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United Nations Procurement Task Force: TCIL/Thunderbird/PCP Investigation Report on Mr. Sanjaya Bahel (PTF-R003-06), 27 Jul 2006

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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS) 27 Jul 2006 report titled "TCIL/Thunderbird/PCP Investigation Report on Mr. Sanjaya Bahel [PTF-R003-06]" relating to the Procurement Task Force. The report runs to 89 printed pages.

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International organization
United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services
Authored on
July 27, 2006
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SHA256 fd3b660e8ae00082d4ab89a1a8978cd92f56b6c5600559a0471ffd067973ea12

Simple text version follows

 United Nations                        Nations Unies

    This Report is protected under the provisions of
   ST/SGB/273, paragraph 18, of 7 September 1994

            Report no. PTF-R003/06

         Case nos. PTF/026/06; PTF/033/06

                    27 July 2006


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 3
ALLEGATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 4
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 4
RELEVANT CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW......................................................................................... 6
  Fraud.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
  Conspiracy ................................................................................................................................................. 6
  Aiding and Abetting an Offence................................................................................................................ 6
  Unlawful Gratuity...................................................................................................................................... 6
APPLICABLE UN RULES AND REGULATIONS ..................................................................................... 7
  UN Staff Regulations:................................................................................................................................ 7
  Conflict of Interest..................................................................................................................................... 7
BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................................ 8
THE RELEVANT COMPANIES ................................................................................................................ 10
  IT Staffing Contract................................................................................................................................. 10
  Subsistence Allowance to the Contract Staff........................................................................................... 13
     Article 13, Subsistence of Contractor's Personnel:............................................................................. 13
  The Execution of the Contract ................................................................................................................. 15
  THE SUBCONTRACTS ......................................................................................................................... 29
  THE KOHLI COMPANIES .................................................................................................................... 37
  The Effort to Re-Bid the Contract ........................................................................................................... 40
  TCIL's Current Cooperation with the PTF .............................................................................................. 43
  MR. SACHDEVA'S RESPONSE........................................................................................................... 44
  MR. BAHEL'S RESPONSE ................................................................................................................... 44
  PTF'S EVALUATION............................................................................................................................ 45
     Trigyn Technologies Inc ..................................................................................................................... 46
  Thunderbird Industries LLC Engineering Manpower Contract............................................................... 46
  References ............................................................................................................................................... 55
  References in support of the RFP ............................................................................................................ 56
     Multi-Links ......................................................................................................................................... 56
     Indo-Kuwait General Trading & Contracting Company..................................................................... 57
     VeriSign .............................................................................................................................................. 58
     Marshals Power and Telecom India.................................................................................................... 58
  Laptop Computer Contract Awarded to TCIL......................................................................................... 58
OTHER TCIL CONTRACT AWARDS ...................................................................................................... 63
  Radio Trunking Systems � PD/C0209/00 & PD/C0055/00..................................................................... 63
Mr. Bahel's Personal Relationship with the Kohlis...................................................................................... 65
  THE NEW YORK CONDOMINIUM UNITS........................................................................................ 66
  Bahel's Sons Wedding............................................................................................................................. 70
PCP International and the Procurement of Generators ................................................................................. 70
  RFP 86 ..................................................................................................................................................... 71
  Use of the London Apartment ................................................................................................................. 75
  RFP 118 � Procurement of Generators .................................................................................................... 78
Bahel's Relationship with the Indian Government....................................................................................... 84
FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 85
\CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................................... 87
RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 88



The following Interim Report sets forth findings of the Procurement Task Force
(PTF) concerning United Nations Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel, UN vendors
Telecommunication Consultants of India Ltd. (TCIL), En-Kay Associates, Guru
Trust Investments (GTI), Thunderbird Industries, LLC (Thunderbird) and PCP
International Ltd (PCP). A subsequent final report will be issued addressing the
involvement of Mr. Andrew Toh, Assistant Secretary General, in these matters
as well as the UN vendor Trigyn Technologies, Inc which currently holds the
manpower staffing contract. The investigation of these matters is ongoing.



  1. The Procurement Task Force (PTF) was created on 12 January 2006 to address
     all procurement matters referred to the Office of Internal Oversight Services
     (OIOS). The creation of the PTF was the result of perceived problems in
     procurement identified by the Independent Inquiry Committee into the Oil for
     Food Programme (IIC), and the arrest and conviction of UN procurement
     officer Alexander Yakovlev.

  2. Under its Terms of Reference, the PTF operates as part of OIOS, and reports
     directly to the Under Secretary General of OIOS. The remit of the PTF is to
     investigate all procurement cases, including all matters involving the
     procurement bidding exercises, procurement staff, and vendors doing business
     with the United Nations (hereinafter "UN" or "Organisation "). The mandate of
     the PTF also includes a review of some procurement matters which have been
     closed, but it is nevertheless determined that further investigation is warranted.

  3. The PTF investigations have also focused upon a myriad of individuals and
     vendors doing business with the Organisation. Some of these matters are
     particularly complex and span significant periods of time. Since its inception,
     more than 200 matters, involving numerous procurement cases in various UN
     Missions and UN Headquarters have been referred to the PTF. The PTF will
     report on matters individually. The PTF has given priority to the matters
     involving the eight staff members placed on special leave with pay.

  4. A number of the matters set forth herein, including the examination of several
     contracts awarded to Telecommunication Consultants of India Inc. (hereinafter
     "TCIL") were the subject of the audit report of the Internal Audit Division of
     Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), AP2005/600/20, dated 26 January
     2006. The audit report made several adverse findings against United Nations
     Procurement Officer Mr. Sanjaya Bahel, UN Procurement Officer, in
     connection with the procurement exercises in the awards of these contracts to
     TCIL, Thunderbird and PCP.

  5. Further, in early April 2006, the PTF was directed by the USG for the OIOS to
     reinvestigate all matters concerning the award of contracts to TCIL and
     Thunderbird. The TCIL and Thunderbird matters are interrelated in that the
     principals of Thunderbird also acted as representatives of TCIL in their
     interaction with the Organisation. Mr. Sanjaya Bahel was involved in the
     procurement exercises associated with both companies.



  6. Based upon the audit report, AP2005/600/20, and the referral from the
     USG/OIOS, the allegations addressed in this report are:

       �   Whether Mr. Sanjaya Bahel purposefully and improperly favoured TCIL
           in the procurement exercises in which TCIL was a participant;
       �   Whether Mr. Sanjaya Bahel improperly demonstrated favouritism towards
           Mr. Nanak Kohli, and his son Mr. Nishan Kohli. Both were
           representatives of TCIL in their interaction with the UN, and
           simultaneously Mr. Nishan Kohli was the Managing Partner of
       �   Whether Mr. Bahel improperly favoured PCP International in its bid to
           gain generator contracts with the Organisation;
       �   Whether Mr. Sanjaya Bahel, purposefully and improperly, favoured
           Thunderbird, in their efforts to secure a proposed engineering manpower
           contract with the Organisation;
       �   Whether Mr. Sanjaya Bahel purposefully and improperly, interfered in the
           registration of Thunderbird as a UN vendor;
       �   Whether Mr. Sanjaya Bahel suffered from a conflict of interest as a result
           of his personal friendship with Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli.
           Consequently whether he acted in the best interests of the Organisation by
           handling, and supporting, procurement contracts involving these
           individuals and their associated companies;
       �   Whether there existed a scheme to defraud the Organisation in connection
           with the award of contracts to TCIL and Thunderbird. And, if a scheme
           existed, who were its participants and what was its scope. In particular,
           were UN staff members party to this scheme

  7. The PTF has investigated, ab initio, the matters referred to in the audit report,
     namely the five TCIL contracts, the Thunderbird matter, and the PCP contract,
     and placed no reliance upon any previous findings. It has examined other TCIL
     and Thunderbird contracts and related issues. The investigation of the PTF
     included interviews with relevant witnesses, examination of documents, and
     extensive searches of electronic media and evidence. The PTF made significant
     efforts to locate and obtain all relevant files.

  8. The PTF reviewed documents and various portions of files provided by the
     Investigations Division of OIOS (hereinafter ID/OIOS); records provided by the
     Procurement Department; records produced by the Audit Division, OIOS;



   documents provided by TCIL and employees formerly employed by TCIL and
   Guru Trust Investments (GTI); records provided by the principals of IECS-
   IRCON, the vendor which held the engineering manpower contract prior to the
   re-bidding exercise in 2002; electronic records including data, telephone
   records, email correspondence, and information and evidence provided by the
   Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil for Food
   Programme (IIC).

9. PTF investigators interviewed more than 40 witnesses, including former TCIL
   employees, TCIL's current representative to the UN in New York, and senior
   officials of the company in New Delhi, India. Further the PTF interviewed UN
   staff members, in particular procurement officers, and UN vendors who either
   preceded, or succeeded, TCIL in various UN contracts. The PTF also reviewed
   notes of interviews conducted by Assistant United States Attorneys of various
   UN staff members in connection with their investigation of these matters.

10. The PTF has also spoken with a number of present and former employees of
    TCIL and other companies with which Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli
    are associated, as referred to herein. Several of these witnesses have expressed
    concern about being identified by name in this report, indicating that they fear
    that they would be subject to retribution and retaliation if the information they
    provided was publicly attributed to them. In that regard, these individuals will
    be identified as "Informants," and have been promised anonymity.            Their
    information is included insofar as it has been corroborated by other witnesses or

11. In connection with the review of the TCIL contracts, the investigation has faced
    the following significant challenges:

12. The PTF sought to speak with Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli; Mr.
    Nishan Kohli retained counsel and did not submit to an interview. The PTF did
    not receive a response from Mr. Nanak Kohli.

13. Further challenges included the condition of the procurement files related to this
    matter, the procurement department's policy of short term retention of cancelled
    bids and the turnover and movement of staff. The Thunderbird procurement file
    cannot be located, as well as several portions of the TCIL file. Nevertheless,
    forensic data recovery has been an important tool utilized to examine the
    circumstances and the relevant communication on the issue, and has been
    instrumental in obtaining relevant information and important evidence.

14. The PTF sought records from various vendors registered to do business with the
    Organisation, including VeriSign Inc. (VeriSign), a Virginia based company.
    Further, it requested an opportunity to interview VeriSign employees in
    connection with correspondence the company submitted to the Organisation on
    behalf of Thunderbird LLC. However, VeriSign, despite representing its desire



           to cooperate with the PTF, has failed to produce the requested documents or
           make its employee available for an interview.

      15. The following well established concepts of criminal law of the host country are
          applicable to this matter:


      16. Commonly, fraud is defined as an unlawful scheme to obtain money or property
          by means of false or fraudulent pretences, representations, or promises. A
          scheme or artifice has been repeatedly defined as merely a plan for the
          accomplishment of an object. A scheme to defraud is any plan, device, or
          course of action to obtain money or property by means of false or fraudulent
          pretences, representations or promises reasonably calculated to deceive persons
          of average prudence.


      17. Another concept relevant to the analysis in this matter is the offence of
          conspiracy. Conspiracy is simply an agreement to do an unlawful act. It is a
          mutual understanding, either spoken or unspoken, between two or more people
          to cooperate with each other to accomplish an unlawful act. In this case, it is
          the agreement to engage in a scheme to improperly obtain sums of money under
          contracts with the United Nations not properly due and owing to them.

Aiding and Abetting an Offence

      18. Under the concept of aiding and abetting, the offence is committed by another.
          In order to aid and abet a crime, it is necessary that an individual associate
          himself in some way with the crime, and that he participated in the crime by
          doing some act to help make the crime succeed. A person who aids and abets
          another to commit a criminal offence is equally as culpable as if the person
          committed the offence himself.

Unlawful Gratuity

      19. It is unlawful to offer or promise anything of value to any public official or
          because of any official act performed or to be performed by such public official,
          former public official or person selected to be a public official.1

 It is unclear whether or not a United Nations Staff Member would fall under the definition of "public
official" for purposes of US federal law.




The following UN Staff Regulations are of relevance:

    20. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(b) Staff members shall uphold the highest
        standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. The concept of integrity
        includes, but not limited to, probity, impartiality, fairness, honesty and
        truthfulness in all matters affecting their work and status.

    21. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(d) states that "[i]n the performance of their
        duties staff members shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any
        Government or from any source external to the Organisation.

    22. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(e) states that by accepting appointment,
        staff members pledge themselves to discharge their functions and regulate their
        conduct with the interests of the Organisation only in view. Loyalty to aims,
        principles and purposes of the United Nations, as set forth in its charter, is a
        fundamental obligation of all staff members by virtue of their status as
        international civil servants.

    23. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(g) states that Staff members shall not use
        their office or knowledge gained from their official functions for private gain,
        financial or otherwise, or for the private gain of any third party, including
        family, friends and those they favour. Nor shall staff members use their office
        for personal reasons to prejudice the positions of those they do not favour.

    24. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(i) states that Staff members shall exercise
        the utmost discretion with regard to all matters of official business. They shall
        not communicate to any Government, entity, person or any other source any
        information known to them by reason of their official position that they know or
        ought to have known has been made public, except as appropriate in the normal
        course of their duties or by authorization of the Secretary-General.

Conflict of Interest

    25. United Nations Staff Regulation 1.2(m) states that "Staff members shall not be
        actively associated with the management of, or hold a financial interest in, any
        profit-making, business or other concern, if it were possible for the staff
        member or the profit making, business or other concern to benefit from such



        association or financial interest by reason of his or her position with the United

Other relevant instructions include:

     26. If any evidence of receipt of a bribe or gratuity is revealed during the course of
         this investigation Federal and State laws will apply and therefore a referral to
         the appropriate prosecutorial agency will be recommended.

     27. Procurement Manual Section 4.2.5 "Corrupt Practices". The United Nations
         shall communicate to the vendors during the registration phase, in the
         solicitation documents and in the contract documents that all United Nations
         vendors shall adhere to the highest ethical standards, both during the bidding
         process and throughout the execution of a contract. Some examples of "Corrupt
         Practices" are Bribery, Extortion or Coercion, Fraud and Collusion.

     28. On 25 March 2003, the then UN Chief of Procurement issued a Memorandum
         addressing Conflict of Interest. Paragraph 4 of the memorandum states that
         "UN Procurement Division staff shall avoid conflict of interest situations.
         Conflict of interest includes circumstances in which a UN staff member would
         appear to benefit improperly, or allow a third party to benefit improperly, from
         their association in the management or the holding of a financial interest in an
         enterprise that engages in any business or transaction with the Organisation."

