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10 May 2011

Sections: - News for press - Issues Regarding the Financial System that Should Be Made Understandable to the General Public - Interviews and Speaking - Who Else Works For WikiLeaks? - Who Speaks for WikiLeaks? - People For Comment - Wallpapers

News for Press

For further information on the banking blockade against WikiLeaks download this PDF.
A kit with full information on the blockade and tools to assist WikiLeaks through it can be downloaded here.

For some examples of WikiLeaks-driven global reform together with selected feedback from other organisations, please click here. It includes overviews of WikiLeaks releases, descriptions of the impact and relevant press articles.

Issues Regarding the Financial System that Should Be Made Understandable to the General Public

  • Who really controls VISA? It is carried in everyone’s pocket around the world. It used to be called BankAmericard. Who is controlling it now?
  • What inspired the FBI to coordinate efforts in four different jurisdictions to prosecute young people with penalties of up to 15 years in prison in the case of Operation Avenge Assange (the attacks on PayPal)? What are the issues of proportionality, predictability of the law in these cases?
  • Why are private financial companies used to create censorship? What is the effect of these companies being used as an arm to deliberately undermine the Constitution?
  • How do these financial institutions impinge on people’s rights? – Human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association and economic freedoms in a digital age? Are these financial institutions undermining the basic principles of democracy?
  • What do the UN High Commission of Human Rights (Navanethem Pillay), the UN Special Rapporteur of the Right of Freedom of Opinion (Frank La Rue) and the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (Catalina Botero) say about WikiLeaks banking blockade?
  • Whilst you cannot donate to WikiLeaks what else can you buy with VISA? – For example, Visa allows you to:
    • Donate to the Holocaust denial website ‘Institute for Historical Review’ and other similar anti-semitic organisations
    • Donate to the KKK as well as The English Defence League (which Norwegian killer Breivik had ties to)
    • Buy firearms (including those used by Breivik in Norway)
    • Subscribe to pornographic sites such as ‘Barely Legal’
    • Donate to the homophobic Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
  • How are credit comprehensive records used for surveillance purposes? – Everyone’s personal data is connected to these cards. Information about most domestic payments go straight to the U.S. and Washington.
  • Why isn’t there a widely used European card?
  • Is Visa the largest currency in the world for everyday people?
  • What is Bitcoin and why is it necessary?
  • What is the Chinese lesson? – China has its own payment system, and has been very restrictive with VISA as a matter of state policy.
  • What are the sovereignty-related concerns under VISA, Mastercard and PayPal? – They have effective control across economic borders.
  • Why is the only credit card for the Olympics VISA? – The contrast of exclusion of all others in an event that is about unity, competition and inclusivity.
  • What is the history of anti-trust violations by VISA and Mastercard and why is this allowed to continue? Can they ever be effectively sanctioned?
  • How did the Bank of America use HB Gary to attack WikiLeaks? What was the involvement of the US Department of Justice? What has been the outcome of the complaint?

Interviews and Speaking

Kristinn Hrafnsson is the official WikiLeaks representative. He can be contacted for interviews or comment on:
Phone: +35 4821 7121

Julian Assange is a journalist and activist best known as the founder and public face of WikiLeaks. He has spoken at international events on WikiLeaks, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and internet activism.

To enquire about Julian Assange speaking at an event, please contact his speaker agency Leigh Bureau on:

Leigh Bureau can only take requests for speaking engagements. Please do not email press requests, if you do so they are unable to answer them.

Who Else Works For WikiLeaks?

Given the high level assassination threats against WikiLeaks staff, we cannot disclose exact details about our team members. However, we want to share important information about us:

Our core staff come from four different continents.  Gender balance is important for us, exactly half of our staff members are women. We are young and old, and come from different cultural backgrounds. Our core staff speak at least ten different languages fluently.  Each of us have studied or lived abroad for significant periods of time.  All of us have university degrees and most of us have completed Master or PhD studies in top universities.

WikiLeaks is a diverse group of professionals with different areas of expertise, doing interdisciplinary, collaborative work. We are a dedicated team working to strengthen justice and fight censorship everywhere. We work all hours, all days of the week, and through moments of difficulty, with the certainty that our work is bringing important changes to different corners of the world.

Who Speaks for WikiLeaks?

No staff member from WikiLeaks will ever claim to be a staff member of WikiLeaks in the context of receiving sensitive information from you, with the exception of Julian Assange and Kristinn Hrafnsson, or as personally designated by them to you.

