      The mission's RBB framework is generally comprehensive with its
                         elements being specific, attainable and realistic; however the majority of
                         the indicators of achieveme nt did not have baselines and targets. 6
                 ii)     The mission's RBB framework has undergone only slight modification
                         since it was first drafted and those who drafted the framework have since
                         left the mission. This has resulted in the RBB framework not being
                         completely reflective of the mission's qualitative and quantitative work at
                         the present; a lack of understanding by current staff members of all
                         sections at the mission of elements of the framework; or the mission's
                         increased assistance to the activities in the Darfur region;
                 iii)    RBB capacity at the mission was lacking, due to the limited number of
                         focal points at the mission having been trained and the absence of ongoing
                         RBB training facilities.
                 iv)     UNMIS informed OIOS that the lack of RBB capacity should be perceived
                         in the context of additional functions that UNMIS took on during this
                         period vis-�-vis the Heavy Support Package and the establishment of
                         African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). In
                         addition, while RBB training is necessary and has commenced at Sector
                         level in the meantime, future turnover of (trained) staff is likely to diminish
                         the overall positive impact of RBB training. An RBB training programme
                         is being undertaken at the Sector level.

        9.     OIOS also found that the mission is generally progressing in the following two

                 i)      Performance monitoring through the utilization of the Lotus-based RBB
                         monitoring tool at the mission. This formal monitoring mechanism is
                         user-friendly and allows for the systematic collection of data required for
                         portfolios of evidence.
                 ii)     The establishment in every section of the mission of two RBB focal points,
                         including an `Alternative Focal Point' that participates in all RBB
                         activities throughout the year, enabling coverage on RBB matters despite
                         high staff turnover and other absences such as vacation and sick leave.

III.    UNMIS Background

        10.    UNMIS was established by the Security Council resolution 1590 (2005) of 24
        March 2005 with a mandate to help the Security Council achieve an overall objective of
        national reconciliation, lasting peace and stability and a prosperous and united Sudan in
        which human rights are respected and the protection of all citizens is assured. The
        UNMIS mandate entails four main tasks: (1) to support implementation of the

 OIOS found that only 17 out of the 46 (37 per cent indicators of achievement in the 2007-2008 RBB framework
had baselines and targets.



        Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by the parties; 7 (2) to facilitate and
        coordinate the voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons and
        humanitarian assistance; (3) to assist the parties in the mine action sector; and (4) to
        protect and promote human rights in Sudan. 8 Since the mission has to deal with this
        broad range of issues, the Secretary-General has repeatedly stressed the importance of a
        joint, integrated strategy among the UN agencies, funds, and programmes, in order to
        successfully imple ment the CPA and to achieve the goal of "supporting the Sudanese
        people in establishing a peaceful and democratic Sudan where all citizens will live in
        conditions of greater dignity and security."

        11.    The mission's organizational structure itself is made up of several offices
        generally referred to as sections, each reporting vertically through a hierarchy to the
        SRSG, who acts on behalf of the Secretary-General as the head of the mission. Each
        section in the mission is responsible for its own work plan. The work plans (drawn from
        the mission's mandate and based on the Strategic Framework developed by UNMIS
        senior leadership) were drafted by the section chiefs in consultation with staff at
        Headquarters and in the Sectors. The RBB frameworks 2008-2009 were developed based
        on these work plans, hence are referenced in the RBB framework. Sections carry out
        planned activities towards delivering outputs in the RBB framework. In the RBB
        framework, the mission's operations are grouped under either substantive or support
        components. In UNMIS, there are four substantive components, and one support
        component. 9 Sections are clustered together under these components according to their
        thematic similarity. For example, under the single support component, support sectio ns
        delivering administrative and logistics services in support of the substantive work of the
        mission are clustered together. The RBB process is coordinated on the substantive side
        by the Chief of Staff's office and on the support side by the Chief Budget Officer. For
        each section, the section chief and two RBB focal points are responsible for the RBB
        process in respect of the work of their section.

        12.     In response to the deteriorating conditions in Darfur, the Security Council has
        assigned additional tasks to UNMIS.10 These additional tasks include: (a) contingency
        planning for the Darfur region; (b) assisting the African Union (AU) with planning and
        assessments for its mission in Darfur; and (c) preparing to support the implementation of
        a future agreement in Darfur in close cooperation with the AU. In the past year, UNMIS
        has been progressively more engaged in supporting the AU and the African Union

  Under the mediation of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Government of Sudan and
the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) signed a series of six agreements: (i) Protocol of Machakos,
signed in Kenya on 20 July 2002; (ii) Protocol on Security arrangements, signed in Naivasha, Kenya on 25
September 2003; (iii) Protocol on wealth-sharing, signed in Naivasha, Kenya on 7 January 2004; (iv) Protocol on
power-sharing, signed in Naivasha, Kenya on 26 May 2004; (v) Protocol on the resolution of conflict in southern
Kordofan/Nuba mountains and the Blue Nile States, signed in Naivasha, Kenya on 26 May 2004; and (vi) Protocol
on the resolution of conflict in Abyie, signed in Naivasha, Kenya on 26 May 2007.
  United Nations Security Council Resolution 1627 of 23 September 2005.
  Budget for the United Nations Mission in Sudan for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008; A/61/745 of 15
February 2007.
   United Nations Security Council Resolution SC/1821 of 31 August 2006.