     29. Paragraph 5 provides that "UN Procurement Division staff shall avoid assisting
         private bodies or persons in their dealings with their Organisation where this
         might lead to actual or perceived preferential treatment. This is particularly
         important in procurement matters."

     30. This matter has a lengthy procedural history. Several IAD/OIOS audits and an
         ID/OIOS investigation have been conducted of topics addressed herein. The
         audits found critical errors in the procurement processes and more than one
         report found misconduct by Mr. Bahel. The ID report of 15 December 2004
         cleared Mr. Bahel of wrongdoing. It should be noted that the PTF has not been
         influenced by the conclusions set forth in these reports, but has considered the
         analysis. PTF investigators have read, and considered, all previous reports,
         memoranda, and notes of interviews conducted in previous investigations for
         lead and investigative value. However, the PTF has not subscribed any
         particular merit to any allegation, or any previous finding.

     31. This Report focuses upon the following procurement exercises, and the
         performance of the vendors, with respect to, the following contract awards:



               1) a contract awarded to TCIL for information technology (IT)
                  staffing support (PD/0049/00)
               2) a proposed contract for engineering manpower to Thunderbird
                  LLC (RFPS 374)
               3) a contract awarded to TCIL for desktop computers (PD/202/00)
               4) a contract awarded to TCIL for Radio telephone links
               5) a contract awarded to TCIL for laptop computers (PD/155/02)
               6) a contract awarded to TCIL for satellite test equipment
               7) a contract awarded to PCP International for generators

32. The total aggregate value of all of the contracts awarded to TCIL between 1999
    and 2004 exceeded US $100 million. The value of the contract awarded to PCP
    International (PCP) had an aggregate value of US$9,900,000. The IT Staffing
    Contract exceeded $27,000,000. The participation by Nanak Kohli and Nishan
    Kohli in the procurement and execution of these contracts, as well as
    Procurement Officer Sanjaya Bahel, will be discussed throughout the report.
    These contracts will be discussed individually, seriatum.

33. Sanjaya Bahel joined the United Nations Procurement and Transportation
    Division as Acting Chief of Field Missions Procurement Section on 10 August
    1995. Beginning in or about 1998 and continuing through and until 2003, Mr.
    Bahel served as Chief of the Commodity Procurement Section. In 2003, on the
    recommendation of Andrew Toh, the then Director of Facilities and
    Commercial Services Section, Mr. Bahel was re-assigned to Chief of the
    Commercial Activities Service in the UN Postal Administration, where he
    served until he was placed upon special leave. Mr. Bahel frequently served as
    Acting Chief, or Officer in Charge, of the Procurement Department in the
    absence of the Chief.

34. Prior to joining the United Nations, Mr. Bahel worked for the Government of
    India in various capacities, including Assistant Financial Advisor in the
    Ministry of Finance; Director of Purchase for the Indian Embassy in
    Washington, D.C.; Deputy Controller General for the Ministry of Defence;
    Directory of Finance in the Ministry of Defence; and Controller/Additional
    Controller General in the Ministry of Defence.

35. A full recitation of all of the facts and circumstances surrounding these matters
    is provided to set forth the extent of the role and level of participation of Mr.
    Bahel in these transactions. Therefore, the matters will be discussed in detail.



    36. At all relevant times, TCIL was fully owned by the government of India. Nanak
        Kohli, and his son, Nishan Kohli, represented TCIL with the United Nations as
        their agents, but were not TCIL employees. At all relevant times, Nishan Kohli
        and his brother, Ranjit Kohli, also served as Managing Partners of Thunderbird
        Industries LLC (Thunderbird).        Further, Nanak and Nishan Kohli, either
        individually or together, served as principals or officers in several other related
        companies relevant to these inquiries, including Guru Trust International (GTI),
        En-Kay Associates (En-Kay) and Acumen International (Acumen). Nanak
        Kohli is a citizen of India and a well known public figure in India. Nishan
        Kohli is Nanak Kohli's son, and a citizen of the United States. Thunderbird
        was, and continues to be, a U.S. corporation, based in Virginia, with offices in
        New York City, McLean, Virginia and a branch in New Delhi, India. As
        discussed in more detail below, Ranjit Kohli served as an officer in VeriSign,
        Incorporated (VeriSign), a U.S. company which provided a reference for
        Thunderbird in its effort to achieve the engineering manpower contract.
        (Neither Thunderbird, nor Nishan Kohli advised the Organisation of this fact
        despite utilizing the company as a reference).

    37. According to TCIL representatives, TCIL severed its relationship with the
        Kohlis and GTI in 2003 because of the failure of the Kohlis to honour the
        obligations under the IT Staffing Contract, as discussed below, and is now
        critical of the Kohlis' activities. The relationship between TCIL and the Kohlis,
        and the relationship between the Kohlis and Mr. Bahel, is significant and
        discussed herein.

IT Staffing Contract

    38. The first contract addressed in this Report is the contract on behalf of DPKO for
        communications and information technology staffing. The contract was
        awarded to TCIL in early 2000.

    39. The issues addressed in this Report in connection with this Staffing Contract
        include the failure to pay full subsistence allowance, the failure to disclose sub-
        contracting agreements to the Organisation, and the failure to provide required
        benefits to contract staff. The discussion will also focus on the ability of PD to
        have identified the issues and prevented much of the problems which arose.
        Lastly, the Report will cover Mr. Bahel's involvement in the Staffing Contract.
        At that time, Mr. Bahel was Chief of Field Procurement, and at times acted as
        Officer in Charge of Procurement.



40. In 1998 the Organisation established a number of new Peacekeeping Missions,
    and DPKO was in need of engineering and IT manpower support in several of
    them. As such DPKO sought a contract for IT manpower, and in the fall of
    1999 TCIL submitted a proposal for, and ultimately obtained, a contract from
    the Organisation for the provision of communications and information
    technology technicians (IT staffing contract) (#PD/CO0490/00). The IT
    staffing contract was requisitioned at the request of the Department of
    Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), Field Administration and Logistic Division
    (hereinafter "FALD").

41. The evolution of the contract, and the issues which emerged during the course
    of its execution follows. On 29 July 1999 FALD submitted to PD a draft
    Request for Proposal (RFP) for staffing support for various Field Missions.
    FALD sought a one year contract where the UN would order technicians for a
    period between three months and one year. On 13 October 1999, PD issued the
    RFP and sent it to registered vendors. Six vendors submitted proposals. In
    November 1999 FALD performed technical evaluations of the proposals, and
    deemed five to be compliant. FALD sought to utilize more than one vendor,
    and sought to award multiple contracts based upon a concern that it have
    qualified staff for prompt deployment to the field missions, as well as that it
    have a steady supply of able and qualified workers from which to choose.

42. In a memorandum dated 26 November 1999 to Mr. Bahel, Rudy Sanchez, Chief
    of FALD, represented that after a review of sample Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of
    prospective workers provided by vendors, FALD recommended the award of
    contracts to two lowest bidders in each category of technicians sought. Mr.
    Sanchez reasoned that this approach would provide the ability of the Missions
    to draw on a second supplier if the first vendor is incapable of adequate
    performance, or there was an insufficient quantity of workers.

43. On 30 November 1999 Mr. Bahel denied FALD's request, stating that
    "reasoning put forth for awarding two contracts for each category are not only
    extraneous to the technical issues but to the RFP itself." Assuring FALD that
    adequate safeguard had been already incorporated into the RFP, Mr. Bahel
    indicated his intention to proceed with the presentation of the case to the HCC
    based on the commercial evaluation.

44. On 6 December 1999 Hocine Medili, then Director of FALD, issued a
    memorandum to Andrew Toh, Chief of Information Management Services
    Branch, reiterating FALD's position that the "lowest two bidders in each
    category be granted an award." While acknowledging the ability of the
    performance bond to protect the commercial aspects of the contract, FALD
    expressed a view that PD failed to address the concerns raised by FALD.

45. Nevertheless, in his memo to FALD of 10 December 1999 Mr. Bahel offered
    assurances that prompt action would be taken to ensure a sufficient number of



   qualified staff in the event that such needs arose. Based upon such assurances,
   FALD agreed to utilize one vendor. In its memo of 5 January 2000 FALD
   confirmed Mr. Bahel's representations. On the basis of this understanding,
   FALD submitted to PD its projected requirement for staffing support for a one-
   year period in furtherance of the expected presentation of the matter to the
   Headquarters Committee on Contracts (HCC).

46. On 8 February 2000 PD recommended the award of a three-year systems
    contract for the IT staffing support, and PD presented the case to the HCC. The
    official minutes of the HCC meeting demonstrate that PD and FALD
    recommended the award of the contract, valued at $7,858,764, to TCIL on the
    basis of lowest cost proposal.

47. The record further shows that during the deliberations the HCC questioned the
    ability of TCIL to provide the services it offered, and sought assurances that
    TCIL was a sound company. The HCC expressed a concern that the selection
    was premised solely upon that TCIL offered the lowest cost to the Organisation.
    As discussed herein, the concerns expressed by the Committee proved to be
    well founded when issues with Mission Subsistence Allowance (MSA)
    payments, employee driving ability, and delays with deployment of personnel
    arose in the fall 2000.

48. Furthermore, the HCC commented on the issue of subsistence payments to
    workers, noting that the "UN needs safeguards that minimum labour standards
    are met." The HCC also "expressed concern about payments going directly to
    the company and DSA costs." Taking note of the FALD's contention that the
    arrangement of this scope had not occurred in any other mission, the Committee
    recommended that PD confer with the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) to address
    personnel issues, humanitarian concerns, and administrative issues.

49. At the time the case was presented to the HCC, it is now evident that the HCC
    was not made aware of the fact that MSA-related issues arose in the course of
    implementation of the IRCON contract which were known to the Organisation,
    including PD, and the HCC was not advised of PD's intention to structure the
    new systems contract along the same terms as the one in place with IRCON.
    Mr. Bahel participated in the execution of the IRCON contract, and had to have
    been aware of such problems.

50. It is now evident that the HCC members were not informed of FALD's desire to
    award the contract to two vendors, and the procurement department's opposition
    to it. FALD shares some responsibility for the failure to raise this issue in the
    HCC meeting, as it clearly should have been done. It is important to note,
    however, that after operational problems with TCIL emerged, similar requests
    by FALD in October 2000 and January 2001 to bring in additional vendors to
    "meet the operational requirements of the missions" were again denied by PD.



    51. Despite its reservations, the Committee recommended the award of the contract
        to TCIL "in the total not-to-exceed amount of $7,858,764, the lowest cost
        acceptable proposal. (The contract with TCIL was extended, and ultimately the
        Organisation paid TCIL more than $27 million for providing IT staffing support
        to the Organisation's peacekeeping Missions. As later explained, TCIL passed
        on most of these funds to GTI, who significantly short-changed the contract

    52. Three days later, PD received an expedited approval from the HCC secretariat
        and, on 15 February 2000 a Letter of Award under Sanjay Bahel's signature was
        sent to TCIL office in India. On 23 March 2000 Mr. Bahel forwarded to Bruce
        Rashkow, Director of General Legal Division, a draft of the Contract and
        supporting documents, requesting an expeditious review in light of "FALD's
        urgent requirement for TCIL's consultants in UNMIK."

    53. In the same memorandum, Mr. Bahel reminded OLA that the               draft TCIL
        contract was tailored along the lines of the IRCON contract.          Mr. Bahel,
        however, failed to advise OLA of the problems which arose              during the
        execution of the IRCON contract, namely that the disbursement         amounts of
        MSA to the personnel in the field was a problematic issue.

Subsistence Allowance to the Contract Staff

    54. An important provision in the TCIL Contract was the provision addressing the
        subsistence allowance for the contract staff. The contract provided that
        subsistence must be paid to the contract staff at a rate equivalent to that paid to
        UN employees in the Missions. This amount was a significant portion of the
        man day rate the Organisation paid to the Contractor for each worker supplied
        to the Missions. (As discussed more full below, this constituted approximately
        half of the amount paid by the Organisation to the contractor per worker per
        month.) The contract provided:

Article 13, Subsistence of Contractor's Personnel:

             [T]he Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable
             arrangements for the general welfare, including food and lodging,
             of the Personnel. . . [T]he UN shall reimburse the Contractor, in
             respect of each of the Personnel, an amount equal to the equivalent
             food and accommodation components of the UN Mission
             Subsistence Allowance (MSA) or Daily Subsistence Allowance
             (DSA), as the case may be, (herein referred to as "Subsistence



55. This provision was designed to achieve the same function as the UN Mission
    Subsistence Allowance (MSA) and the UN Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)
    provided to UN international staff serving in the Mission, in which staffing
    support is performed by such personnel. The contract required that the living
    expense amounts "shall be payable at the lower of the two rates applicable to
    such Mission. The combined payment for each worker per month was between
    $8,000 and $9,400, approximately half of which was intended to cover the MSA
    portion of the contract.

56. OLA later found the provision to be clear and unambiguous, requiring the
    contractor to pay its staff at the UN rate regardless of the costs for subsistence
    borne by TCIL. (The provision is "clear and [does] not leave room for
    interpretation." There is also no further provision in the Contract that would
    suggest that subsistence amounts are not payable at the established contract rate
    in the event they prove to be materially higher than the actual costs incurred by

57. Further, the Contract provided for subsistence allowance to TCIL staff to be
    paid to the Contractor only. The original text of this section, however, had
    offered flexibility and had permitted the Chief Administrative Officer in the
    Mission (CAO) at his/her discretion to provide subsistence facilities to TCIL
    employees in lieu of the MSA payment. Nevertheless, subsequent changes to
    the contract in January 2001, at the insistence of the Vendor, removed that
    flexibility. After January 2001 Article 13.1 read as follows:

         The Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable
         arrangements for the general welfare, including food and lodging,
         of the Personnel. . . [T]he UN shall pay the Contractor, in respect
         of each Personnel, an amount in account of the living expenses of
         such Personnel (such amount hereinafter the "Living Expense
         Amount). .... It is expressly understood between the Parties
         that the Living Expense Amounts shall be payable to the
         Contractor only.....The applicable Living Expense Amounts shall
         be included in the Contractor's invoices. [Emphasis added].