For the status of other channels or projects claiming affiliation with WikiLeaks please see the Supporters page.

People for Comment

This following section is a resource of people to go to for comment on the topics listed below:

The commentators listed and their contact details are publicly available. These commentators do not represent WikiLeaks; they are listed because they are knowledgeable about the topics.

Banking Blockade

WikiLeaks _ Kristinn Hrafnsson, Official WikiLeaks representative, _ +35 4821 7121

Wau Holland Stiftung/Foundation _ Bernd Fix: _ +49 40 401801 4665

DataCell _ Sveinn Andri Sveinsson, lawyer for DataCell _, + 354 894 7406 _ Andreas Fink, CEO DataCell ehf. _, +41786677333

European Commission _ European Commission's Spokeswoman for Competition, Ms Amelia Torres _, +32 2 2954629

United Nations _ Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights _ Media inquiries: +41 22 917 9383 Email:

Frank LaRue _ UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression _,, +41 22 9117 9738 (Geneva), +502 23 680-021 (Guatemala), Fax: +41 22 917 9006

Organization of American States _ Catalina Botero Marino, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression _ 1889 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20006 U.S.A. Tel: 202-458-6014 Fax: 202-458-6215,

Glenn Greenwald ( _ Columnist/Blogger/Constitutional lawyer. Has a very strong understanding of WikiLeaks issues and Manning case. _

Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School _ Has written a paper on the banking blockade against WikiLeaks. _ / +1 617/496-3022

Occupy Wall Street _ Press Inquiries:

RSF _,32615.html


John Pilger _ Journalist/Writer/Documentary Filmmaker. Has called the case a 'political stunt'. He has also helped raise bail for Assange. _

Gavin MacFadyen _ Director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Supporter of WikiLeaks and personal friend of Julian Assange _+44 (0) 20 7040 8526,

Daniel Ellsberg _ The famous Pentagon Papers leaker/Retired military analyst/Political activist). He is a friend and support of both Julian and WikiLeaks _

Glenn Greenwald _ Columnist/Blogger/Constitutional lawyer. Has a very strong understanding of WikiLeaks issues and Manning case. _ +1 (646) 400-5600 (Salon New York office)

Stefania Maurizi _ Italian journalist at L'Espresso. Has worked with WikiLeaks on many releases and is a big free speech and transparency advocate.

Senator Scott Ludlam _ Australian Senator who has been campaigning for government support and protection for Julian Assange in his home country of Australia. _

Alan Dersowitz _ Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, interested in press inquiries related to litigation/Trials/Criminal Process and freedom of speech. _

Mwali Mati _ Director of Mars Group Kenya, Ltd. a Leadership, Governance and Accountability Organization that is dedicated to ending dictatorial impunity and re-establishing democratic accountability in Kenya. _

Ben Wizner _ Ben Wizner is the Litigation Director at ACLU's National Security Project. He has litigated numerous cases involving post-9/11 civil liberties violations, including lawsuits challenging the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program and the government's authority to use lethal force against U.S. citizens without due process. He has travelled several times to Guantanamo Bay to monitor military commission trials. _ +1 (212) 519 7860,

Greg Mitchell _ Writer for The Nation. Writes a lot on WikiLeaks and wrote the first book to be published on WikiLeaks _ +1 212-209-5400,

Trevor Timm _ Activist and blogger for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He is also a legal analyst who runs the @WLLegal Twitter account that reports on legal issues surrounding WikiLeaks and the First Amendment. _

Tim Wu _ Professor at Columbia Law School, chair of media reform organization Free Press, and writes for Slate magazine. Wrote “Drop the case against Assange” in Foreign Policy _,

Ray McGovern _ Retired CIA officer/Political activist. Can comment on attacks by the US administration against Assange and WikiLeaks _ +1 (707) 629-3683,,

Rick Falkvinge _ Rick Falkvinge is the founder of the Swedish and first Pirate Party, which has representation in the European parliament. _

Paul Alan Levy _ Lawyer, Public Citizen Litigation Group. He acted in the Bank Julius Baer case and is also a strong free speech laywer for Ralf Nader’s _ Public Citizen, 1600 - 20th Street, NW, Washington DC 20009

Ann Brick _ Representative/American Civil Liberties Union. Believes in the public’s right to know and spoke out in favour of WikiLeaks in the Julius Baer case _ +1 (415) 621-2493