        Mission in Sudan (AMIS), 11 participating in the AU- mediated peace talks. The Security
        Council has also recently approved the creation of a hybrid United Nations-AU
        peacekeeping force to quell the violence and instability plaguing the Darfur region. The
        hybrid operation, to be known as United Nations African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
        will incorporate the existing AMIS and is expected to be in place fully by the end of
        2007.12 UNMIS is expected to play a vital role in the establishment and implementation
        of this new mandate.

IV.     Preparation of the RBB Framework

        13.     Since inception, UNMIS has been utilizing the RBB process for budgetary aspects
        of the mission using `results' as the basis of evaluating performance. Key features of the
        results-based approach in UNMIS include the articulation of objectives, expected
        accomplishments and indicators of achievement at the mission level, replacing the prior
        system which was premised on input and output, with one which demonstrates
        performance accountability, effectiveness and relevance through focus on results. Thus,
        integral to its budgetary process, UNMIS annually prepares a logical framework with
        objectives linked to a set of activities and outputs and performance indicators, to assess
        its performance from that perspective. The UNMIS RBB framework is grouped by key
        components � peace process, security, governance, humanitarian assistance, recovery and
        reintegration, and support. The outputs in the framework reflect the mission's
        contribution within the larger presence of the United Nations in Sudan. Many of the
        tasks outlined in the CPA and its protocols will eventually be addressed through extra-
        budgetary resources of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), and are therefore not
        directly assessed by UNMIS through its RBB framework. 13

        14.    The RBB cycle is initiated when the mission receives the Controller's Budget
        Instructions and Strategic Guidance from OPPBA and DPKO respectively. The
        Controller's Budget Instructions sets general policy, methodology and procedural issues
        for development of the RBB framework. 14 As these issues tend to be the same across all
        missions, the Instructions are therefore not particularly mission-specific except for a
        section that provides some mission specific guidance, derived from either the Advisory
        Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) or the General
        Assembly. Some survey respondents in UNMIS were of the view that the Strategic
        Guidance issued by DPKO tended to be generic and addressed mainly procedural issues
        rather than mission-specific strategic directives. Furthermore, mission staff members
        noted during interviews with OIOS that the Strategic Guidance issued from UN
        Headquarters could not fully capture the complexity of the real situation on the ground in
        Sudan, let alone the complex process of deriving a mission plan for implementation of

   AMIS is an African Union peacekeeping force of 7000 troops, founded in July 2004 with the aim of performing
peacekeeping operations in Sudan's western region of Darfur. Under Security Council Resolution 1564 of 18
September 2004, AMIS is to "closely and continuously liaise and coordinate..." its work with UNMIS.
   United Nations Security Council Resolution, S/Res/1769 (2007) of 31 July 2007.
   Budget for the United Nations Mission in Sudan for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007; A/60/726, 20
March 2006.
   Peacekeeping Finance Division, OPPBA/DM memo: reference GEN/0607/mt dated 21 June 2007; para . 5.



        mission mandate. 15 OIOS reviewed RBB guidance documentation for 2007-2008, and
        concurs that more detailed strategic guidance would complement UNMIS's broad
        mandate for better planning. OIOS believes that combining the Controller's Budget
        Instructions and the Strategic Guidance into a single RBB Guidance would increase their
        focus and relevance. OIOS notes that a recommendation regarding this issue was made
        to OPPBA and DPKO on the basis of similar findings in OIOS reviews of RBB at
        UNMIK and UNMIL. 16 As previously observed for UNMIK and UNMIL, OIOS
        reiterates the need to streamline these instructions, thereby making them more mission-
        specific and useful for staff involved in the RBB process.

        15.     OIOS found that the mission issues separate Mission Budget Instructions (MBI) to
        all sections as guidance for the RBB framework process. OIOS observed that the MBI is
        a distillation of senior management's high level expectations for mission planning for a
        specific period, within the mission's broad mandate. This practice is commendable as it
        enables the mission to synchronize and coordinate mission strategy to standardized
        formats for estimating resources for the mission, especially concerning staffing posts. 17
        In practice, however, the MBI is not sufficiently detailed with instructions of senior
        leadership pertaining to issues such as the contributions of specific components to
        indicators of achievement, perceived risks and challenges, and specific milestones for
        individual components. 18 While OIOS believes that issues of framework content could
        be addressed through formal dialogue between senior management and respective
        sections, together with RBB focal points, OIOS notes that there currently i no such
        arrangement in place. Consequently, chiefs of sections and RBB focal points do not have
        the opportunity to field questions and glean the vision and priorities of senior leadership
        before the y begin drafting the framework. OIOS notes that since the creation of the SPO
        the senior leadership involvement in the RBB process has improved but establishing a
        formal mechanism such as mission-wide RBB meeting or a forum where senior
        management articulate their vision and direction and field questions on the RBB guidance
        as well as MBI would further improve the process.