58. Another significant provision of the contract was the prohibition against further
    sub-contractual agreements without notice to, and consent of, the Organisation.
    The UN General Conditions of Contract, Paragraph 5.0, appended to the
    contract, provided that:

         In the event that a contractor requires the services of
         subcontractors, the contractor shall obtain the prior written
         approval and clearance of the United Nations for all
         subcontractors. The approval of the United Nations of a
         subcontractor shall not relieve the contractor of any of its



                  obligations under this contract. The terms of any subcontract shall
                  be subject to, and conform with, the provisions of this contract. 2

The Execution of the Contract

      59. Problems quickly emerged in the execution of the contract, and the two key
          components of the contract � namely the failure to disclose sub-contracts and
          the requirement for MSA payments to be made to the contract staff � were
          violated near the inception of its execution.

      60. Technicians first began to arrive in late August 2000. The deployment of
          technicians was complicated in part by the failure of some to pass the UN
          driving test (despite a requirement in the contract that the staff have "a
          mandatory valid driver's license"). As of 1 February 2001 TCIL fell short of the
          required staff, providing just 101 of the required 170 technicians requested.

      61. Almost immediately upon deployment to the field contract employees began to
          complain that they were not receiving the subsistence allowance. The failure to
          provide subsistence funds resulted in the inability of workers in many cases to
          pay their hotel bills or buy food. Most notably, it is now evident, as discussed
          in detail below, that there was an intentional failure to provide the technicians
          with subsistence allowance as required under the contract.

      62. For example, on 19 September 2000 a petition by several of the contract staff
          was submitted to TCIL's Chairman and Managing Director in New Delhi, G.S.
          Chauhan, raising the issue, and requesting payment of MSA to the contract
          staff. In the letter, the petitioner, Mr. Vijendra pal Bansal, represented that the
          Mission itself had advanced contract staff sums of money to allow the contract
          employees to pay their hotel bills and food expenses.3 The contract staff
          requested that the UN pay them directly as a result of the failure by TCIL to
          make these payments as required under the contract. Instead of paying the
          contract staff, the position of the company was that UN Missions were violating
          the contract by paying workers directly.

  The General Terms are appended to all contracts. Paragraph 6.0 provides that "[t]he contractor warrants
that no official of the United Nations has received or will be offered by the contractor any direct or indirect
benefit arising from this contract or the award thereof. The Contractor agrees that breach of this provision
is a breach of an essential term of this contract.
  Letter to G.S. Chauhan through M.P. Singh (TCIL Coordinator), 19 September 2000.



Figure 1

      63. Complaints from TCIL's technicians about the lack of a subsistence allowance
          were quickly presented to UN administrative staff in the missions, particularly
          MONUC, including the Chief Communication Officer. The complaints also
          quickly reached UN Headquarters, in particular, the Director of FALD, and
          supervisory officials in the PD by October 2000. By late October, early
          November, 2000, senior managers in the PD were made aware of the issues and
          their participation in rectifying the situation was sought by FALD and
          MONUC's resident auditor, who was looking into the issues.

           Figure 2



        64. Complaints also reached United Nations procurement officer Kanwarjit
            Sachdeva as early as 6 October 2000. Mr. Sachdeva inquired of TCIL officials
            about the issue. TCIL representative "N. Singh" wrote to Mr. Sachdeva and
            assured him that the contract staff was being paid. In referring to the contract
            staff's claims of TCIL's failure to pay subsistence, N. Singh wrote "[t]hese
            allegations are certainly very serious however we feel that they are unfounded."
            Mr. Singh assured that the matter would be "thoroughly investigated."4

        65. However, the PTF investigation has revealed that the contract staff was
            continuously deprived of MSA allowance and that no sincere effort was made
            by those acting on behalf of TCIL to remedy the situation.

        66. On 9 October 2000 Mr. Roy Joblin, Communication Officer, FALD, UNMIL,
            sent an email to N. Singh emphasizing once again that contract staff had yet to
            receive salary payments.

Figure 3

        67. In response, TCIL's representative, N. Singh, falsely represented to the
            Organisation that contract staff was being paid full subsistence allowance. On
            11 October 2000 Mr. N. Singh wrote to Mr. Sachdeva claiming that the failure
            to pay the contract staff in UNMIL was a result of "a mistake in a banking
            transaction which caused a delay in receipt of their allowance." He represented
            to Mr. Sachdeva that senior executive "U.B. Singh" was travelling to MONUC
            to investigate the matter, and assured that contract staff was being paid.

    6 October 2000 email from N.Singh to Kanwarjit Sachdeva at



Figure 4

  68. Meetings concerning the issue between TCIL contract staff and U.B. Singh took
      place on 12 and 13 October 2000. However, on 13 October 2000 the staff wrote
      to the UN's Chief Communications Officer in the Mission and stated that they
      had met with TCIL's U.B. Singh and he "has failed in resolving the above
      mentioned impending issue."         The contract staff asked the Chief
      Communications Officer to intercede.

  Figure 5

  69. On 17 October 2000 the Chief Communications Officer in MONUC authored a
      "Note to the File" setting forth his concerns about the issue and memorializing
      his view that TCIL was failing to honour its obligations under the contract to
      pay subsistence, and his belief that TCIL was discharging contract staff who
      complained about the failure to receive it.



      70. Mr. McNally expressed opposition to TCIL's effort to remove technicians who
          were complaining of a lack of subsistence payments:

Figure 6

      71. On 23 October 2000 the Officer in Charge of Administration (OIC) in MONUC
          wrote to the Director of FALD in UN Headquarters in New York outlining the
          issue of TCIL's failure to pay MSA to its contract staff and informing him that
          the visit of "Mr. U.B. Singh" was "not reassuring." The OIC further requested
          that the Mission be allowed to pay the contract staff directly, and that the
          Organisation then deduct such payments from the amounts paid to TCIL, and
          that the Organisation require proof that TCIL was making the payments prior to
          any discharge of funds by the Organisation to TCIL:
                       Under the circumstances, and due to the fact that TCIL has
                       not shown an intention to resolve this issue positively,
                       MONUC administration strongly recommends FALD's
                       concurrence to proceed locally with payment of the food
                       portion only of the MSA to contract personnel serving in
                       Kinshasa, and to the subsistence allowance, which is
                       composed of the food and accommodation portion of the
                       MSA i.e. 85 % of the private accommodation rate of the
                       MSA to contract personnel deployed in the regions. The total
                       amount to be deducted from contract with TCIL.

      72. On 25 October 2000 the OIC further wrote to the Director of FALD, Mr.
          Hocine Medili, advising him of the problems associated with TCIL's failure to
          pay MSA and informing him that "three (3) TCIL technicians currently
          deployed in Kinshasa have to be lodged (makeshift arrangements) with OIC-
          Communications due to their lack of funds to pay for their own
          accommodation." Similar complaints were made by TCIL contract staff in



           UNMIK and UNTAET.               Further, Missions were paying short term
           accommodation expenses for TCIL contract staff who had been let go by TCIL
           and were being repatriated to India.

      73. On 30 October 2000 Rudy Sanchez, Chief of FALD, wrote to John Mullen,
          Chief of Headquarters Procurement, advising him of the problem and attached
          the memos dated 23 October 2000 and 25 October 2000, referred to above.

Figure 7

      74. The PD forwarded emails from the missions to N.Singh. However, rather than
          rectifying the situation, N. Singh complained of the Mission's initiative to pay
          contract staff directly. On 1 November 2000 N. Singh sent an email message
          from email account to Andrew Toh, complaining that
          the Missions were paying TCIL staff in cash, directly, "without authorization."
          Mr. Singh complained about such efforts by administrative staff in the Missions
          stating that "Subsistence Allowance . . . is an internal matter for TCIL."

      75. Mr. Singh further stated that "[b]y paying cash and now our Staff are not
          opening bank accounts may lead to serious violations of local laws. We will not
          be a party to it. It will otherwise amount to aiding and abetting our Staff to
          indulge in violations." The same day Mr. Toh directed Mr. Bahel to "deal with
          it." (As discussed below, Mr. Toh and Mr. Bahel agreed with TCIL that the
          matter was an internal one for TCIL, a position with which OLA agreed).



      76. Nevertheless, TCIL officers continued to represent contract staff were being
          paid the required MSA amounts. On 3 November 2000 G.S. Chauhan, on
          behalf of TCIL, tried to allay the Organisation's concerns and falsely
          represented to Mr. Sachdeva that its personnel were Government employees.
          However, Mr. Chauhan failed to acknowledge that the contract had been sub-
          contracted by TCIL to GTI, a privately held entity. As such, the contract staff
          was in fact not Government of India employees, and the contract between the
          contract staff and the sub-contractors did not provide for the benefits which Mr.
          Chauhan assured in his correspondence existed. Further, Mr. Chauhan falsely
          represented that the company was bound to pay, and in fact did pay, the workers
          the required subsistence allowance.

      77. On 6 November 2000 Sanjaya Bahel, the then Officer-in-Charge of the
          Procurement Division, wrote to Mr. Phelan, the Chief of FALD and represented
          that he had received "confirmation" from the Contractor (TCIL) that sufficiently
          convinced him that MSA payments were being made. Mr. Bahel stated that in
          light of that fact "FALD may wish to inform its Missions to handle and manage
          the contract with caution. If obvious and verifiable abuse is noticed then
          UNHQ should rightly be informed so that the Contractor is required to rectify
          the same. It is suggested that TCIL staff must first be encouraged to resolve
          problems with the Contractor."

Figure 8
      78. In fact, Mr. Bahel went so far as to criticize FALD for the Missions' advance of
         funds to the contract staff who could not afford housing. Mr. Bahel stated "this
         is in direct violation of the Contract . . . and it is recommended that
         administrative action be taken to preclude a recurrence of such payments."
         However, no serious criticism was voiced, or action taken, either by Mr. Bahel
         or at his direction, against the vendor which converted sums due and owing
         contract staff to their own use.

      79. By that time, it was already well documented and confirmed by UN staff in the
          Missions that MSA had not been paid to the proper extent. Therefore, Mr.



Bahel all too quickly accepted the representations of TCIL, which the
investigation has proved to be false. When asked by the PTF investigators why
he did not take any action against the vendor, Mr. Bahel responded that he "is
not an investigator," and that representations that payments were being made
should be accepted, and not assumed to be untrue. While Mr. Bahel may not
have been required to conduct an "investigation," nevertheless the failure to
consider evidence from fellow UN staff which contradicts assertions he
accepted as true, is inappropriate. Mr. Bahel should have caused an
investigation to be launched, and supported it, rather than accept such patently
questionable representations at face value. (In the interview with the PTF
investigators Mr. Toh indicated he would have terminated the contract if he had
been made fully aware of the problems with the contract addressed herein). In
addition, Mr. Bahel's position is tenuous in light of his close relationship with
Nanak Kohli, as uncovered by the PTF investigation. This relationship will be
described in much more detail below.



Figure 9



Figure 10



80. In November 2000 the resident auditor who began to review the contract
    complained to Mr. Bahel that the grievances of contract staff were meritorious,
    and that action should be taken against TCIL for breaches of their contractual
    obligations. Both Mr. Bahel, and then later, Mr. Toh, criticized the auditor, and
    asserted that the auditor's conclusion that the failure to pay MSA and to disclose
    sub-contracting amounted to a breach of TCIL's obligations under the contract
    was erroneous. Mr. Toh even went so far as to complain to the auditor's
    supervisor that the auditor exceeded his authority in challenging the contractor
    and providing his view of the failure of the contractor to comply with its
    obligations under the contract. Both Mr. Toh and Mr. Bahel were of the view
    that the auditor acted improperly. The auditor should have been lauded, not

81. The debate continued into the next year. In a memorandum from Andrew Toh to
    Esther Stern of 29 January 2001 Mr. Toh had claimed that subsistence had been
    taken care of. Mr. Toh then falsely asserted that:
         PD was not earlier informed by MONUC that contractor's
         personnel were not being provided with subsistence facilities. The
         contractor also states that they were not informed of the problem
         before cash advances were given to their personnel by the Mission.
         . . PD has confirmed with the Contractor regarding comments on
         En-Kay Associates and are informed that the entity mentioned is a
         recruiter for the Contractor and not a sub-contractor (copy of
         communication attached).



Figure 11

     82. Notwithstanding this dispute, the Missions' expressions of concern of TCIL's
         performance continued into December 2000. On 20 December 2000 Rudy
         Sanchez wrote to Mr. Bahel and complained that TCIL staff was more than 50
         days late in arriving in UNMEE, noting that three deadlines had passed without
         any staff deployments by TCIL. Mr. Sanchez stated:

Figure 12

     83. On 30 January 2001 the contract staff in the Missions wrote to Andrew Toh. A
         staffer in UNMIK wrote:



            Figure 13

84. Upon receipt, just one half hour later Mr. Toh forwarded this message to
    Messrs. Sachdeva and Bahel and stated: "TCIL has to stop this internal bleeding
    �NOW . . . ." The PTF investigation has not revealed that any action was taken
    to rectify the situation.

85. On 9 January 2001 Mr. Phelan, Chief of FALD, wrote to Mr. Bahel and
    requested that additional vendors be solicited to supplement the contract staff
    currently at the Mission:

Figure 14

86. It is significant to note that contrary to his guarantees to FALD during the
    review process, Mr. Bahel failed to honour his pledge.



     87. The PTF has identified an email message, dated 14 February 2001, from a
         FALD official in UNMIK reflecting efforts by DPKO to attempt to re-bid the
         staffing contract in the wake of these problems associated in the implementation
         of the TCIL contract.

Figure 15

     88. However, no such re-bidding exercise was ever launched, or even proposed by
        PD. To the contrary, the complaints of the contract staff, brought to light by
        both the employees and officials of FALD, reached deeper into the Organisation
        in 2001 without remedial action.

     89. By summer 2001 the issue rose to higher levels in the Organisation. On 2
         August 2001 Dileep Nair, the then Under-Secretary General of OIOS wrote to
         the Ambassador of India seeking the Permanent Mission's assistance in
         investigating the claims of the contract employees of TCIL.



                                    Figure 16

  90. A copy of the letter was retrieved from the office of Andrew Toh during a
      search by PTF investigators. The copy in Mr. Toh's office included the
      handwritten notation attached to the upper left hand corner of the document:
      "Mr. Bahel," and "confidential info" under the line. However, it appears that no
      sufficient action was taken despite these serious allegations, and repeated


  91. The PTF's investigation has revealed that at the time TCIL received the contract
      award from the Organisation, it entered into a sub-contract with GTI, a
      company that have purported to be "headquartered" in Vienna, Austria. The
      PTF investigation has revealed that GTI also maintains an office in India, which
      is located at the En-Kay Associates address in New Delhi. As set forth above,



   U.B. Singh was an officer in En-Kay, and a brother of Nanak Kohli. The PTF
   investigation has revealed that Nanak Kohli, a/k/a N.Singh, was associated with
   both companies.