Julie Turner _ Julie Turner is a lawyer who has been representing both plaintiffs and defendants in intellectual property and commercial litigation matters. She has litigated numerous patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret cases. She can be contacted to discuss freedom of speech and technology. _, +1 650-494-1530

Bianca Jagger _ Is known for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection.. She has said she is "very concerned this case has been politicised"

Louise Connor _ Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. Secretary of the Victoria Branch of the union, the main body representing Australian journalists and Julian’s journalist union, who has publicly campaigned for him _ +61 1300 656 512

Michael Moore _ Filmmaker. He believes WikiLeaks performs an important public service _ +1 (310) 248-2000 (Ari Emanuel, Endeavor Agency),

Oliver Spencer _ ARTICLE 19 _ Global Campaign for Free Expression _ +44 (0)20 7324 2517,

Richard Renner _ National Whistleblower Legal Defense & Education Fund. He can comment on whistleblowers _ +1 (202) 342-1903,

Clay Shirky _ Writer/Consultant/Lecture _ +1 (718) 928-6567,,

International Freedom of Expression eXchange _ +1 416 515 9622,

Maximilian C. Forte
_ Associate Professor in Anthropology, Concordia University. Follows WikiLeaks and Assange issues closely _ +1 (514) 848-2424 ext. 5567,,

Larry Flynt _ American publisher and the president of Larry Flynt Publications (LFP). Free Speech Activist. He comments on freedom of speech issues. He pledged $50k to defend Julian _ +1 (212)-586-2711

Antony Loewenstein _ Political activist, freelance journalist, author and blogger based in Sydney, Australia. He comments on how the Australian government should support Australian citizens, free speech issues globally and censorship in democratic and repressive states, _

Brett Solomon _ Spokesperson for Get up _ +61 415 182 402,

Christian Christensen _ Associate Professor, Uppsala Universitet/Author. Current research includes studies on social media and conflict. He can comment on WikiLeaks _ +46 18-471 7113,

Dave Winer _ Visiting scholar at NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. Pioneered the development of weblogs; former contributing editor at Wired Magazine and comments on WikiLeaks _ +1 (212)-998-7980,

Julian Assange

Geoffrey Robertson QC _ An Australian-born human rights barrister, academic, author and broadcaster. Has acted for Julian Assange. _

Helena Kennedy QC _ Is a leading barrister and an expert in human rights law, civil liberties and constitutional issues. She has adivsed extensively in Julian Assange's case. _, +44 (0)20 7840 8540

Robert Stary _ An Australian criminal defence lawyer and is a vocal critic of the legislation and speaks out regularly against the issue _ +61 (03) 8622 8200

John Pilger _ Journalist/Writer/Documentary Filmmaker. Has called the case a 'political stunt'. He has also helped raise bail for Assange. _

Gavin MacFadyen _ Director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Supporter of WikiLeaks and personal friend of Julian Assange _ +44 (0) 20 7040 8526,

Daniel Ellsberg _ The famous Pentagon Papers leaker/Retired military analyst/Political activist). He is a friend and support of both Julian and WikiLeaks _

Alan Dersowitz _ Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, interested in press inquiries related to litigation/Trials/Criminal Process and freedom of speech. _

Julian Burnside QC _ Lawyer and defender of universal human rights under the law. While specialising in commercial litigation, Mr Burnside has acted pro bono in many human rights cases. He said that Assange and WikiLeaks had “done nothing wrong” in publishing leaked documents. The Gillard government, he said, had “betrayed one of our own citizens.” _

Mwali Mati _ Director of Mars Group Kenya, Ltd. a Leadership, Governance and Accountability Organization that is dedicated to ending dictatorial impunity and re-establishing democratic accountability in Kenya. _

Tim Wu _ Professor at Columbia Law School, chair of media reform organization Free Press, and writes for Slate magazine. Wrote “Drop the case against Assange” in Foreign Policy _,

John Jones _ London lawyer specialising in the law of extradition, war crimes and counter-terrorism. _, +44 (0) 20 7404 1313

Glenn Greenwald _ Columnist/Blogger/Constitutional lawyer. Has a very strong understanding of WikiLeaks issues and Manning case. _ +1 (646) 400-5600 (Salon New York office)

Greg Mitchell _ Writer for The Nation. Writes a lot on WikiLeaks and wrote the first book to be published on WikiLeaks _ +1 212-209-5400,

Ray McGovern _ Retired CIA officer/Political activist. Can comment on attacks by the US administration against Assange and WikiLeaks _ +1 (707) 629-3683,,