        16.     UNMIS informed OIOS that in 2007, UNMIS senior leadership was formally
        engaged in the strategic planning process, namely in the development of the Strategic
        Assessment, the Scenarios and the Strategic Framework 2007-2012. The Strategic
        Assessment appraised progress and challenges in the peace process in Sudan as they
        relate to the UNMIS mandate; it identified changes and drivers of change that had
        affected or were likely to affect the peace process and UNMIS mandate implementation,
        as well as the Mission's operational environment; and assessed the Mission's
        operational environment; and assessed the Mission's ability to effectively and efficiently
        implement its mandate in the future, and the changes required within UNMIS to that end.
        Based on this, Scenarios of the future of the peace process in Sudan were developed to
        identify circumstances and issues where UNMIS could be most challenged to respond or
        adapt.     Following this, a Strategic Framework in support of the successful

   Interviews with UNMIS staff; also refer to para. 18 of this report.
   OIOS report on Review of RBB in UNMIK dated 6 August 2007; Recommendation SP-07-001-001; para. 43.
   UNMIS memo: Budget for 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 � Field Office Input; 25 June 2006.



        implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement was drafted to serve both UNMIS and
        the UN country team (UNCT) members. Based on the latter framework, two-year rolling
        work plans for each section were developed in an inclusive and consultative process,
        involving UNMIS as well as the UNCT (including OCHA, UNDP, UNHCR and WFP).
        The RBB framework for 2008-2009 was directly derived from these work plans. More
        specifically elements (activities/outputs and indicators) of highest importance were
        selected for the RBB frameworks. Consequently, it is deemed that vision and direction
        from UNMIS senior leadership were appropriately considered during the development of
        the RBB framework.

        17.     OIOS notes that coordination can be improved between sections in the substantive
        and support component in the formulation of the mission's RBB framework. 19 Several
        RBB focal points mentioned that there were not sufficient meetings being held between
        sections to coordinate and plan the modalities of RBB, resulting in unnecessary delays
        and inefficiencies in implementation of programmes. For example, plans to increase car-
        log installation by the Transport Section were not well coordinated with the
        Communication Information Technology Section thus affecting the work flow in both
        sections. OIOS notes however, that there was some coordination effort within the
        substantive component s. For example, the Civil Affairs Section takes the initiative to
        consult with other sections on their activities, outputs and indicators, but this coordination
        is not formal and there is no formalized mechanism for consultation and coordination in
        the planning and preparation of the mission's RBB framework. 20 OIOS urges UNMIS to
        formalize this coordination as part of instructions detailed in the MBI, in order to
        improve efficiency in planning, preparation and implementation of RBB in the mission.

        18.    UNMIS informed OIOS that the coordination between the substantive and support
        units improved during the 2008-09 budget preparation process by establishing a single
        focal point in the integrated support service (which includes the Communications and
        Transport Sections). The focal point reviews the RBB frameworks before submitting
        them to the budget section for further review and consolidation. The focal point ensures
        congruence in the support sections while budget section ensures the RBB fr ameworks
        overall consistency and the appropriateness of resource requirements. While this
        coordination system has functioned well so far there is room for further improvement.
        Moreover, in practice, sections coordinate their plans with one another, including the
        substantive and support sections. The coordination has been reinforced by senior
        management during the budget planning process.

V.      Analysis of the UNMIS RBB Framework for 2007-2008

        19.    As mentioned earlier, the RBB framework for UNMIS is made up of four
        substantive components and a support component. The substantive components are
        comprised of the peace process, security, governance, and humanitarian assistance,

  Results from focus group discussions with RBB focal points.
  No mechanism was seen in a review of the MBI, UNMIS memo: Budget for 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 � Field
Office Input; 25 June 2006



         recovery and reintegration. The framework has a total of 13 expected accomplishments,
         46 indicators of achievement and 165 outputs. OIOS found that only 17 of the 46
         indicators of achievement (37 per cent had baselines and targets. 21 In several areas of the
         RBB framework, phrases and words such as "serious violations", "regular meetings" and
         "access to life-saving support", which were used in formulating expected
         accomplishments, indicators of achievement and outputs were not specific, measurable
         and/or time-bound. Furthermore, regarding measurability, after review of RBB
         frameworks for 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, OIOS finds that, in cases where
         outputs may be quantified, UNMIS's RBB framework indicators could be better
         expressed for their purpose in terms of comparable, relative measures, using ratios and
         percentages as well as targets and baselines to ease and enhance measurability. 22 For
         mission management and staff, as well as for the ACABQ, baselines and targets are
         useful for monitoring and evaluating mission progress with respect to indicators of
         achievement. Therefore, baseline data should be collected and targets should be properly
         established wherever practicable.

         20.     OIOS found the UNMIS RBB frameworks to be generally comprehensive, and it
         also found, that according to SMART 23 principles, while the frameworks' elements are
         specific, attainable, and realistic, they are less so measurable or time bound. Furthermore,
         OIOS notes that some UNMIS staff members state that the framework is not a completely
         accurate depiction of the work being undertaken by the various sections, within the
         components. OIOS learnt that the RBB framework has only undergone slight
         modification in the past few years. Staff members who initially drafted the original
         indicators of achievements for various components have since departed the mission,
         resulting in a lack of understanding as well as a lack of ownership of the framework
         elements. For example, none of the staff members interviewed at the mission had been
         involved in the original drafting of the RBB framework for the mission. Staff members
         interviewed at DPKO and DFS Headquarters indicated that the mission has experienced
         high staff turnover, as well as a relatively high vacancy rate. 24 These human resource
         issues have resulted in the staff members involved with the RBB process at UNMIS
         lacking institutional knowledge on the mission's RBB framework and RBB in general.
         This points to the need for capacity building at UNMIS; an issue that will be addressed in
         greater detail in Section VIII of the report (paragraphs 41-43).