92. There is a serious question whether GTI is a legitimate company. The results of
    the investigation cast serious doubt upon this issue. Upon learning of the
    assignment, on 30 August 2002 UN Procurement officer Walter Cabrera
    conducted a review of GTI. Mr. Cabrera accessed Dun & Bradstreet, and found
    no information on the company. On 12 September 2002, in connection with
    notice of the increase of NTE for TCIL's contract, Mr. Cabrera sent an email to
    Nishan Kohli, the subject heading of which read: "Urgent--Company
    Registration of Guru Trust Investments." Mr. Cabrera requested immediate
    disclosure of "registration data of the recruiter/subcontractor," referring to GTI.

93. On 27 September 2002 Nishan Kohli replied, and asserted that GTI was a
    limited liability company established in Curacao in 2000, had offices in New
    Delhi, India, and was headquartered in Vienna, Austria "courtesy of Anglo Irish
    Bank, c/o company trustee at Rathausstrasse 20, PO Box 306, Vienna, Austria
    1011." The PTF's investigation has revealed that GTI's representation that it
    had been associated with Anglo Irish Bank in Austria is false. The Bank
    informed the PTF investigators that the Bank did not hold any relationship with
    GTI at any time. The Bank added "[w]e were not aware that our address is used
    by this company. The use of our address is not permitted and is illegal."

 Figure 17

94. Further, the address provided to PD by GTI was the Vienna "headquarters"
    address of the Anglo Irish Bank. However, as set forth below, the PTF has
    identified that the company has an address in India at 101 Surya Kiran, 19
    Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Dehli, India 110001. This address is also shared



   by En-Kay Associates, the entity to whom GTI assigned the United Nations
   contract to, and by Thunderbird Industries India (a subsidiary of Thunderbird
   Industries LLC), another Nishan Kohli company.
   Graph 1

95. It is also clear from the PTF's investigation that Nanak Kohli and GTI utilised
    En-Kay in connection with the contract since its inception. The investigation
    has confirmed that TCIL failed to provide notice of this sub-contract to the
    Organisation until January 2002. Furthermore, TCIL never sought prior
    approval of the United Nations for this agreement.

96. The PTF investigation has discovered documents between En-Kay and deployed
    staff, which reference TCIL contract with the Organisation. In addition, the
    obtained agreement describes the relationship between En-Kay and TCIL as that
    of "associates." The precise nature of the relationship remains unclear.

97. Based on the documents obtained thus far by the PTF, GTI, first assigned the
    contract staff to En-Kay Associates in 2000, and then took it over in
    approximately mid 2001. The PTF has obtained copies of the contract staff
    agreements which clearly state that the obligations to perform the IT staffing
    services in the various UN Missions were administered by En-Kay and later on
    by GTI, itself.

98. The PTF has received copies of the agreements between GTI, En-Kay
    Associates and their contract staff, from various sources, including informants
    and contract staff hired by GTI to provide IT staffing to the UN Missions.
    Notice of the assignments was never provided to the Organisation, or was the
    Organisation's approval sought prior to execution.



Figure 18



 99. TCIL representatives have recently acknowledged to the PTF that the company
     entered into such an agreement with GTI because it had little experience with
     the UN, and was in need of guidance and direction in performing contracts for
     the Organisation. TCIL has further represented to the PTF that it was aware that
     Mr. Nanak Kohli was a principal of GTI, and believed at the time that he would
     be responsible for representing TCIL's interests. The company had further
     conceded that Nanak Kohli used the alias N. Singh when communicating with
     the Organisation, a fact Mr. Bahel acknowledged to the PTF as well.

100. According to TCIL, the company divested all of TCIL's authority and
     responsibility under the IT Staffing Contract with the Organisation to GTI, and
     TCIL remitted to Mr. Nanak Kohli and GTI between 80% and 90% of the sums
     paid to it by the Organisation. Documents provided by TCIL confirm this fact.



           Figure 19

101. TCIL representatives were also presented with correspondence from N. Singh
     on TCIL letterhead utilized by him to communicate with the PD. TCIL
     unequivocally stated that Nanak Kohli had no authority to write to the
     Organisation on its letterhead, and offered that several of the letters failed to
     bear authentic headings.



 Figure 20


   102. In July 2000 En-Kay paid to TCIL contracted personnel a lump sum of 80,000
        rupees, an equivalent of approximately $1,600. According to En-Kay, this
        amount was inclusive of all benefits to which the contract staff was entitled.
        Significantly, there is no provision in this contract for the payment of
        subsistence allowance to the staff, and no representation that the contract staff
        would be paid the equivalent sum as UN international staff was receiving.

Figure 21

   103. Importantly, when the contract was administered by GTI in late 2001, there
        were further reductions in the amounts paid to the contract staff, well below the
        amounts paid by the Organisation to TCIL. The employees received a base
        salary of 10,000 rupees per month (equivalent to $200), and an additional
        20,000 rupees for boarding (equivalent to $400). The Organisation continued to
        pay TCIL approximately $8,000 per worker per month.



Figure 22

104. Further, the agreement required the contract staff to certify to the contractor
     each month that "Living Expenses (lodging/boarding conveyance) or equivalent
     benefits have been provided by the contractor." The PTF investigation has
     confirmed that the amounts have not been paid to the staff. (See Paragraphs 2(b)
     and (e) in figure 22). Further, the contract provided that staff have "NO contact
     with the staff member of UN on any matter except for technical parameters
     pertaining to his job performance," (emphasis in original) (paragraph 17), and
     that contract staff was forbidden from divulging the "contents of the agreement
     without the written authority of the Contractor. (Paragraph 19). (See

105. Even more troubling contract staff was required to provide a "Bank Guarantee"
     and post $2,100 dollars prior to the commencement of work, and the contract
     makes clear that any breach of the contract would result of a forfeiture of
     guarantee. Under this provision in the contract, the bases for a forfeiture
     included "adverse performance" or "untimely termination" of employment.



Figure 23

   106. Further, the agreement provides in paragraph 21(ii) that "any representation and
        or complaint to the U.N. or any other Organisation will be a breach of this
        Agreement." A copy of the agreement and the performance bond is contained
        in the appendix.


   107. The murky relationship between En-Kay, GTI and Thunderbird is borne out by
        other documents obtained by the PTF. On or about 28 August 2001 Mr. Ranjit
        Kohli authorized a wire transfer payment to contract staff employees in Sierra
        Leone from the Thunderbird's account in First Union Bank, McLean, Virginia.
        The payment to TCIL contracted staff was made by Thunderbird, and not by
        TCIL itself. It should be noted that Thunderbird was not a party to the IT
        staffing contract and its existence was unknown to the UN. The UN was never
        notified what involvement Thunderbird had in the execution of the contract.
        Significantly, the document reflects that US$11,000 payment represented the
        monthly salary for all seven staff combined.



       Figure 24

Figure 25



   108. In October 2002 Mr. Saunders, then Chief of Procurement, sought clarification
        from TCIL of the nature of their relationship with Thunderbird and Nanak and
        Nishan Kohli. The inquiry was the result of the inconsistent and conflicting
        information provided by Thunderbird and Nishan Kohli in another UNPD
        Manpower Staff Support bidding contract.

Figure 26



The Effort to Re-Bid the Contract

  109. In 2001, after complaints of a failure to pay MSA reached officials of FALD,
       there was an effort to seek a rebid of the contract. When Nishan Kohli learned
       there might be such an effort afoot, he attempted to halt the process and exerted
       pressure on his contract staff to represent to the Organisation that they were
       being fully paid and otherwise satisfied with their employment. From his
       Thunderbird email address, Nishan Kohli sent an email directing the team
       leaders to "condemn these misguided colleagues" and requiring that the contract
       staff sign a petition to that effect.



Figure 27



          Figure 28

110. The investigation has revealed evidence that the contract staff were compelled
     to sign the document under the threat of termination. These signed
     representations followed Mr. Sachdeva' requests to N.Singh to provide
     confirmation of payments of "equivalent benefits."

          Figure 29



  111. The correspondence reached numerous UN staff members, including Mr. Bahel
       and Mr. Andrew Toh, Chief of Procurement at that time. In a note to Mr. Bahel
       and Mr. Sachdeva later that same day, Mr. Toh forwarded the email from the
       staff members and stated: "enough is enough." However, the investigation has
       not revealed any evidence that any further action was taken.

TCIL's Current Cooperation with the PTF

  112. The PTF has met with representatives of TCIL, both here in New York and in
       their headquarters in New Dehli. There have been several meetings between the
       PTF and TCIL representatives, and TCIL has acknowledged some responsibility
       for the severe problems in the IT staffing contract. TCIL lays principal blame
       for the transgressions, however, upon Nanak Kohli and GTI. TCIL officials
       have acknowledged that although Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli were
       authorized representatives of TCIL at the time, they nonetheless acted
       improperly in connection with their representation of the firm with the UN, and
       exceeded their authority improperly utilizing TCIL letterhead, and more
       seriously, failing to provide significant benefits to the contract staff, including
       insurance. TCIL presented the Task Force with written correspondence they
       claim they presented to GTI in which these assertions are memorialized in
       writing in 2003.

  113. The PTF presented TCIL's representative with written correspondence authored
       by "N. Singh," on purported TCIL stationary, and numerous emails from N.
       Singh to the UN. TCIL representatives, with authority to speak on behalf of the
       company, have represented to the PTF that N. Singh is in fact Nanak Kohli, and
       his use of TCIL stationary was unauthorized. Mr. Bahel himself has conceded
       that N. Singh is in fact Nanak Kohli.

  114. TCIL representatives assert that while they were aware of, and approved, the
       subcontract to GTI, they believed they had transferred all of the obligations
       which flowed from the contract to GTI. TCIL has presented documents to the
       PTF that reflects that between 80%-90% of the funds paid by the Organisation
       to TCIL in consideration of their performance (which includes salary and
       subsistence allowance) was passed on to GTI. However, the agreement between
       the Organisation and TCIL makes clear that TCIL could not assign those

  115. TCIL asserts that in 2003 they severed their ties with GTI as a result of the
       failure of GTI to comply with the obligations under the contract, including the
       failure of GTI to pay the contract staff's insurance as required.

  116. It is evident that such a failure to pay the amounts due and owing under the
       contract constitutes a material breach of the contract. While TCIL reports that
       they were unaware of GTI's failure to pay full MSA to the contract staff, the



           company does not deny that such a failure occurred. TCIL representatives were
           alerted to the fact that that there was official correspondence from senior TCIL
           officials to the Organisation representing that in fact MSA was being paid to the
           contract staff. TCIL asserts that it underwent a significant management change
           in 2003 and many of the senior officers were replaced. TCIL argues that they
           are now a different, much improved company, which has fully disassociated
           itself from Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli, whom they term as
           "unethical." TCIL also asserts that the company had a few employees who acted
           improperly, but that the company as a whole is sound.


    117. The PTF contacted Mr. Sachdeva about these matters and his interaction with
         these companies and the events described above. Mr. Sachdeva informed the
         PTF that essentially he could not remember anything about these issues. The
         PTF views this statement as highly suspicious based upon Mr. Sachdeva's deep
         involvement in this case over at least a 2 month period between October and
         November 2000, and that 76 calls were placed by Mr. Sachdeva to Mr. Kohli's
         residence in Virginia.


    118. Mr. Bahel claims essentially that his actions were vetted through OLA and that
         he alone was not in a position to influence the process. Further, he asserts that
         the selection of TCIL saved the Organisation money.5

    119.    Mr. Bahel's assertions that he vetted issues with OLA, and his actions were in
           the best interests of the Organisation do not survive close scrutiny. As discussed
           above, on a number of occasions Mr. Bahel framed the issues with OLA, and
           was responsible for presenting the facts. At times, Mr. Bahel either omitted
           material information, misrepresented information, or failed to provide the

  Mr. Bahel told PTF investigators that, agreeing to the changes to the contract which compelled payments
to TCIL directly, procurement division acted in the best interests of the Organisation, averting a possible
law suit from the Vendor over the recall of staff who failed the UN driver's test. The text of the RFP did
not specify the need to pass a UN driver's test. The adopted amendment required the Vendor to "undertake
all reasonable measures to ensure that the Personnel conform and abide by all written and oral UN rules
and regulations,... to pass the UN Driver's test and obtain UN driver's permit." Other changes included the
increase of the deployment period for TCIL personnel to 30 days and UN's agreement not to offer
employment to staff performing work on the contract until after six months from the demobilization date
from the mission. The PTF finds it difficult to understand how these concessions, opposed by FALD, were
in the best interests of the Organisation. Further, as set forth at above, the prior experience with the
IRCON contract should have resulted in the avoidance of the issues of MSA payments with TCIL. The
IRCON contract provided for identical terms, and similar problems arose in the performance under the
contract. Mr. Bahel was perhaps the only individual who was present for both processes, including the
negotiation and execution of both contracts.



       requisitioner's position on important issues. Further, OLA had no role in many
       of the significant issues.

  120. Equally meritless is Mr. Bahel's reliance upon the position of OLA that the
       dispute over the allegations that the contractor was failing to pay its contract
       staff was a matter between the contractor and its employees. While OLA did
       express this view, the opinion is premised upon, in part, the failure of proof that
       MSA was not being paid. OLA, based on representations by Mr. Bahel and PD
       that TCIL had denied the failure to pay MSA, concluded that the allegations
       were unproven. This fact affected OLA's analysis.

  121. It should be noted, however, that OLA's view that any dispute was purely a
       contractual matter between the Contractor and its staff is difficult to understand
       in light of the well established principles of contract law that fraud in the
       inducement or execution of a contract vitiates the contract in the first instance.
       Further, the Organisation should have been concerned about the conditions of
       employment of the contract staff, its reputation, as well as the loss of funds.


  122. Throughout the execution of the contract with TCIL a scheme existed to deprive
       the contract staff of sums of money due and owing to them. This scheme
       enriched Nanak Kohli and Nishan Kohli, GTI and En-Kay Associates, to the
       detriment not only of the contract staff, but of the Organisation as well. Mr.
       Bahel assisted Nanak and Nishan Kohli in acting in their interests when issues
       arose and challenges were made by FALD and contract staff, and suppressing
       the concerns of the requisitioner, FALD.

  123. TCIL, Nanak Kohli and Nishan Kohli violated the terms of the contract with the
       Organisation by failing to advise the Organisation of the utilization of other
       subcontractors, explaining the nature of the use of these other entities, and
       failing to seek approval from the Organisation for the assignments. The use of
       these entities facilitated the scheme.