Rick Falkvinge _ Rick Falkvinge is the founder of the Swedish and first Pirate Party, which has representation in the European parliament. _

Julie Turner _ Julie Turner is a lawyer who has been representing both plaintiffs and defendants in intellectual property and commercial litigation matters. She has litigated numerous patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret cases. She can be contacted to discuss freedom of speech and technology. _, +1 650-494-1530

Bianca Jagger _ Is known for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection.. She has said she is "very concerned this case has been politicised"

Louise Connor _ Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. Secretary of the Victoria Branch of the union, the main body representing Australian journalists and Julian’s journalist union, who has publicly campaigned for him _ +61 1300 656 512

Richard Renner _ National Whistleblower Legal Defense & Education Fund. He can comment on whistleblowers _ +1 (202) 342-1903,

Maximilian C. Forte _ Associate Professor in Anthropology, Concordia University. Follows WikiLeaks and Assange issues closely _ +1 (514) 848-2424 ext. 5567,,

Antony Loewenstein _ Political activist, freelance journalist, author and blogger based in Sydney, Australia. He comments on how the Australian government should support Australian citizens, free speech issues globally and censorship in democratic and repressive states, _

Michael Moore _ Filmmaker. He believes WikiLeaks performs an important public service _ +1 (310) 248-2000 (Ari Emanuel, Endeavor Agency),

Freedom of the Press

Geoffrey Robertson QC _ An Australian-born human rights barrister, academic, author and broadcaster. Has acted for Julian Assange. _

Helena Kennedy QC _ Is a leading barrister and an expert in human rights law, civil liberties and constitutional issues. She has adivsed extensively in Julian Assange's case. _, +44 (0)20 7840 8540

Robert Stary _ An Australian criminal defence lawyer and is a vocal critic of the legislation and speaks out regularly against the issue _ +61 (03) 8622 8200

John Pilger _ Journalist/Writer/Documentary Filmmaker. Has called the case a 'political stunt'. He has also helped raise bail for Assange. _

Gavin MacFadyen _ Director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Supporter of WikiLeaks and personal friend of Julian Assange _ +44 (0) 20 7040 8526,

Daniel Ellsberg _ The famous Pentagon Papers leaker/Retired military analyst/Political activist). He is a friend and support of both Julian and WikiLeaks _

Ben Wizner _ Ben Wizner is the Litigation Director at ACLU's National Security Project. He has litigated numerous cases involving post-9/11 civil liberties violations, including lawsuits challenging the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program and the government's authority to use lethal force against U.S. citizens without due process. He has travelled several times to Guantanamo Bay to monitor military commission trials. _ +1 (212) 519 7860,

Tim Wu _ Professor at Columbia Law School, chair of media reform organization Free Press, and writes for Slate magazine. Wrote “Drop the case against Assange” in Foreign Policy _,

Glenn Greenwald _ Columnist/Blogger/Constitutional lawyer. Has a very strong understanding of WikiLeaks issues and Manning case. _ +1 (646) 400-5600 (Salon New York office)

Louise Connor _ Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. Secretary of the Victoria Branch of the union, the main body representing Australian journalists and Julian’s journalist union, who has publicly campaigned for him _ +61 1300 656 512

Stefania Maurizi _ Italian journalist at L'Espresso. Has worked with WikiLeaks on many releases and is a big free speech and transparency advocate.

Ray McGovern _ Retired CIA officer/Political activist. Can comment on attacks by the US administration against Assange and WikiLeaks _ +1 (707) 629-3683,,

Trevor Timm _ Activist and blogger for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He is also a legal analyst who runs the @WLLegal Twitter account that reports on legal issues surrounding WikiLeaks and the First Amendment. _

Rick Falkvinge _ Rick Falkvinge is the founder of the Swedish and first Pirate Party, which has representation in the European parliament. _

Bianca Jagger _ Is known for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection.. She has said she is "very concerned this case has been politicised"

Michael Moore _ Filmmaker. He believes WikiLeaks performs an important public service _ +1 (310) 248-2000 (Ari Emanuel, Endeavor Agency),

Oliver Spencer _ ARTICLE 19 _ Global Campaign for Free Expression _ +44 (0)20 7324 2517,

Larry Flynt _ American publisher and the president of Larry Flynt Publications (LFP). Free Speech Activist. He comments on freedom of speech issues. He pledged $50k to defend Julian _ +1 (212)-586-2711

