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Ireland: Wicklow Planning concerns.

Ireland: Wicklow Planning concerns. - There is anecdotal evidence of corruption in the planning process in Wicklow County Council which seems to centre around one council member and one or more corrupt officials taking cash for planning favours. It would be useful to have other peoples experiences highlighted in order to get a handle on the scale of this problem if it indeed exists. File numbers would allow all cases of seemingly inexplicable decisions to be compared and the names of any councillors who made representations to be compared.

It should be noted that the making of representations by politicians is not in itself corrupt and is quite normal and legal. The issue of a council member acting as a conduit for corrupt payments to a planning official would however be a different matter. The views of other people , especially in West Wicklow, might help to clarify the situation.

An official of An Taisce in Co Wicklow has also been involved in doubtful planning matters including accepting cash to influence a decision. I cant add more detail at the moment for fear of identifying the source of this information but will do as soon as possible or perhaps somebody else has more to add.

Please add what you know to this article, especially if it is from your personal experience or a reliable source.

REPLY: Hold on, There are only four officials in An Taisce working on planning matters, so you have as good as named someone here. This is WikiLeaks, not WikiRumours. Please provide some documentary evidence or retract your allegation.

oops!!! has somebody's cage been rattled???? Stopthecorruption 02:02, 22 June 2008 (GMT)

To be quite frank it doesnt appear that any one person was named. People here are not trying to cull en-dangered species, just flush out the rotten apples, so to speak.

Worrying indeed. Lots of stories but no proof but then presumably people taking "gifts" dont issue receipts. When I say lots of stories I was referring to the Council Issue, not An taisce. Hopefully the people who have been the victims of this racket will provide some real proof but its difficult without naming individuals. Perhaps somebody on the inside who knows what is going on needs to speak out as a member of the public cannot name the individuals involved even though the same names are commonly mentioned in private. Only somebody with access to documentary proof can really expose this issue completely. Also it seems unfortunate that honourable Council members and other people come under suspicion because it is impossible to publicly name the guilty parties for fear of litigation.

One would have expected this sort of thing to stop with all the tribunals etc but it is alive and well in Wicklow for one Council and perhaps others. It would be in the interest of most rightminded people if the guilty few were outed. Please insiders, blow the whistle now and provide the required proof to the authorities if not here.

Is this article saying that the people involved are from West Wicklow ??? Thats a very narrow field and if one Councillor is corrupt he should be named to protect the good name of the others.

Give all Councillors ,officials etc, a week to come forward or comment then name the guilty when the week has expired. Westwicklow 09:34, 27 June 2008 (GMT)

Whats the problem?. He looks after you with a bit of planning permission and you look after him with a few bob and everyones happy. Theres no use begrudging someone making a few bob out of a thankless job because you could get nothing done if you have to put up with all the problems and delays the planners cause so good luck to anyone that can get things sorted and if it costs a few bob its worth it.Dmd 17:55, 28 June 2008 (GMT) Antaisce can be difficult to but theres suposed to be a guy that can sort things there for a few bob too. That might be useful for someone getting trouble from them. Thats all I have to say for today. Dmd 18:01, 28 June 2008 (GMT)

There is a councillor in Baltinglass is very good with planning matters.

Somebody please put up the names and some definite proof. I could name them but dont have the proof that would stand up to legal requirements as these transactions tend to be secretive in their nature so it really requires somebody who actually paid a bribe or at least was asked for one to come forward. I know that one person (DMD) above was quite open about it but seems to support it rather than do anything to help expose the wrongdoings. Westwicklow 19:08, 3 July 2008 (GMT)

An Taisce is corrupt to the core.

I have been following this discussion with interest for quiet some time and I would only have one question to ask . Perhaps one or both of the parties could answer it. What is the nature of the relationship between cllr Tommy Cullen, formerly of the Labour party until they refused to renew his membership and now an independant, and a Mr Frank Corcoran of Antaisce???????????????? I eagerly await an answer.

Is The question above related to this discussion or just a general question? Westwicklow 10:27, 5 July 2008 (GMT)

== The silence is deafening. ==

Silence is golden but it serves only those with something to hide so lets have an open discussion on this.

Somebody has named two people above but have not made it clear if there is an allegation of wrongdoing on behalf of either or both. Perhaps they could clarify their position and it would be interesting to hear the comments of the people named. One name comes up quite often in discussions of planning corruption in Wicklow. Stopthecorruption 17:36, 17 July 2008 (GMT)


 So What?  Hes a good man to get things sorted. Stop being begrudgers.

Dmd 19:36, 25 July 2008 (GMT)

OK so thats the councillor named and an An taisce official appears to have been named but who is the corrupt official in the council? That seems to be the missing link in this chain.

 I never used the word corrupt and I don't believe there is any harm in giving 

a councillor a few bob if he sorts out a problem for you. I don't no if he has to pass some of it on to a council official and I dont really care as its his business how he gets it done. They only get paid about 17 thou a year so the full time ones have to get paid by somebody and why not. I had a problem sorted out some time ago and it saved me quite a lot of money so it was well worth the few bob I had to pay to get things put right. The people moaning here would probably do the same themselves if they got in dificulties with the planners so just live with it and play the game by the rules. Anybody who ever built anything can tell you that there are ways of getting things done and its not by going through official channels for sure. Fair dues Tommy, pity theres not more like you ant let the begrudgers moan all they want.

Dmd 17:18, 31 July 2008 (GMT)

Things have gone very quiet here! Surely the Authorities can take a look at the lifestyle of certain people and see that their known income cannot support their lifestyle. If a councillor or official with a modest employment history and very modest income has an extensive property portfolio, for example, questions must be asked unless of course they have been very lucky at the horses or greyhounds like our former Taoiseach. Wake up Wicklow County Council!!!

DmD clearly favours corruption

The attitude exhibited by DmD while endemic in Ireland is one that needs to change if the country is ever to recover from the rampant corruption which is ruining this country

I believe I have been vindicated.

Your attitude is just begrudgery.

'More than a year has passed since this all started and nothing has happened apart from the economy falling apart. Now there is nothing there for anyone. The wheels of enterprise have to be greased and it would still be working only for the greed of the banks. if a gew little people make a a few bob from bending the rules so what. Its what keeps things moving. Theres still a few people in Wcklow and elsewhere prepared to help out for a few bob and good luck to them. They dont get paid a lot like the bankers and ministers and an extra little income is apreciated. They are still in office and still employed and will be there to help when things get moving again and begrudgers here failed to do any damage to them.

So say what you like but you have done nothing positive for the country and they have .

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