  124. The Organisation significantly overpaid TCIL, a circumstance which could have
       been avoided. Paragraph 5.4 of the contract provided that "[t]he Contractor
       shall take all reasonable steps to keep all costs and expenses for which the UN is
       responsible for reimbursing the Contractor at the lowest possible level." The
       actual cost to TCIL for food and lodging for the contract staff was far less than
       amounts they were paid by the Organisation.

  125. A thorough investigation of the issues should have been allowed to proceed at
       that time. The Organisation had audit rights and access to the books and records
       of the contractor. The PD bears some responsibility for taking TCIL's
       representations at face value, and Mr. Toh and Mr. Bahel's challenges to the



       auditors and acceptance of TCIL's representations further resulted in the failure
       of the Organisation to intercept the scheme. (Under paragraph 16.1 and 16.2,
       the books and records of the Vendor were to be sent to the offices of the PD.)

Trigyn Technologies Inc

  126. On 3 March 2005 a communication and information staffing support contract,
       PD/C0028/05 was awarded to Trigyn Technologies Inc. USA, a subsidiary of
       Trigyn Technologies Limited India (Trigyn). The contract is in place today, and
       the vendor is currently providing manpower services to Missions in the
       Organisation. The PTF investigation reveals, and Trigyn has conceded, that
       Thunderbird is a subcontractor on this project. The PTF is currently
       investigating claims that GTI is also involved, and that false financial
       information was submitted to the Organisation to achieve the contract. Further,
       there are allegations that once again not all of the salary and MSA payments are
       being passed on to the contract staff.

Thunderbird Industries LLC Engineering Manpower Contract

  127. As set forth above, in 1995 the Organisation entered into a contract with
       IRCON India for the provision of engineers and other technicians to DPKO
       missions (engineering manpower contract). As in the case of the IT Staffing
       Contract, the engineering manpower contract was critical to the operation of the
       peacekeeping mission's engineering sections. Under the contract, IRCON
       employees received a subsistence allowance to pay for lodging and food while
       in the mission. The MSA was payable to the company, and the company was
       then responsible for passing the funds on to the workers.

  128. In 2002 the IRCON contract was due to expire. The Organisation determined to
       re-bid the contract. PD issued an RFP and several vendors submitted proposals.
       On 8 April 2002, Mr. Etsell, officer in charge of DPKO's Engineering Section
       (LCS/FALD/DPKO) informed the PD of DPKO's need for manpower
       engineering support in various UN peacekeeping missions throughout the
       world. Mr. Etsell provided the PD with a Statement of Work. The SOW was
       received by Mr. Bahel, the then acting Chief of PD.

  129. Weeks later, and shortly before the Procurement Department issued an
       Expression of Interest (EOI) notice on its website to inform prospective vendors
       of the needs of the Organisation for manpower services, Thunderbird submitted
       a vendor registration application seeking to register to do business with the
       Organisation for telecommunications and related services. The application was
       submitted by Mr. Nishan Kohli. In connection with its application, Nishan
       Kohli offered a completed registration form; a copy of a purported certificate of
       incorporation; balance sheets which were not audited or certified by an



     independent Certified Public Accountant; correspondence from the firm's
     accountant with the disclaimer that GAAP principles were not used in the
     compilation of the documents; and letters from companies purporting to be
     references for Thunderbird, specifically Decotec Inc. of Fairfax Virginia;
     Compaq Computers of India; Barrett Europe Limited of Hampshire, England.

130. The procurement rules and accepted practices require that in order to properly
     be registered with the Organisation , the company must provide the following:

           a)      a valid copy of the certificate of incorporation
           b)      the latest certified or audited financial statement (balance sheet,
                   income statement or signed copy of income tax return)
           c)      a minimum of three recommending reference sources by services
                   rendered within the last 12 months.

131. On 3 June 2002, however, without questioning the lack of certified financials or
     carefully examining the offered references, PD officer Diana Mills-Ayree
     approved Thunderbird's vendor registration application based on the
     information the company had provided to date.         (It should be noted that
     repeated efforts by the PTF to obtain the Thunderbird registration file as well as
     the procurement file, met with negative results. These files are currently
     considered missing.)

132. Mr. Bahel assigned the engineering manpower solicitation to Procurement
     Officer Ms. Babynina with the assistance of a procurement officer/trainee Ms.
     Redfern. On 23 May 2002 the procurement department posted on its website an
     Expression of Interest ("EOI") which ran for a total of 25 days. The intended
     purpose of the EOI was to advise both registered, as well as non-registered,
     vendors of the Organisation's need for contract services for manpower. Internet
     research was conducted in order to identify and supplement qualified vendors
     who could provide these services.

133. PD officers Ms. Babynina and Ms. Redfern prepared a list of service providers
     together with a draft of the Request For Proposal ("RFP"), and provided it to
     Mr. Bahel for his approval and signature. A witness has informed the PTF that
     after reviewing the RFP, Mr Bahel insisted that the publicly posted EOI include
     a requirement calling for interested vendors to have been fully registered prior
     to the bid opening. However, procurement rules Section 7.9(1), as well as
     common practice in the department, allowed for provisionally registered
     vendors to participate in the process, so long as they are fully registered prior to
     contract selection. The effect of requiring full registration at this stage of the
     process was the improper elimination of a number of competing vendors.

134. The investigation has revealed that Ms. Babynina prepared the Statement of
     Work ("SOW"), which was ultimately provided to Mr. Bahel for his approval
     and signature. Two witnesses have claimed that Mr. Bahel "re-worked" the



     SOW to include another stipulation requiring interested vendors to have $15
     million in annual turnover. The result of this requirement was the further
     elimination of a number of vendors.

135. On 5 July 2002 the RFP was sent to 24 companies, representing 15 countries.
     The bid opening date was 30 July 2002 with only 5 vendors responding. On 6
     August 2002 the technical evaluation was conducted by Mr. Stephen Etsell,
     Officer in Charge, Engineering Section LSD/DPKO who determined that all
     vendors were technically qualified. However, Etsell maintained concerns about
     Thunderbird and found their proposal to be "marginally compliant," based upon
     the lack of information concerning experience in managing engineering support
     services. Etsell stated "[w]e have reservations that this company can support our
     requirements as a result of the lack of information in the RFP." Mr. Etsell also
     requested that a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) report on the company be obtained by
     PD. Mr. Etsell communicated this request to Mr. Bahel in his technical
     evaluation. On the very same day as Mr. Etsell communicated this request to
     PD, Nishan Kohli contacted D&B in order to self-create a record for
     Thunderbird LLC. The PTF does not believe this is a mere coincidence.

136. That evening, following receipt of the technical evaluation report, Mr. Bahel
     unsealed the envelopes containing each of the five financial proposals.
     Thereafter, procurement officers assigned to the matter examined the financial
     proposals submitted by each of the vendors. According to one of these officers,
     Mr. Bahel told them the financial evaluation of the firms was not required in as
     much as Thunderbird was the lowest bidder. According to the witness, Mr.
     Bahel became very upset when the officer tried to examine the other proposals
     comparing them against the proposal submitted by Thunderbird. According to
     the officer, Mr. Bahel began shouting that this was unnecessary.

137. On 13 August 2002 Mr. Etsell sent an email to Mr. Bahel again explaining
     concerns that Thunderbird was a very small company with a history of merely
     four contracts, none of which were particularly relevant to the instant
     solicitation. Mr. Etsell requested that Mr. Bahel arrange an in person meeting
     with the vendor to discuss a number of "troubling issues." According to Mr.
     Etsell, Mr. Bahel never arranged the meeting; instead, Mr. Bahel furnished
     Etsell with additional letters of reference in support of Thunderbird's proposal.
     Table 1 reflects Thunderbird's relevant references as described in its technical
     proposal for RFPS



                                                     Value of           Synonymy to
     Client Name            Country       Date       Contract            RFPS 374

Indo-Kuwait General        Kuwait        July-02      $1,000,000 Flexible deployment of
Trading and Contracting                                          personnel as per
                                                                 customer's requirement
VeriSign                   Worldwide      Jun-01     $10,000,000 Hardship areas - short
                                                                 and long term
Multi-Links Nigeria Ltd    Nigeria        Jul-02      $5,000,000 Deployment of all
                                                                 levels of personnel
Marshal's Power and        India &        Jul-02      $1,000,000 Supply of short term
Telecom India, Ltd.        Worldwide                             and long term
                                                                 engineering staff

Table 1

138. After a review of the documentation provided, Ms. Redfern maintained
     concerns about Thunderbird, which caused her to question the bona fides of the
     company. According to Ms. Redfern, she was prevented from closely examining
     the company by Mr. Bahel who told her she "was not an investigator" and
     would not allow her access to the vendor registration file.

139. The PTF investigation has revealed that further scrutiny was clearly warranted.
     The accounting information provided in Thunderbird's financial statements $0.1
     million, $2.5 million and $38 million revenue for fiscal year 1999, 2000 and
     2001, respectively, claimed by Thunderbird LLC were not reasonably
     substantiated considering income tax returns could not be produced.

                                1999                 2000                        2001
    Revenue           $ 100,000.00      $ 2,500,000.00        $      38,000,000.00
    Table 2

      When asked to provide tax returns, Nishan Kohli first stated that it had
      insufficient income to require such a filing. However, Nishan Kohli later
      submitted inconsistent figures about Thunderbird's revenue and income. As
      table 2 reflects, Thunderbird reported different amounts of income on the three
      separate occasions it submitted financials in response to PD's requests.



 Comparative Analysis of three sets of P/L statements for year ending 2001 submitted by
                     Thunderbird Industries LLC, re: RFPS-374
                           Submission Date 4     Submission Date 30     Submission Date
                               June 2002               July 2002        31 October 2002*
    Total net Sales           $38,417,720.00          $38,417,720.00         $33,639,297.00
    Costs of Sales            37,389,437.00           $36,789,437.00           32,889,471
     Gross Profit              $1,028,283.00           $1,628,283.00          $749,826.00
 Total Fixed Expenses           $285,602.00             $285,602.00           $335,461.00
    Total Controllable            288,050.00          $288,050.00               97,410.00
     Total Expenses              $573,652.00          $573,652.00             $432,871.00
    Net Profit (Loss)            $454,631.00         $1,054,631.00            $316,955.00
          Taxes                                      ($307,635.86)             5,916.00
 Net Profit (Loss) After         $454,631.00          $746,995.14             $322,871.00
* Financial statements prepared by Roth & Company, CPA
  Other financial statements prepared by TBI, LLC
   Table 3

   140. A procurement officer ran a Dunn & Bradstreet report on Thunderbird LLC,
        which failed to reflect any information. However, the officer learned of the
        existence of a company named Thunderbird Industries Inc. (Thunderbird Inc.)
        which was located at the same Virginia address as Thunderbird LLC and which
        also listed Nishan Kohli as its Chief Executive Officer. An examination of
        Thunderbird Inc. at the time reflected that the company's operations ceased in
        1999 and that its charter was also revoked that year. However, the procurement
        officer identified a news article which related to Thunderbird Inc.'s effort in
        2000 to supply the Government of India with portable frequency jammers which
        were ultimately found to be defective. Included in Thunderbird LLC's
        application with the United Nations, is a note claiming credit for the provision
        of Portable Frequency Jammers to the Government of India in 1999 (US
        $85,000) and 2000 (US $165,000).

   141. The inclusion of these transactions which had apparently been accomplished by
        Thunderbird Inc., as opposed to Thunderbird LLC, improperly boosted
        Thunderbird LLC's financial image which was premised upon inaccurate
        information. On the one hand Mr. Kohli sought to enjoy the benefit of relaxed
        financial reporting requirements afforded to privately held limited liability
        companies ("LLC"), and at the same time claimed benefits of the financial
        transactions of Thunderbird Inc. to fictitiously demonstrate greater revenue for
        the company.



142. In the interview with the PTF investigators, Mr. Etsell, Officer in Charge of the
     Engineering Section, DPKO, stated that dissatisfaction with TCIL's
     performance was widely known, and frequently discussed amongst DPKO staff.
     According to Mr. Etsell, he was aware at the time the TCIL contract had
     "problems" and wanted to avoid similar issues with the engineering manpower
     contract. Particularly troubling to him was the fact that the UN had been paying
     living expense subsistence monies to TCIL, which TCIL had apparently failed
     to pass on to their workers. Further, according to Mr. Etsell, Mr. Bahel never
     informed him that Nishan Kohli represented both TCIL and Thunderbird.
     According to Mr. Etsell this would have been an important fact given what he
     had heard about the performance of TCIL.

143. Mr. Etsell has informed PTF that he had growing concerns that Thunderbird
     was incapable of performing satisfactorily, and that he had learned that
     Thunderbird had not submitted the financial statements as required by the RFP.
     Mr. Etsell stated that if these facts were true, Thunderbird should have been
     disqualified from the process. Mr. Etsell further stated that Mr. Bahel assured
     him that the PD could approach this vendor (Thunderbird) and obtain all the
     necessary information. Mr. Etsell stated that it appeared to him that Mr. Bahel
     "was trying to keep Thunderbird in the running," while at the same time waiting
     for their financial statements and other information to be submitted.

144. On 27 August 2002 Mr. Bahel held a meeting in his office with Ms. Redfern
     and Mr. Etsell to inform them the PD would be recommending the award of this
     contract to Thunderbird. According to these witnesses, Mr. Bahel also
     explained that Thunderbird was considered a Limited Liability Company
     ("LLC") and as such they were not required to provide audited financial
     statements. However, according to these witnesses, Mr. Bahel stated that
     notwithstanding this fact, the company represented a US $15 million turnover in
     2001. Mr. Bahel requested that Mr. Etsell send him an email stating that the
     references provided by Thunderbird seemed to satisfy their concerns about the
     ability of Thunderbird to perform. On the following day, Mr. Bahel telephoned
     Mr. Etsell to remind him to send the requested email, which he did. Mr. Etsell
     stated that he recalled one of the letter of references to be from VeriSign, a well-
     known company, which he considered an important element in giving his
     support to Thunderbird. Mr. Etsell stated that in his view, without this
     reference, this award would not have gone to the HCC.

145. A number of witnesses have informed the PTF that Thunderbird and TCIL's
     representatives, Nanak Kohli and Nishan Kohli, frequently visited the PD and
     were often in Mr. Bahel's office. According to Angela Sinon, a former assistant
     to Mr. Bahel, she was introduced at one point in 2002 to an older Indian
     gentleman whom she understood was from TCIL, sometimes accompanied by a
     younger Indian male, but could not remember their names. Ms. Sinon said it
     seemed to her to be improper for a procurement official to be meeting with a



     vendor as often as they did, especially without other vendors, or their
     representatives, being present.