Mwali Mati _ Director of Mars Group Kenya, Ltd. a Leadership, Governance and Accountability Organization that is dedicated to ending dictatorial impunity and re-establishing democratic accountability in Kenya. _

Greg Mitchell _ Writer for The Nation. Writes a lot on WikiLeaks and wrote the first book to be published on WikiLeaks _ +1 212-209-5400,

Richard Renner _ National Whistleblower Legal Defense & Education Fund. He can comment on whistleblowers _ +1 (202) 342-1903,

Antony Loewenstein _Political activist, freelance journalist, author and blogger based in Sydney, Australia. He comments on how the Australian government should support Australian citizens, free speech issues globally and censorship in democratic and repressive states, _

Paul Alan Levy _ Lawyer, Public Citizen Litigation Group. He acted in the Bank Julius Baer case and is also a strong free speech laywer for Ralf Nader’s _ Public Citizen, 1600 - 20th Street, NW, Washington DC 20009

Ann Brick _ Representative/American Civil Liberties Union. Believes in the public’s right to know and spoke out in favour of WikiLeaks in the Julius Baer case _ +1 (415) 621-2493

Clay Shirky _ Writer/Consultant/Lecture _ +1 (718) 928-6567,,

International Freedom of Expression eXchange _ +1 416 515 9622,

Naomi Wolf _ Feminist, rape crisis specialist, US author and political consultant. Has expressed the strong view that the Assange case is an abuse of process and that injustice for men does not bring justice for women. _ +44 20 7911 8069/ +44 20 7911 8068 (Time Warner Books)

Jay Rosen _ Professor of Journalism/Author of PressThink and journalism comentator. (Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute/New York University) _ +1 (212) 998-7980,

Brett Solomon _ Spokesperson for Get up _ +61 415 182 402,


Geoffrey Robertson QC _ An Australian-born human rights barrister, academic, author and broadcaster. Has acted for Julian Assange. _

Helena Kennedy QC _ Is a leading barrister and an expert in human rights law, civil liberties and constitutional issues. She has adivsed extensively in Julian Assange's case. _, +44 (0)20 7840 8540

Robert Stary _ An Australian criminal defence lawyer and is a vocal critic of the legislation and speaks out regularly against the issue _ +61 (03) 8622 8200

John Jones _ London lawyer specialising in the law of extradition, war crimes and counter-terrorism. _, +44 (0) 20 7404 1313

Professor Andrew Ashworth
_ Professor of English Law at University of Oxford. He is an expert on Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and European Human Rights Law. _

Per E. Samuelson _ Swedish Lawyer. He has been critical of the justice system and the rule of law in Sweden. He believes there is an abuse of process in the Assange case, _ +46 40-30 80 90

John Pilger _ Journalist/Writer/Documentary Filmmaker. Has called the case a 'political stunt'. He has also helped raise bail for Assange. _

Naomi Wolf _ Feminist, rape crisis specialist, US author and political consultant. Has expressed the strong view that the Assange case is an abuse of process and that injustice for men does not bring justice for women. _ +44 20 7911 8069/ +44 20 7911 8068 (Time Warner Books)

Bianca Jagger _ Is known for her dedicated commitment and campaigning for human rights, social justice and environmental protection.. She has said she is "very concerned this case has been politicised"

Christian Christensen _ Associate Professor, Uppsala Universitet/Author. Current research includes studies on social media and conflict. He can comment on WikiLeaks _ +46 18-471 7113,

Gavin MacFadyen _ Director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Supporter of WikiLeaks and personal friend of Julian Assange _ +44 (0) 20 7040 8526,

Daniel Ellsberg _ The famous Pentagon Papers leaker/Retired military analyst/Political activist). He is a friend and support of both Julian and WikiLeaks _

Michael Moore _ Filmmaker. He believes WikiLeaks performs an important public service _ +1 (310) 248-2000 (Ari Emanuel, Endeavor Agency),

Glenn Greenwald _ Columnist/Blogger/Constitutional lawyer. Has a very strong understanding of WikiLeaks issues and Manning case. _ +1 (646) 400-5600 (Salon New York office)

Larry Flynt _ American publisher and the president of Larry Flynt Publications (LFP). Free Speech Activist. He comments on freedom of speech issues. He pledged $50k to defend Julian _ +1 (212)-586-2711

Greg Mitchell _ Writer for The Nation. Writes a lot on WikiLeaks and wrote the first book to be published on WikiLeaks _ +1 212-209-5400,


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