   OIOS analysis in this regard is based on baselines and targets that were measurable and indicated the progress of
the work of the mission from year to year, such as various numbers or percentages that are used to measure progress,
for example, indicator 3.1.1, "Increase in the percentage of positions in the national civil service that are filled by
people from Southern Sudan (2005-2006: 15 per cent; 2006-2007: 20 per cent; 2007-2008: 25 per cent)" Indicators
of achievement that are of the yes/no type are only considered appropriate if the indicator of achievement pertains to
a critical issue and it can be objectively verified.
   See UNMIS RBB frameworks for 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008 indicators of achievement 2.1.1, 2.1.2,
2.1.5, 4.1.2.
   Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.
   OIOS commends the efforts currently underway to address these human resource issues such as the deployment of
the Personnel Management and Support Services team, aggressive recruitment strategies and improving living and
working conditions in the field. The vacancy rate for international staff as cited in the Performance report of the
United Nations Mission in the Sudan for the period 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006, A/61/689, is 19.2%.



        21.    UNMIS informed OIOS that baselines exist whenever appropriate and in cases
        where an indicator have a target such as the adoption of a bill there is no baseline other
        than that no such bill or a previous bill existed. The specific nature of peacekeeping
        necessitates this type of indicator and will continue to do so. Nevertheless, for the RBB
        frameworks 2008-2009, the indicators of achievement were further refined and
        sharpened to improve their measurability.

        22.     OIOS notes that mission planning was not proactive, and incumbent staff
        members do not have a clear understanding of the indicators of achievement in the RBB
        framework, resulting in a general reluctance to innovate new strategies. However, as
        elaborated elsewhere in this report, OIOS was informed that the mission was taking
        measures to address the issue by conducting strategic and operational planning
        exercises. 25 In these exercises, all sections are provided assistance with developing and
        linking their respective work plans to the long term mission objective, as well as
        determining specific performance indicators, activities and timelines for the plans. OIOS
        was also informed that this would be integrated into the 2008-2009 framework, and
        believes that this should result in a more accurate reflection of the work programme of
        the mission in the RBB framework. RBB focal points that were interviewed also saw this
        as an opportunity for making changes to those elements of the framework that had
        remained unchanged from the beginning. However, staff members were not sure that
        such changes would be accepted by Headquarters, as had happened in the past regarding
        changes to the RBB framework by mission staff. OIOS is of a view that it is good
        practice to change the expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement in the
        framework in order to reflect the progress of the mission. This was observed in the OIOS
        review of RBB in UNMIL where the RBB components were changed after in-depth
        discussions with Headquarters on the appropriateness of the proposed changes. 26 OIOS
        further notes that modifying the RBB framework to reflect changes is in accordance with
        RBB guidelines. 27 However, it should be noted that where no progress has been achieved,
        the frameworks should continue to reflect continued efforts to achieve objectives. 28

        23.    UNMIS informed OIOS that the RBB frameworks are approved by the General
        Assembly and, consequently, cannot be changed mid-term as they serve as the baselines
        against which the mission's progress is measured. However, the RBB frameworks
        reporting system provides the necessary flexibility to accommodate additional activities
        during the period.

   Interviews with UNMIS senior management.
   OIOS report on Review of RBB in the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) 31 October 2007.
   RBB Guidelines 2005-2006, Performance Reports and 2007-2008 Budget Proposals; Peacekeeping Finance
Division, OPPBA/DM.
   For example, OIOS observed from review of the Performance report of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan
for the period 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006, A/61/689 that several elements of the UNMIS RBB framework were
changed over time in respect to human rights objectives even if the previous years performance and events expressly
indicated that such targets had not been achieved. For example, 2005-2006 indicators of achievement 3.4.2, 3.4.3
were not achieved as indicated in the 2005-2006 performance report however 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 RBB
frameworks these indicators of achievement are no longer listed under expected accomplishment 3.4 even though
they were reported as not achieved.



        24.     OIOS was further informed that the RBB framework did not reflect the mission's
        activities as having an increased focus on Darfur. The Strategic Guidance for 2007-2008
        budget period underlined the mission's increased focus on Darfur, noting " light of
        the recent signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement, it is quite possible that, by the time the
        2007-2008 budget cycle commences, UNMIS will be carrying out additional functions
        and activities in the Darfur region..."29 RBB focal points confirmed that even though the
        mission's activities were increasingly focused on Darfur, no adjustments had been made
        to reflect this in the framework for 2007-2008. RBB focal points voiced concerns that
        these activities were taking much of the mission's time and energy, while the work
        originally outlined in the framework was effectively placed on hold and not accorded
        priority status. OIOS believes that the establishment of UNAMID under Resolution 1769
        (2007) should ease much of the pressure on UNMIS regarding Darfur, but nonetheless,
        urges UNMIS to make appropriate adjustments to the framework and to ensure that all
        Darfur-related activities are duly reported in the performance report for the 2007-2008
        period, in order to allow UNMIS to demonstrate its achievements according to an
        established RBB plan. 30

        25.     With regard to UNAMID, UNMIS informed OIOS that the mission has adjusted its
        activities in line with the changing nature of the situation on the ground. These
        additional activities will be reflected as unplanned outputs/activities in the performance
        report 2007-2008. Similarly, additional unplanned outputs related to Darfur were
        included in the 2006-2007 performance report.