146. On 4 September 2002 Mr. Bahel, the Section Chief, rather than the procurement
     officer who was absent, presented the case before the HCC and recommended
     the award of the contract to Thunderbird. Although present for the HCC
     presentation, Ms. Redfern stated that she never spoke, but took
     contemporaneous notes. The official HCC minutes reflect Mr. Etsell as saying
     on behalf of DPKO that he found, "unequivocally," that Thunderbird was
     capable of meeting the UN's requirements. However, Mr. Etsell has informed
     PTF investigators that notwithstanding his general support for Thunderbird at
     the time, he never used the term "unequivocally" in the HCC presentation, nor
     held such a strong view. It is also clear that Mr. Etsell left midway through the
     presentation as he had another pressing appointment.

147. The HCC minutes did reflect concerns on the part of some of the HCC members
     with Thunderbird's financial soundness and capability to perform. The
     Committee stated that "[a]s Thunderbird was a newly registered entity with the
     Organisation, PD, as a matter of due diligence, conducted a detailed review of
     Thunderbird's proposal...." It is evident that the HCC relied upon
     representations that due diligence of the company was conducted. Based upon
     the facts learned thereafter and during the course of this investigation, PTF
     considers insufficient inquiry was made into the bona fides of the company.

148. It is also clear that expedited approval for the award was sought. The PTF has
     interviewed numerous witnesses involved in the process, and no one has
     accepted responsibility for seeking the expedited approval, including either the
     case officer, or Mr. Bahel. However, it is clear that either the procurement
     officer, or a supervisor, must make the request of the HCC in the first instance.
     PTF investigators have identified an email, dated 28 April 2003, from Joao
     Marcedo, the Secretary of HCC, which confirms this fact. Mr. Marcedo stated:
            As a matter of policy, we only provide expedited approvals with a
            written or verbal request from PD. It is not uncommon that after
            the deliberation of a particular item, the Procurement Officer/s
            might make a verbal request for an expedited approval that we
            have accommodated without insisting for a written request. Our
            records indicate that the Procurement Officers present for that item
            at the meeting were Mr. Bahel and Ms. Redfern."

149. Ms. Redfern has denied requesting expedited approval, a position which seems
     credible in light of her repeated concerns about the company at the time. Ms.
     Redfern also said that she never spoke to the HCC meeting, and that Mr. Bahel
     spoke on behalf of the PD throughout the entire presentation. Both Ms.
     Babynina, and Procurement Officer Walter Cabrera, who had become involved
     in this matter peripherally after the HCC meeting, denied making the request.
     The file also reflects an email from Christian Saunders, the then Chief of the



     Procurement Department, to Ms. Redfern, dated 28 April 2003 stating that: "I
     also spoke with both Sanjay and Walter who inform me that they did not request
     a rubber stamp approval."

150. Mr. Bahel told PTF investigators that he first learned of the expedited approval
     from Ms. Redfern on or about 10 September 2002 prior to his departure on
     extended leave. Mr. Bahel said he never questioned Ms. Redfern regarding the
     need or justification for expedited approval in this case even though he was her
     supervisor and was well-acquainted with the facts of the case as he personally
     presented the matter before the HCC. Mr. Bahel's response lacks credibility.
     The PTF has interviewed various witnesses, examined numerous emails and
     documents which contradict Mr. Bahel's statement that he learned of the
     expedited approval from Ms. Redfern. Further, to the extent that Mr. Bahel's
     Bahel assertion that Ms. Redfern asked for the expedited approval and learned
     of it from her is not credible in light of the facts and reasonable inferences to be
     drawn therefrom. Mr. Bahel was the individual who pressed on behalf of
     Thunderbird for the contract.

151. In the first instance, the need for expedited approval is questionable in light of
     the fact that an extension of the contract in place at the time was also sought,
     and granted. In addition, Thunderbird had yet to provide audited financial
     statements, and the HCC had directed that Thunderbird produce these
     documents in four weeks. In fact, it took Nishan Kohli more than eight weeks to
     ultimately provide the documents. Further, the current contractor was being
     extended for an additional eight weeks.

152. The HCC minutes reflect other troubling facts. Originally, Mr. Etsell in his
     submission of the Statement of Work (SOW) of 8 April 2002, had requested a
     contract to be established for an initial period of one year with the option to
     extend the same for two additional periods of one year each. However, a review
     of the HCC minutes and the HCC Award Recommendation cover page reflect a
     handwritten change in the award from one year to three years with the option of
     extending up to two additional years. Ms. Redfern confirms the handwriting is
     Mr. Bahel's. She also contends that Mr. Bahel was responsible for replacing the
     concept of "Mission Subsistence Allowance" with "Living Expense Amount" in
     the contract, a contention Mr. Bahel denies and attributes to the Office of Legal

153. The procurement rules provide that an award is not final until the Assistant
     Secretary-General for Department of Management (ASG/DM) reviews the HCC
     minutes and expresses his concurrence through signing the HCC cover page.
     While the minutes of the HCC meeting were pending and not yet finalized, a
     one page form had been issued by the HCC granting expedited approval for
     both the continuation of the current contract, and for its replacement by



154. After the HCC presentation, on 10 September 2002 Mr. Bahel, who was
     scheduled to leave New York on annual leave, convened a meeting with Ms.
     Redfern and Mr. Cabrera prior to his departure. In this meeting, Mr. Bahel
     instructed them to notify Thunderbird of the recommendation to award the
     contract to them. According to Mr. Cabrera, he understood that he was not able
     to provide a Letter of Intent (LOI) to Thunderbird, but was able to give verbal
     notification of the HCC's action based upon the document issued by the HCC.
     Mr. Cabrera's understanding that this action was permissible was based upon
     the fact that his supervisor, Mr. Bahel, directed him to do it, as well as his own
     understanding of the rules at the time. According to Ms. Redfern, Mr. Bahel
     further instructed them upon receipt of the HCC minutes confirming that no
     additional requirements had been imposed by the Committee they should begin
     to prepare an award letter to Thunderbird.

155. At the direction of Mr. Bahel, Mr. Cabrera did in fact notify Mr. Nishan Kohli
     that the HCC had recommended that the contract be awarded to Thunderbird
     and that Thunderbird would likely receive the contract. Mr. Cabrera asserts
     that he further notified Mr. Kohli that PD could not issue an LOI prior to
     receiving the approved HCC minutes and formal award of the contract.

156. Mr. Cabrera concedes that he provided notice to Nishan Kohli at the express
     direction of Mr. Bahel after the HCC had issued a notice of expedited approval.
     According to Mr. Cabrera, Mr. Bahel left instructions to await a copy of the
     approval in his inbox in the procurement office. Further, according to Mr.
     Cabrera, Mr. Bahel told Mr. Cabrera that he would be out of the office and
     requested that Mr. Cabrera should retrieve the document and notify the vendor
     of the likely award. Mr. Cabrera acknowledges that he followed the direction,
     and in the course of contact with Mr. Kohli, he provided the notification.

157. In preparing the ultimate contract for the award, according to Ms. Redfern, Mr.
     Bahel further instructed Mr. Cabrera to obtain the latest electronic version of the
     TCIL IT staffing contract, including Amendments 1 and 3, together with its
     terms and conditions, as a model for use in the preparation of the Thunderbird
     contract. Mr. Cabrera indicated that this request came from Ms. Babynina or
     Ms. Redfern. All concede that the TCIL contract was to be used as a model in
     preparation for the Thunderbird contract.

158. However, as set forth above, the TCIL contract was found to be deficient and
     ambiguous in material respects. The effect of this provision resulted in the
     ability of the contractor to receive payments intended for the contract staff
     directly, without providing proof that the amounts had been paid.

159. Mr. Etsell told investigators he did not want to have a "morale problem" with
     the contract employees and therefore sought Mr. Bahel's assurance that the
     workers would receive the full subsistence payment. According to Mr. Etsell,
     Mr. Bahel told him that if Thunderbird failed to pay the subsistence to its



       workers, he would "call in" the performance bond and pay the employees

  160. In early September 2002 Mr. Etsell says he met with Nishan Kohli,
       Thunderbird's representative, at the request of Mr. Bahel. Mr. Etsell was
       suspicious and concerned about meeting with a vendor prior to any official
       announcement of the contract award. As a result of this concern, Mr. Etsell
       urged his assistant, Gaynor Cote, to attend the meeting with him, and take notes.
       At the meeting, according to Mr. Etsell, Mr. Kohli stated that he was the lowest
       bidder, and understood he would be receiving the contract. Mr. Etsell expressed
       to PTF investigators that he was surprised by this statement because he did not
       realize this information was publicly known. According to Mr. Etsell, Nishan
       Kohli further gave notice of his plans to travel to the Congo to meet with some
       of the current IRCON employees. According to Mr. Etsell, he told Mr. Kohli in
       no uncertain terms that Mr. Kohli was absolutely forbidden to do this because it
       would be very disruptive to the current operations of the UN Mission.
       Nevertheless, and despite the admonition from Mr. Etsell and Mr. Cabrera as
       well to the same effect, on or about 21 September 2002 Mr. Kohli travelled to
       the Mission and met a number of IRCON employees, offering them
       employment opportunities with Thunderbird. According to IRCON employees
       senior managers with whom the PTF spoke, this act caused major disruption
       amongst IRCON's contract staff.

  161. On 21 September 2002 IRCON representatives delivered a letter to Christian
       Saunders, then the Chief of the Procurement Division, complaining of Nishan
       Kohli and TCIL's attempt to "raid their staff." A Note to the File, dated 26
       September 2002 from Ms. Cote further disclosed that TCIL was offering
       IRCON personnel lower wages, and that there was no mention of living expense
       subsistence pay.


  162. The PTF has investigated the bona fides of Thunderbird's representations to the
       Organisation in connection with its submissions of references in support of the
       contract award.

  163. In connection with their effort to register with the Organisation, Thunderbird
       LLC, through Mr. Kohli, offered the following companies as references: 1)
       Decotec Inc; 2) Compaq Computers India; and 3) Barrett Europe Limited.

  164. PTF investigators contacted Decotec Inc on 12 May 2006 and spoke with Dr.
       William Weisenberger Jr. Mr. Weisenberger confirmed he wrote the letter for
       "Thunderbird." Mr. Weisenberger could not recall if he wrote the letter for
       Thunderbird Inc. or Thunderbird LLC. Rather, Mr. Weisenberger stated that the
       letter was for the elder Kohli, the father, with whom his father had done



        business for more than 20 years. Dr. Weisenberger confirmed that his father
        had done business with Nanak Kohli, and he was currently "doing business"
        with Nishan Kohli. Dr. Weisenberger added that the letter was written on
        behalf of the Kohlis, and not Thunderbird as a company.

   165. Efforts to contact Compaq Computers India have met with resistance. The
        company has referred the PTF to corporate counsel, and PTF investigators were
        not allowed to speak with employees associated with the reference letter. The
        PTF has concerns about the authenticity of correspondence provided by the

   166. PTF investigators contacted Mr. David Peaty of Barrett Europe Limited
        (Barrett). Mr. Peaty informed the investigators that the letter in question was in
        fact written by him, but it was not intended as a "recommendation" letter. The
        letter memorialized an agreement between Barrett and Thunderbird allowing
        Thunderbird to bid on Barrett's behalf for UN projects. Mr. Barrett confirmed
        that he has not engaged in business with either Thunderbird LLC or
        Thunderbird Inc.

References in support of the RFP

   167. Thunderbird supplied four letters in support of their proposal for the engineering
        manpower contract, to include 1) Indo-Kuwait General Trading & Contracting
        Company; 2) Marshals Power and Telecom India Ltd; 3) Multi-Links, Nigeria;
        and 4) VeriSign.


   168. H.R. Singh was the author of the letter submitted to the Organisation on behalf
        of Multi-Links Nigeria (Multi-Links). Mr. Singh was contacted, and could not
        locate a copy of the letter he wrote. Mr. Singh could not, and did not, verify
        that Thunderbird LLC had indeed performed the services stated in the
        correspondence, nor could he determine whether Thunderbird had conducted
        any business with the company. A further investigation of Multi-Links reveals
        an association with TCIL. PTF investigators went to the Multi-Links website
        which at the time of the search listed TCIL under the "Group Associates" icon,
        and provided a link to TCIL's website. Following the PTF's contact of Multi-
        Links, the reference and link to TCIL are no longer there.



Figure 30

Indo-Kuwait General Trading & Contracting Company

   169. The PTF investigation has revealed that Indo-Kuwait General Trading &
        Contracting Company (Indo-Kuwait) is part of Ahmed Yousef Behbehani &
        Partner W.L.L. group in Kuwait. Mr. Behbehani is TCIL's local agent in
        Kuwait as verified by several tenders offered by TCIL. The letter on behalf of
        Thunderbird, purportedly authored by R. Krishnamoorthy, has not been verified.
        Mr. Krishnamoorthy has been contacted and he has informed PTF investigators
        that he could not locate a copy of the letter, or identify any records relating to
        Thunderbird Industries LLC in the company's files. Mr. Krishnamoorthy has
        further informed investigators that "Thunderbird Industries was keen to
        associate with our company, but the situation did not arise."



Figure 31


   170. Despite repeated requests, VeriSign has not provided documents or allowed
        investigators to fully interview relevant witnesses. Their corporate counsel has
        referred investigators to prosecutors from the Southern District of New York
        who have apparently contacted the company. Prior to being referred to
        corporate counsel, a PTF investigator spoke with Leonard Johnson, the author
        of the letter to the Organisation on behalf of Thunderbird. Mr. Johnson
        confirmed he wrote the letter but could not verify that Thunderbird had
        performed any work for VeriSign. Mr. Johnson referred the investigator to the
        Federal Bureau of Investigation and provided the investigator with the name of
        VeriSign's in house counsel, for further information.

   171. The investigation has also revealed that Ranjit Kohli, Nishan Kohli's brother,
        was a Practice Manager for VeriSign during the relevant time period, and is
        now the Managing Director of Acusign, a company which holds a close
        relationship with VeriSign in India. The fact that Ranjit Kohli was a Manager
        with VeriSign at the time of the reference was not revealed to the PD.