        26.    In addition to this, being an integrated mission, UNMIS deals with a broad range
        of issues that require use of a joint and integrated strategy between the mission and other
        UN agencies, funds and programmes. OIOS learnt that the RBB framework does not
        fully reflect information on partnerships with other United Nations agencies and the
        UNCT, specifically those activities that the mission carries out for the benefit of, and in
        association with the other agencies. 31 For example, the Security Section of the support
        component provides a unified and integrated security system for the UN agencies, funds
        and programmes in Sudan, and according to RBB practice in an effort to justify resources
        supporting this role, the section submitted examples of outputs reflecting its activities.
        These Security Section outputs were, however, not included in the framework for 2007-
        2008, and no explanation was provided for this exclusion. 32

        27.    UNMIS informed OIOS that regarding the issue of the Security Section providing
        integrated security system has been addressed and is reflected in the 2008-2009 RBB

        28.    Also closely linked to the above issue, OIOS was informed through its interviews
        that some agencies in the UNCT feel that UNMIS does not take into account work done

   Code Cable 1774, 30 June 2006, 2007-2008 Results-based budget process at UNMIS.
   RBB Guidelines 2005-2006, Performance Reports and 2007-2008 Budget Proposals; Peacekeeping Finance
Division, OPPBA/DM, Annex II Guidance for preparation of the performance report.
   Interviews with UNMIS staff, survey responses, review of UNMIS RBB frameworks.
   Interviews with and documentation provided by UNMIS staff.



        by agencies that have been present in Sudan longer than the current UNMIS mission, 33
        and that UNMIS is duplicating their efforts. In principle, the RBB framework should
        contain only elements pertaining to the mission, and OIOS believes that the mission
        should also be explicit in its presentation about how the mission's resources are impacted
        by collaboration with partners, to the extent that this influences the indicators of
        achievement of the mission. Interviewees agreed that UNMIS was proceeding in the
        areas of Rule of Law and Child Protection without regard to the prior work of the United
        Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Children's Fund
        (UNICEF) respectively. Analysis of survey responses from UNMIS indicates that 50
        percent of respondents feel that the RBB frame work as it stands does not capture linkages
        between partnerships and mission stakeholders, even though such linkages may be
        relevant for integrated operations of UNMIS. OIOS made similar observations on
        partnerships in the review of RBB in UNMIK, 34 and advises DPKO, DFS, and OPPBA to
        review this issue further in order to develop a mechanism that enables RBB frameworks
        to clearly reflect mission performance, including segregation and attribution of outputs,
        as well as clarifying the contribution towards ind icators of achievement by UNMIS's

        29.     OIOS found that majority of staff members interviewed were concerned that some
        qualitative aspects of the mission's work were not able to be reflected in the framework
        because of its quantitative emphasis. For example, the Human Rights Section has two
        indicators of achievement, namely indicator of achievement 3.4.4 which deals with the
        Government ratifying a convention, and 3.4.1, which deals with the Government
        increasing the number of human rights violation cases that are prosecuted. Respondents
        noted that as the outputs to achieve these indicators of achievement are of a qualitative
        nature, such as discussions and consultations with the Government of Sudan, it is not
        reflected in the RBB framework other than the quantity of meetings. Additionally, the
        Civil Affairs Section also advised that its work is mainly qualitative in nature and
        therefore not sufficiently reflected in the RBB framework; for example, its work on
        "good offices" 35 in Sudan is not reflected in the framework. OIOS notes that a
        recommendation regarding this issue was made to OPPBA, DPKO/DFS on the basis of
        similar finding in the OIOS review of RBB at UNMIK. 36 OIOS reiterates that DPKO,
        DFS, and UNMIS should review methodology for formulation of logical framework to
        ensure that qualitative aspects of the work programme are reflected in the framework.

        30.    OIOS n   otes that UNMIS has an Office of Gender Affairs which works as an
        advisory unit on gender issues and has a mandate that covers the whole mission
        horizontally, in support of the implementation of the peace agreement. The office is
        involved in a number of mission activities, including training of civilian and military staff

   Interviews with the office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator.
   OIOS report on the Review of Results-based Budgeting in the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (UNMIK); 6 August 2007; paragraph 21, page 12.
    "Good offices" are diplomatic interventions or missions by the Secretary-General or his appointed envoys aimed
at preventing and resolving conflicts.
   OIOS report on Review of Results-based Budgeting in United Nations Mission in Kosovo; 6 August 2007;
Recommendation SP-07-001-004, paragraph 46.



        on gender sensitivity issues, and also works with Civil Affairs to ensure gender
        mainstreaming is included in all community work.               OIOS found that gender
        mainstreaming is represented throughout the substantive components of the RBB
        framework; with gender initiatives explicitly appearing nine times in the RBB framework
        for 2007-2008.37 OIOS found that this integration was a good effort towards ensuring
        gender mainstreaming.

VI.     Linkages to Strategic Planning and Mission Management

        31.     OIOS learnt that until 2007, UNMIS did not have any dedicated capacity to
        ensure coordinated and comprehensive strategic planning for all aspects of the mission
        including monitoring and implementation of the mission plans. 38 In the absence of a
        dedicated planning capacity, the mission's strategic planning process has gradually
        developed but it was not linked to the mission's budgetary (RBB) process. A
        comprehensive management audit of DPKO by OIOS in 2005 pointed to a general lack of
        strategic guidance, policy and standard operating procedures in support of the integrated
        mission planning process in Sudan. 39 The OIOS audit further noted that the mission
        planning process in UNMIS was independent of the RBB process because the integrated
        mission planning process was still being developed and lacked detailed implementation
        guidelines for its integration wit h the RBB process. Respondents to the OIOS survey
        noted that the absence of an overall Mandate Implementation Plan (MIP) was due to the
        lack of a strategic planning capacity resulting in no formal overall strategic plan being
        developed, and in its absence, the RBB frameworks have served as a proxy. Respondents
        further suggested that the RBB should be viewed as being "more of a record-keeping tool
        on implementation" 40 rather than at the strategic level.

        32.     However, encouraging advances have taken place in the mission particularly in
        the field of strategic planning and mandate implementation in recent months. The
        establishment of a SPO in 2007 has led to a general reorganization process to review and
        improve mission planning, mandate implementation, and the linkages between strategic
        plans, work plans and budgeting process. UNMIS has recently initiated its first full
        strategic and operational planning process since inception, with major highlights being
        the work on a Strategic Planning Framework that includes a strategic assessment,
        scenario planning, strategic framework and strategic review.

        33.    OIOS notes however, from interaction with mission's senior management and
        review of key planning documents that, while the work on the mission's Strategic
        Planning Framework is in progress along with the mission's other key managerial

   See Component 1: Peace Process, Output 16; Component 3, Indicator of Achievement 3.1.2, Outputs 6, 7;
Indicator of Achievement 3, Output 8.
   Interviews with UNMIS senior management and review of key planning documentation.
   Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the comprehensive management audit of the Department of
Peacekeeping Operations (A/60/717 of 13 March 2006).
   Survey responses to OIOS RBB Survey.



        processes; it is not yet fully integrated with the mission's RBB framework. 41 In the
        report "Investing in the United Nations: for a stronger Organization worldwide"
        (A/60/692), the Secretary-General has stated, in relation to budget and finance activities,
        that "the budget and planning process should be explicitly linked to results and
        managerial performance, as part of a more rigorous monitoring and evaluation
        framework." This is critical for ensuring that the annual budgetary assumptions build on
        processes, experience and outcomes of previous years, and reflect the mission's current
        priorities and resource needs. Such integration involves linking the short-term (annual)
        budgetary process with longer-term goals envisaged in the mission's broader strategic
        plan, and improving collaboration across the mission' components. OIOS is concerned
        that a lack of integration between the RBB framework and the Strategic Planning
        Framework could result in an inconsistent approach to managing the risks involved in
        strategic planning, as the two planning approaches could operate on different assumptions.
        Furthermore, there would be a greater risk in the use of resources, as critical activities
        may not be budgeted for, and resources could be used for non-critical activities.

        34.     UNMIS informed OIOS that the outputs mentioned in RBB framework 2007-2008
        correspond to the most important outputs in the sections' work plans and, through these,
        ultimately to the Mission's Strategic Framework. Further, to increase coherence and
        integration of the resource planning and decision making processes during the RBB
        framework development process, the Strategic Planning Office, initiated a resource
        mapping exercise against the section work plans to identify the most resource intensive
        activities. This mapping exercise supported and facilitated the staff projections of the
        substantive sections.       In addition, the office commenced streamlining the
        monitoring/evaluation and reporting functions, aiming in particular for a single
        reporting system for both the section work plans and the RBB framework.

        35.     OIOS was informed that the UNMIS mission strategy is being developed by a
        process of close interaction between the SPO and other missio n components, and
        approved by senior management. The process is meant to ensure that all planning
        elements are linked in a logically coherent and consistent fashion and to improve the
        linkages and the transparency of the mission planning process. In interviews with
        mission components 42 , OIOS learnt however that the strategic planning process was not
        fully participatory and not all sections of the mission were substantively involved in the
        process. OIOS considers the Strategic Planning Framework to be a lo ng-term strategy
        and therefore it is imperative that strategic planning in the mission is a truly inclusive
        process � open, participatory and including all components and major stakeholders. An
        inclusive process will help to build commitment to the planning process and encourage
        ownership of the plans at all levels, as well as build foundations for future working
        relationships and intra- mission cooperation. And therefore, ways of working between
        and across different components of the mission, including development of greater
        cooperation between the SPO, other substantive offices and the mission's Budget Office,

   Interviews with UNMIS senior management and planning staff.
  More than four mission's substantive section chiefs confirmed they did not have a chance to contribute to the
planning process.



        are key. OIOS observes that this is an area where sharing of knowledge on best practices
        is particularly useful in order to strengthen organizatio n-wide coherence.