Marshals Power and Telecom India

   172. The PTF made efforts to contact the management. No response has been
        received to date.

Laptop Computer Contract Awarded to TCIL

   173. In February 2002 DPKO Communications and Information Technology
        Services (CITS) sought to obtain a new systems contract for laptop computers.



     Mr. Cabrera was the procurement officer in the procurement department (PD)
     assigned to this matter, and reported to Mr. Bahel who participated in this
     contract award as well. On 25 February 2002 an expression of interest was
     issued by PD. An invitation to bid followed on 15 April 2002 which was
     transmitted to 36 vendors from nine countries.

       �   CITS advised PD that they desired only "IBM, Dell and Compaq"
           computers on the basis of ITSD standards for computers. On the other
           hand, through the Chief of the Information Technology Services Division
           (ITSD), Mr. Eduardo Blinder, who became involved in the process by the
           request of Mr. Bahel, recommended adding Toshiba, Sony, Fujitsu and
           NEC to the list. In a subsequent exchange of emails between PD and the
           requisitioner (CITS and ITSD), CITS continued to assert that they sought
           only the three major brands of computers to avoid "inferior products,"
           laptops from "questionable manufacturers," "clones" and "home built
           computers." Ultimately, however, CITS agreed that they were amenable
           to expanding the field to include other major brands of computer
           manufacturers who were recognized industry leaders. As a result, on 24
           April 2002, the case officer, Mr. Cabrera, issued a bid amendment
           notification to the vendors correcting the anticipated quantity of the
           computers sought, and clarifying that only "Compaq, Dell, IBM, Toshiba,
           Sony, Fujitsu and NEC" brands would be considered for solicitation.

174. On 15 May 2002 the bids were read publicly. La Cresta Communications of
     California submitted the lowest priced bid based upon a Pentium III Toshiba
     model. TCIL was the next lowest bidder offering a Compaq model, followed by
     Dell, and then SSDI with an IBM, and finally Manchester Technologies offering
     a Fujitsu model. On 30 May 2002 Mr. Cabrera notified La Cresta that the
     company needed to resubmit the specifications for the Toshiba model they were
     offering as the table of compliance with the bid technical terms was absent, and
     specification pages from La Cresta's submission were contrary to the proper
     format. Nevertheless, Mr. Cabrera allowed La Cresta to resubmit the pages.

175. In its response, La Cresta informed PD that Toshiba was discontinuing the
     Pentium III model offered in its original submission, but that they would
     upgrade the model proposed to a Pentium IV and provide the upgraded model to
     the Organisation at no extra cost. La Cresta informed PD that because of the
     discontinuation of the Pentium III model, they therefore could not provide the
     anticipated quantity of Pentium III laptops called for in the RFP, but informed
     PD of its ability to fill the order for the guaranteed quantity with the currently
     proposed model, and of their readiness to fill the remainder with the upgraded

176. The investigation has revealed that Mr. Cabrera forwarded La Cresta's offer of
     an upgraded model to CITS personnel, by email.             Subsequent email
     communication reflects that Mr. Cabrera's dialogue with DPKO about the



     upgraded model continued. The PTF has expended considerable effort to
     reconstruct the sequence of events that followed. A three week lapse existed
     between the time of the finding that La Cresta was determined to be compliant,
     and the initiation of the re-bidding exercise. In the interim period, email
     correspondence confirms that DPKO found La Cresta to be technically
     compliant even after the offer of an upgrade. Mr. Cabrera was further in the
     midst of preparing the presentation to the HCC.

           Figure 32

177. Procurement Department officials, including Mr. Cabrera and Mr. Bahel,
     concede that at this point there was no further issue, and no justification not to
     award the contract to La Cresta. No correspondence exists in the case file from
     procurement to the vendor notifying them of the cancellation. Recently, PTF
     investigators reached the officials in La Cresta responsible for the submission
     and the representative who interacted with the Organisation in connection with
     this contract. The official remembered the event well, and informed PTF
     investigators that he was told by Mr. Cabrera that the bid was being cancelled,
     and that "they" wanted to do it, as they didn't want to have another model



     because of maintenance issues. He believed "they" was a reference to Mr.
     Cabrera's supervisor since the official asserted that he spoke with the DPKO
     official who indicated to him that DPKO was satisfied with La Cresta's renewed

178. Further, a DPKO official involved in the process has informed the PTF that in
     conversations first with Mr. Cabrera and Mr. Streb, and then later with Mr.
     Bahel in this interim period, it was represented to him that PD had expressed a
     view that there was an "issue" with La Cresta's submission. According to the
     official, both Mr. Cabrera and Mr. Bahel suggested a re-bid because of a
     "technicality." While the official objected, he was told by both Mr. Cabrera and
     Mr. Bahel that because the matter is a commercial one it is within the exclusive
     prerogative of PD to cancel the bid on the basis of commercial non-compliance.
     The PTF finds that, based on these circumstances, this act was improper.

179. The assertions by the DPKO official appear to be corroborated by statements
     made by the vendor, La Cresta, that the motivating entity to cancel the bid was
     officials in the Procurement Department. The explanation attributed to PD that
     there were commercial issues with La Cresta's bid is not persuasive. DPKO
     had found La Cresta to be compliant and the firm was the lowest bidder, a fact
     confirmed by the DPKO official and an email uncovered by the PTF.
     Furthermore, it was conveyed to the La Cresta official that the procurement
     department was preparing a presentation to the HCC.

   Figure 33
180. It is further clear that the cancellation of a bid must be approved by a supervisor
     in PD, a fact that Mr. Bahel concedes. Therefore, a reasonable and logical
     inference to be drawn from the undisputed facts compels the conclusion that Mr.
     Bahel was involved in the process to cancel the bid, and held responsibility for
     the cancellation. There is no evidence brought to the attention of the PTF
     justifying the cancellation. During his interview, Mr. Bahel could not provide



     an explanation. Therefore, based upon the above, the PTF finds that Mr. Bahel
     was remiss in his responsibilities and violated the procurement rules.

181. It is clear that a new invitation to bid (ITB) was issued in early July. The
     supplemental ITB ultimately limited the solicitation to the three brands of
     computers originally requested by CITS.

182. The ITB was based upon the upgraded specifications, the Pentium IV model.
     Ten companies responded, and two companies, TCIL and Danoffice, were the
     most competitive both offering the same Compaq model. TCIL offered the
     lowest price, followed by Danoffice. Of the initial bidders, TCIL was the only
     company to propose a lower price for the computer model it offered. All other
     vendors raised their prices from the initial bid. Although La Cresta offered a
     Compaq brand, and the second lowest bid, the model it was offering was
     inferior to the models offered by TCIL and Danoffice, and was in fact
     determined by CITS to be non-compliant.
                                 Analysis of Bid Pricing
                  $1,900.00                                                      Tech
                                                                      hes te
                  $1,800.00                                    Manfc c e
                  $1,700.00                                   Da no
                                                             TCI L
                              DDU     DDU    FCA     FCA
                              (P3)    (P4)   (P3)    (P4)
                               TCIL    Danoffice    Manchester Tech

                   Graph 2
183. On 18 July 2002 Mr. Bahel, the Officer in Charge of Procurement at the time,
     recommended the award to TCIL for a systems contract in the amount of
     US$5,340,000. In the presentation of the matter to the HCC, officials
     questioned the basis for limiting the bidding exercise to the three specified
     brands and intimated that the PD violated UN rules and regulations by the use
     of brand names in its ITB. Email communication after the event describes a
     circumstance in which DPKO officials are questioned about the limitation of the
     re-solicitation to the three preferred brands. The HCC stated that "were it not
     for the imminent loss of funds, the Committee would have recommended that a
     re-bidding exercise be conducted inviting all brands of laptops that met the
     UN's requirement." Nevertheless, the proposed contract award to TCIL was
     ultimately approved, and signed. (It also should be noted that Mr. Blinder
     chaired the HCC meeting. It appears Mr. Blinder suffered from a conflict
     serving as the Chair as well as having involvement in the process on behalf of
     the requisitioner).



  184. The impropriety of the cancellation of the first bid, and the invitation for
       vendors to re-submit further bids in light of the cancellation, allowed the other
       vendors a second opportunity to bid on the laptop contract. As set forth above,
       the re-bidding exercise is questionable in light of the fact that La Cresta was
       held to be technically compliant by DPKO, and offered the lowest bid. On that
       basis, it appears that they should have been awarded the contract in the absence
       of objection by the requisitioner, a fact that both Mr. Cabrera and Mr. Bahel
       now concede. Nevertheless, the conclusion of the PTF is that Mr. Bahel
       cancelled the bid. He was the PD official involved in the matter who had the
       authority to do it, and past practice suggests that such a decision could only
       come from a supervisor. Mr. Cabrera did not have the seniority or position to
       authorize that act.

  185. Absent a clear explanation supporting the cancellation of the bid, the decision to
       cancel the contract and ultimately award it to TCIL is not justified. The PTF
       finds that Mr. Bahel cancelled the bid without justification, and violated
       procurement rules.

  186. The failure to award the contract to La Cresta caused the Organisation to lose
       8.9% of the executed contract value on a support-cost adjusted basis, based on
       calculations by PTF investigators. This calculation is a conservative estimate.

Radio Trunking Systems � PD/C0209/00 & PD/C0055/00

  187. The audit report included an analysis of a systems contract for Radio trunking
       systems, case number PD/C0209/00/RFP and found a lack of impartiality by
       Mr. Bahel in the procurement process. The $36 million contract was ultimately
       awarded to TCIL.

  188. By way of background, prior to the systems contract there was a single purchase
       bidding exercise for trunking systems for the mission in Kosovo. This
       procurement exercise took place in 1999, case # PD/C0055/00.

  189. In that procurement exercise, TCIL was one of four companies to submit bids
       for this proposal, the others being Ericson, Nortel (Cogent) and Motorola. After
       this evaluation, Cogent was the highest rated vendor with a 70% compliance
       rating, and TCIL was the lowest, considered just 12.5% compliant. Ericsson was
       determined to be 57.28% compliant, and Motorola 48.05%.

  190. According to CITS officials interviewed by the PTF investigators, this rating
       should have disqualified TCIL. However, according to several CITS staff
       members, Mr. Bahel asked them to speak with Cogent and TCIL, and to re-
       evaluate TCIL's bid and make the TCIL proposal compliant. According to
       these witnesses, the reason given by Mr. Bahel to conduct such a re-evaluation



     was that TCIL submitted a bid that was significantly lower in cost that the
     remaining bids. Mr. Bahel recently confirmed to PTF investigators that he held
     this position at the time. The flagrant disregard to defer to the experts, and not
     take into account the severe lack of technical acceptability, is not justified. It is
     evident that Mr. Bahel exceeded his authority by this action.

191. At the same time, while CITS staff members stated that Mr. Bahel had initiated
     the meetings with TCIL; the presentation to the HCC, signed by Mr. Bahel, read
     that CITS had requested to meet with Cogent and TCIL. Witnesses interviewed
     by PTF investigators have informed that Mr. Bahel's statements in this regard
     were false. No CITS staff member with whom PTF investigators spoke has
     confirmed Mr. Bahel's statement. In fact, all who have been interviewed stated
     that Mr. Bahel forced the issue, and insisted that CITS discuss the evaluations
     with TCIL. Further, there is no evidence of a direction to re-evaluate the other
     bidders, or to include them later in the process.

192. In the interview with PTF investigators, Mr. Bahel has stated that the other
     bidders were not invited as Cogent and TCIL were the lowest bidders. Mr.
     Bahel defended his decision, and conceded that he had challenged the technical
     evaluation by CITS because the price difference was so dramatic. Mr. Bahel
     stated that he believed that a substantial savings to the Organisation could have
     been achieved if TCIL's proposal had been made compliant.

193. Mr. Bahel's reasoning appears shallow. Surely, there is more to the analysis of
     the qualification of a vendor than mere cost. Such narrow reasoning calls into
     question the need for a technical evaluation in the first instance, and appears to
     render the reasoned opinion of the experts unnecessary.                Further, in
     consideration of his association with the representatives of TCIL discussed
     more fully below, the validity of his reasoning is even more questionable.

194. The next year, CITS sought solicitations for a new digital trunking radio
     systems contract for its Missions in MONUC and UNTAET. An expression of
     interest was posted by PD on its website in early May and a RFP 86 followed by
     the end of May. Forty vendors registered with the PD were invited to submit
     their proposals by 7 July 2000. By the bid-opening deadline, proposals were
     received from CICCI, TCIL, Motorola, Ericsson, and Cogent. Thirty days later
     CITS found all five submissions to be technically non-compliant.

195. The vendors' non-compliance, however, turned out to be erroneous, and a
     mistake on the part of the requisitioner. In subsequent discussions between PD
     and DPKO, it was agreed that the systems offered by the bidders (with the
     exception of CICCI) were representative of the technology then available in the
     market and that the specification requested by CITS may have been too high. In
     the face of an Immediate Operational Requirement, Mr. Bahel proposed to
     request the original bidders to submit a "Best and Final Offer" (BAFO). On 8



          August 2000 case officer Grace Montelibano issued a request for BAFO to
          TCIL, Motorola, Ericson, and Cogent, with on opening date of 10 August 2000.

    196. Again, PTF faced challenges in reconstructing the facts and circumstances of
         the case due to lack of the condition of the procurement file. Consequently, the
         PTF has had to rely on the memory of procurement officers involved. Whereas
         the investigation discovered a draft and a final presentation to the HCC of 10
         August 2000, prepared by the case officer and signed by Mr. Bahel, PTF
         investigators have not been able to locate any documents supporting BAFO
         quotes submitted by the companies, other than the price matrix prepared by PD
         for the presentation to the HCC.

    197. While the case was assigned to Ms. Montelibano, the HCC minutes reflect the
         presence of Messrs. Bahel and Streb only. Interviews with the PD officials
         failed to reveal the reasons for the absence of the buyer in the presentation, or
         the identity of the actual presenter of the case to the HCC. Neither Mr. Streb,
         nor Ms. Montelibano could recall the reasons for her absence. The Review of
         personnel records has shown that Ms. Montelibano was in the office during the
         dates in question.

    198. Mr. Bahel told PTF that he could have "complemented the junior procurement
         officer, but would have never supplemented him or her" in the HCC
         presentation. In response to the question regarding the discount offered by TCIL
         following its submission of BAFO, Mr. Bahel confirmed to PTF investigators
         he contacted the vendor in the presence of another officer. The purpose of the
         contact was to try to obtain another reduction in price from the vendor.
         Moreover, Mr. Bahel asserted this price negotiation was done in full compliance
         with the Procurement Manual and in light of the fact that TCIL was then already
         the lowest bidder.