        36.    UNMIS has informed OIOS that the mission's main strategic documents were
        developed by mission senior leadership in a consultative and inclusive manner.
        Furthermore, the developments of work plans drafted by section chiefs in consultatio n
        with staff at Headquarters and in the sectors, other UN agencies and the UNCT were
        consulted to ensure coherence and goal alignment in regard to mandate implementation.

VII. Performance Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting

        37.     The measurement of results provides information for decision- making on future
        direction of the mission or activities to be undertaken, outputs that should be delivered or
        adjustments that might be necessary in the mix of resources for ensuring that the expected
        results occur. 43 The prerequisites for successful strategic planning and RBB include a
        process of monitoring and tracking of results achievement right from early stages of the
        planning process. Survey responses from UNMIS senior management confirmed this and
        noted that they regard the RBB framework useful in providing relevant perfo rmance
        criteria for the mission. 44

        38.    The establishment of monitoring and tracking of results will set the conditions for
        optimizing its ultimate impact on mission success, setting measurable indicators of
        achievement and outputs and sustainable systems with relevant capacity throughout the
        mission's strategic planning and operations. OIOS finds that the monitoring capability
        and accountability should be further strengthened by the proposed strategic planning
        framework of the mission, as planning processes will be better articulated leading to a
        more efficient preparation of mission's annual budget in line with the mission's strategic

        39.     As per the United Nations RBB guidelines issued by the Office of the Controller,
        all peacekeeping missions are required to submit portfolios of evidence as part of their
        annual performance report RBB framework template. 45 Portfolio of evidence should be
        able to support each actual indicator of achievement and completed (actual) output in
        order to monitor progress. OIOS found that at present the mission uses an automated
        Lotus Notes based RBB monitoring tool for data collection and monitoring of the RBB
        framework. RBB focal points explained that data was collected on a quarterly basis,
        including data from all regions. 46 All the RBB focal points in the mission found the
        Lotus monitoring tool to be user- friendly and useful, providing an easy mechanism to
        collect data required for the portfolios of evidence. They could not, however, say what
        these quarterly reports were used for after they were collected and compiled by the
        database. OIOS emphasizes the use of such data reports on results achieved to help

   Interim report on results-based budgeting for the biennium 2002-2003; A/57/478 of 15 October 2002.
   Survey responses to OIOS RBB survey from UNMIS mission senior management.
   Focus group interviews with RBB focal points.



        inform decision- making through regular progress and financial reviews with senior
        management. OIOS is aware that all these issues should be addressed through the
        Enterprise Budgeting Application (EBA) project, that OPPBA is working on to
        modernize budgeting and performance reporting for peacekeeping missions, and which is
        due to be rolled out early in 2008. 47 OIOS however commends UNMIS for establishing
        and ensuring mission-wide use of a standard system for collecting data and monitoring
        the RBB framework.

        40.    OIOS also learned that the portfolio of evidence is compiled and submitted to
        DPKO/DFS Headquarters on an annual basis. OIOS notes that the portfolio of evidence
        contained up-to-date data because it was compiled using information that is collected
        continuously and compiled into quarterly reports. All RBB focal points interviewed
        confirmed that the Lotus monitoring tool allowed them to track their reports with ease,
        making compilation of the portfolio of evidence less time consuming. This model could
        be replicated in other missions that do not have a standard system for data collection and
        monitoring as reported in other OIOS reports on review of RBB in UNMIK and
        UNMIL. 48

VIII. Capacity Development and Best Practices

        41.     OIOS was informed that a team from OPPBA/PFD and DFS visited UNMIS and
        conducted training for RBB focal points in preparation for the 2007-2008 RBB
        framework. The team also conducted individual consultations and assisted the focal
        points with their individual and section work plans, as well as inputs for the framework. 49
        However, OIOS was informed by other RBB focal points from both support and
        substantive components that they had not received any formal training, and concluded
        that this may be partially due to staff turnover in the mission. OIOS also found that the
        mission did not have SOPs on RBB. 50 None of the focal points interviewed were aware
        of any SOPs, although all of them said that if they were available, SOPs could help them
        to better understand their roles and responsibilities on RBB. 51 OIOS notes, that as found
        in OIOS reviews of RBB at UNMIK and UNMIL, there are several documents that
        contain information that may be compiled into useful SOPs on RBB, including (1) RBB
        Process and Peoples Table, and (2) Peacekeepers' Pocket Guide to RBB Terminology. 52
        OIOS urges UNMIS to make use of these documents to compile mission level SOPs on
        RBB for its focal points and make them available to all staff members, including through
        publication on the mission's intranet.

   EBA will be accessible by all parties in the budgeting process (including missions) and have functions for data
management and information flow, work plan management as well as monitoring and reporting. Importantly, EBA
will als o include a platform for the mission to enter planned RBB frameworks for the budgets and to report on the
RBB frameworks as part of the performance report, including portfolios of evidence.
   OIOS reports on review of RBB in UNMIK and UNMIL dated 6 August 2007 and 31 October 2007 respectively.
   Focus group interviews with RBB focal points.
   OIOS reports on the review of RBB in UNMIK and UNMIL; 6 August 2007 and 31 October 2007, respectively.



          42.    Closely linked to the issue of RBB capacity, OIOS also found that none of the
          focal points had any knowledge of RBB best practices. Only one survey respondent was
          aware of the OPPBA website on RBB best practices, 53 but could not recall the last visit to
          the website. OIOS notes, however, that the Lotus-based monitoring tool that has been
          adopted in UNMIS was developed in the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
          (UNAMSIL). In OIOS opinion therefore, there is no formal platform with a
          compendium of best practices, where staff members may access such best practices as
          and when they are searching for information and answers to specific issues and problems.
          A recommendation to develop such tools as a compendium of best practices was made to
          DPKO and DFS based on similar findings in the OIOS review of RBB in UNMIK.54

          43.     OIOS learned that every section in UNMIS has two RBB focal points, including
          an `Alternate Focal Point' participating in all RBB activities and is kept informed on all
          relevant matters on the RBB framework concerning the section. This enables sections to
          have continual presence of a focal point on RBB, despite high staff turnover and other
          absences such as vacation and sick leave. OIOS notes that this practice is also done in
          UNMIL and urges DPKO/DFS to share it with other missions as a best practice. OIOS
          also notes that the RBB focal point f r the police had taken the initiative to conduct
          workshops on RBB for other staff in the Police Section. The focal point used RBB
          training materials that were used by DPKO and DFS Headquarters staff. The aim was to
          develop excess RBB capacity in the Police Section as hedge against staff turnover and to
          increase appreciation of the utility of RBB. OIOS commends initiatives by individual
          staff members promoting broader participation and knowledge of RBB by all mission
          staff, and not just RBB focal points.

          44.     UNMIS has informed OIOS that formal RBB training has started at sector level
          and will be continued throughout 2008 aiming to provide RBB training to all sector
          offices and all units at Headquarters before the next planning cycle begins. In addition,
          the training material for RBB along with planning and reporting guidelines developed so
          far may serve as a basis for SOPs. These will developed jointly by the Strategic Planning
          Office and the Budget Office in time for the next planning cycle.

IX.       Conclusion

          45.     There are certain challenges unique to peacekeeping that influence the ultimate
          effectiveness of RBB as a management and planning tool. Peacekeeping missions
          frequently operate in an especially fluid and uncertain context of political and security
          change. This high degree of uncertainty therefore undermines the ideal RBB scenario in
          which missions could establish a logical framework with clear objectives linked to a set
          of stable and predictable outputs and performance indicators against which mission
          performance would be assessed.

     OIOS report on the review of RBB in UNMIK 6 August 2007.



          46.     OIOS concluded that UNMIS is progressing on the right path in its
          implementation of the principles of RBB and eventual transition to a full fledged results-
          based approach by the establishment of a SPO catalyzing the improveme nt in mission
          planning as well as the development of clear linkages between strategic planning, work
          processes, and resource budgeting, In order for the mission to achieve the full benefits of
          RBB, UNMIS must ensure that the new Strategic Planning Framework is fully integrated
          into the mission RBB framework. This will ensure that short-term (annual) objectives are
          fully aligned to the longer-term strategic goals of UNMIS.

          47.    OIOS also concluded that the mission RBB process could be strengthened by
          increasing intra- mission coordination between the Support and Substantive components
          and by more careful formulation of indicators that have specific baselines and targets. In
          addition, although senior leadership is fully supportive and engaged in the strategic
          planning process, a few sections of the mission did not have the opportunity to participate.
          OIOS concluded that this compromised ownership and accountability and urges that
          appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that the process is participatory and
          inclusive. OIOS also urges UNMIS to take appropriate steps to ensure that all RBB focal
          points receive training as well as to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for

X.        Recommendations

         Recommendation 1

          48.     UNMIS should establish a formal mechanism where senior management may
          articulate their vision, direction, and priorities for the mission as part of the development
          of the mission RBB framework. (para. 15) (SP-07-004-001).

         Recommendation 2

          49.   UNMIS should strengthen the mechanism to enhance coordination between and
          within the substantive and support components in the planning, preparation and
          implementation phases of RBB in the mission. (para.17) (SP-07-004-002).

         Recommendation 3

          50.    UNMIS should ensure that indicators of achievement in the RBB framework are
          based on specific baselines and targets. (paras. 19-20) (SP-07-004-003).

         Recommendation 4

          51.     UNMIS should take appropriate measures to ensure that the RBB framework
          reflects the actual programme of work, including its expanded responsibilities with regard

   Internal code used by the Office of Internal Oversight Services for recording recommendations.



to Darfur and progress made towards fulfilling the mission mandate. (paras. 22-28) (SP-

Recommendation 5

52.     UNMIS should take steps to ensure that the RBB framework is integrated and
aligned with mission resource planning, management and decision- making processes.
(paras. 31-33) (SP-07-004-005).

Recommendation 6

53.   UNMIS should ensure that all Sections have the opportunity to contribute to the
Mission Strategic Planning process in order to encourage greater commitment and
ownership of plans at all levels. (paras. 35) (SP-07-004-006).

Recommendation 7

54.     UNMIS should (a) ensure that RBB focal points receive formal training on RBB,
and (b) develop clear SOPs on RBB using existing material and documentation, and
effectively disseminate them including through the mission intranet. (paras. 41-43) (SP-



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