    199. The HCC criticized Mr. Bahel for approaching the Vendor for a second time
         without its specific instruction. Nevertheless, the HCC recommended the award
         of a 3-year fixed price systems contract to TCIL. Based on the record before it,
         the PTF cannot conclude that contacting the vendor a second time before the
         HCC deliberation was in and of itself improper.

Mr. Bahel's Personal Relationship with the Kohlis
    200. The investigation reveals that Mr. Bahel's relationship with the Kohlis runs
         deep, and dates back to the 1980s. Mr. Bahel acknowledged that he met Nanak
         Kohli at a gathering associated with an Indian civic Organisation in
         Washington, D.C. when he was stationed there at the Indian Embassy.6 Further,
         a search of Mr. Bahel's computer reveals a wedding invitation list. From the

 According to his personnel file, Bahel was employed by the Indian Government in Washington, D.C.
between 1980 and 1984.



            list, it appears that Mr. Bahel invited Nanak Kohli and Nishan Kohli to his son's
            wedding in India in June 2002, at the same time the Kohlis were acting on
            behalf of vendors performing contractual services for the UN.

   201. Mr. Bahel acknowledged sporadic contact with the Kohlis, but represented to
        investigators in April 2006 that he had not spoken with the Kohlis in 18 months.
        The PTF has proven this assertion to be false.

   202. Further, numerous witnesses have described circumstances in which Nishan
        Kohli was a frequent visitor to the UN Procurement Department, and to Mr.
        Bahel's office, at times when the Kohlis were acting on behalf of company's
        efforts to do business with the Organisation. Witnesses state that the Kohlis
        would visit Mr. Bahel in his office, more than once a month. Multiple witnesses
        have indicated that the frequency of such visits was improper.


   203. Most significantly, however, the Kohlis provided Mr. Bahel with tangible and
        intangible benefits during the relevant time period, including the purchase and
        lease of two expensive New York condominium apartments on behalf of Mr.
        Bahel. Prior to May 2003 Sanjaya Bahel was residing at 300 East 34 Street in
        New York. In May 2003 Acumen International, a New York based company
        incorporated by Nishan Kohli, sought to purchase two condominium apartment
        units at 240 East 47th Street, Units 17E and 17F. Acumen International's
        incorporation papers bore Nishan Kohli's accountant's address at the time, and
        reflect that the company was incorporated in 2002. According to a
        representative of the then owner of the East 47th Street units, Nanak and Nishan
        Kohli viewed the apartment prior to purchase, as did Sanjaya Bahel. The
        owner volunteered it was evident to him that the purchase of the units was to
        allow Bahel to occupy them.

   204. Indeed, the "Information Regarding Applicant" Form which accompanied the
        purchase application submitted to the condominium Board reflected that Mr.
        Sanjaya Bahel and Mrs. Neera Bahel were the prospective immediate occupants
        of the units. Perhaps most significantly, the form requested the purchaser to
        identify the nature of the relationship between the occupant and the prospective
        owner, to which Mr. Bahel is listed by Nishan Kohli as a "business

Figure 34



205. A representative of the company that owned the property informed PTF
     investigators that the Kohlis made it clear to him that they intended to
     immediately provide the units to Mr. Bahel for him to occupy. The
     representative used the name "Bahel" even before PTF investigators asked the
     identity of the individual.

206. It is clear from the documentation and the owner's description of the individual
     that the intended occupant was Mr. Bahel. Indeed, a photocopy of Mr. Bahel's
     driver's license is contained in the application file. The investigation has
     revealed that neither Nanak, nor Nishan Kohli sought to occupy or, in fact, lived
     in these condominium units. It is evident that the individuals intended at the
     inception of the transaction to occupy the units were Mr. Bahel and his family.

207. Incredibly, fees associated with the occupancy of the units were paid by
     Acumen from the Thunderbird Industries bank account in Virginia.

        Figure 35

208. According to the representative from Ammar, N.V., the entity which owned the
     property, these fees were for the purposes of providing revenue for the
     condominium board and were required whenever tenants or owners moved in or
     out of the apartment. In the representative's experience, these fees were
     typically paid by the individuals occupying the units, and were non-refundable.

209. When asked about the circumstances of his occupancy of these units, Mr. Bahel
     failed to provide any of the aforementioned information. Rather, Mr. Bahel



     stated to investigators that he did not know the owner of the unit and that he
     negotiated for both the lease and ultimate purchase of the property with "a
     lawyer" and, when pressed further, he stated that he understood the lawyer to be
     acting on behalf of a "mortgage company." Mr. Bahel was asked several times
     whether he knew the owner of the units. However, Mr. Bahel never mentioned
     Acumen or the Kohlis. Bahel asserted further that he paid $5000 a month in
     rent for both of the units, and maintained an understanding with the lawyer that
     he could purchase the units for a set amount at a later date. In effect, Mr. Bahel
     asserted that a lease-purchase agreement was codified in separate
     correspondence. However, Mr. Bahel has failed to produce any documentation
     to support these assertions despite repeated requests of the PTF to produce the
     information and records reflecting the lease payments. Based upon such a
     failure to cooperate, the false assertions made by Mr. Bahel, and the facts and
     circumstances of this case, there is serious question whether Mr. Bahel paid any
     rent at all.

210. Even assuming for a moment that these assertions are accurate, it is evident that
     Mr. Bahel nonetheless received a substantial benefit from the Kohlis. The lease
     of these premises for a mere $5000 per month was well below the then
     prevailing rates. In fact, the previous owner has provided documentation to the
     PTF that he rented the units in 2000-01 for $8600 per month.

     Figure 36

211. Further, Bahel was provided the units directly and was not required to compete
     with any prospective lessees or purchasers. Contrary to his assertion that his
     son learned of the availability of the property through an advertisement, it is
     clear that he was involved in the Kohlis purchase from the inception, and even
     viewed the apartments prior to the purchase by Mr. Kohli. In addition, real
     estate professionals have informed the PTF that a lease purchase agreement in
     2003 with a fixed purchase price at a future date in time is a substantial benefit
     to the purchaser. Real estate values were increasing rapidly at the time, and
     certainly had the potential to increase substantially over a two year period.



212. Bahel ultimately "purchased" the units from the Kohlis in May 2005. The
     properties were not listed with a broker for sale, and were not advertised.
     Again, in connection with the purchase, Mr. Bahel claimed that he did not know
     the owner, and dealt with the lawyer for the mortgage company. However, this
     assertion is false. A review of the computer Mr. Bahel utilized at the time
     reflects that he accessed a document about Acumen and the Kohlis. Further,
     Nishan Kohli's name appears on the original deeds filed in May 2005 as does an
     address of 600 NE 36 Street, PH11 Miami, Florida. Mr. Bahel's name is
     prominently identified as the grantee. Further, the investigation has revealed
     that the real property at the Florida address is owned by Hend Shuaib, who is
     believed to be Nishan Kohli's wife. The investigation has further revealed that
     Nishan Kohli and Hend Shuaib own a single family residence together as well
     as a business, HN Projects, LLC, both located at 3820 Stuart Avenue, Miami,
     Florida. (It is unclear what business this corporation engages in.)

Figure 37

213. According to the real estate deed, the purchase price for these units together was
     $1,500,000. Mr. Bahel presented records which he claimed supported his
     contention that he personally made a down payment of $135,000 towards the
     purchase price. His UNFCU bank account statements reflect a $135,000
     withdrawal in May 2005. Mr. Bahel claims that his sons provided the
     remainder of the down payment. However, Mr. Bahel has not provided
     supporting documentation for this contention. The investigation has revealed
     that Mr. Bahel secured two separate mortgages in May 2005 from the UNFCU
     in the amounts of $495,000, and $375,000, respectively. Proof has not been
     provided concerning the source of the remaining $495,000 difference (between
     the combined mortgage amounts, Bahel's down payment, and remaining
     balance). Mr. Bahel contends that this amount was provided by his sons.



      214. Mr. Bahel's claim that he was unaware of the owner of the property is further
           undermined by other investigative efforts of the PTF. A forensic examination
           of Mr. Bahel's computer reveals that on 12 July 2005 Mr. Bahel accessed the
           New York City property records system and researched the property deeds for
           his residence. At this time, the Kohli name appeared on the deed. A subsequent
           deed which removed Mr. Kohli's name was filed on 29 July 2005.

      215. Regardless of the bona fides of Mr. Bahel's contentions, it is clear that the
           Kohlis provided tangible benefit to Mr. Bahel, which he not only failed to
           disclose but intentionally made false statements to PTF investigators about these
           transactions. Certainly, an adverse inference can be drawn that Mr. Bahel knew
           his actions were improper, and the representations were an attempt to disguise
           the true circumstances of these transactions. This transaction is not only a direct
           violation of several rules of the Organisation, but it also constitutes evidence
           that Mr. Bahel participated in the efforts by Nanak and Nishan Kohli to achieve
           UN contracts.

      216. According to several DPKO officials who attended a function with Nishan
           Kohli in late 2000 in Brindisi, Nishan Kohli stated words to the effect that he
           had a procurement officer in his pocket and could achieve any UN contract he

Bahel's Sons Wedding

      217. Ms. Angela Sinon added she was tasked by Mr. Bahel to prepare a printout of
           invitees who would be attending his son's wedding. PTF investigators located
           the computer formerly used by Sinon while at PD, successfully obtaining a copy
           of the described wedding list. Both Nanak's and Nishan Kohli's names with
           their addresses were included as invited guests of Mr. Bahel. As set forth herein,
           the Kohlis were included on the guest list found on Mr. Bahel's computer.

PCP International and the Procurement of Generators
      218. PCP International (PCP) is an India based engineering company which became
           a registered vendor with the UN in 1998. In 2001 and again in 2002 PCP
           sought to obtain contracts with the UN to provide generators to its Missions.
           While PCP became a registered vendor for the UN in 19987, it had previously
           provided goods to the United Nations Oil For Food Program (OFFP) in 1996.
           Further, while PCP was registered with the Organisation to provide various
           commodities, it was not registered to provide generators until 16 August 2003,
           almost two months after PCP was awarded the generator contract on 20 June

    PCP International Vendor Registration File



             2003. (RFP #118).8 Under procurement rules, it is clear that a company must be
             registered for the commodity prior to the contract award.9

       219. The investigation has revealed that despite the fact that PCP was not registered
            to bid on generator contracts, PCP was invited to submit a proposal in March
            2001 for RFP #86, and again in April 2002 for RPF #118. Peter Staples, the
            procurement officer responsible for the generator procurement exercise, offered
            that while he could not recall this particular case, an invitation to bid could not
            be made without supervisory approval. At this time, Mr. Bahel was Mr.
            Staples' supervisor. According to Mr. Staples, Mr. Bahel would at times review
            the list and verbally add companies for various reasons, none of which would be

RFP 86

       220. On 28 December 2000 Peter Phelan, Chief DPKO/FALD sent a letter to Sanjaya
            Bahel, Chief of PD, requesting that PD seek a systems contract for generators.
            The submission of FALD included a stipulation that only generators from large
            and reputable generating set manufacturers be invited to bid, based upon a
            perceived lack of ability of small companies to supply generators within
            required delivery periods11. DPKO sought 4 specific types of engines and
            alternators: Cummins, Volvo, Lister-Petter, Perkins, and Newage.12

       221. On 18 January 2001 PD posted an Expression of Interest (EOI) on the UN
            website.13 The EOI outlined the requirements for the generators. On 1 February
            2001 a PCP International director, Mr. Arvind Sarin authored an email to Peter
            Staples requesting inclusion in the RFP#86 bidding exercise in response to the
            EOI. 14 As a result of the responses to the EOI, Peter Staples prepared an
            invitee list comprising of 31 companies including PCP and TCIL, neither which
            were, as of the date of the issuance of the RFP (2 March 2001), registered
            vendors to supply generators.15 On 14 March 2001 Mr. Staples prepared the
            RFP with a closing date of 16 April 2001. The RFP was subsequently reviewed
            and approved by Mr. Bahel. Between 15-17 March 2001 the RFP was faxed to
            31 companies from 15 different countries.16 Despite the fact that Kanwarjit

  PCP International Vendor Registration File PCP Letter Dated 16 August 2003
  Christian Saunders ROC- 27 June 2006 and Joe Bornales ROC � 25 May 2006; A PTF investigator
requested from the UNPD, a list of all registered vendors for the generator commodity codes, 461100
Electric Motors, Generators and Transformers and Parts Thereof and 461130 Generating Sets, for the
period prior to 1 January 20039. PCP International was not listed on this report and therefore should have
been considered not to be registered for this commodity of generators.
   Peter Staples ROC 6 June 2006
   Memo P. Phelan to S. Bahel December 28, 2000 pg 1
   RFP #86 SOW pg. 3
   Expression of Interest PCS1168
   PCP Email to Peter Staples 1 February 2001
   RFP #86 2 March 2001 invitee list
     PO Peter Staples leaves the PD to go work in a UN mission in March 2001.



          Sachdeva was at the time responsible for IT procurement, he served as the
          procurement officer for the solicitation for these generators. When asked by
          PTF investigators why he had the case, Mr. Sachdeva responded that he could
          not recall.17

     222. On 21 March 2001 PCP sent an email to Mr. Bahel and then, on 30 March 2001,
          to Mr. Sachdeva requesting the opportunity to submit an "alternate generator
          brand called Kirloskar." Mr. Sarin represented that the Kirloskar brand could
          meet the requirements of the SOW that he would like the opportunity to bid for
          this RFP.18 On 2 April 2001 Mr. Sachdeva requested approval from Mr. Etsell
          Chief of FALD/DPKO at the time for the Kirloskar brand, to which Mr. Etsell
          replied "we have standardized these types of engines and alternators (sic) do not
          intend to change the RFP to include another engine maker." 19 Approximately
          one hour later Mr. Sachdeva forwarded the email to Mr. Bahel.

     223. On 4 April 2001 Mr. Sachdeva sent an email to Mr. Bahel and Mr. Etsell stating
          that Mr. Sachdeva and Mr. Bahel had spoken, and they had indicated that there
          was agreement that the PCP could be included in the bid. The email read:
          "Gentlemen, as mutually agreed by you telephonically day before yesterday, an
          amendment has been issued for the generator requirement. An amendment is
          sent to all 31 vendors on the list on 3 April 2001 stating the following.20

     Figure 38

     224. According to Mr. Sarin, with whom the PTF spoke, the amendment was issued
          based on his request to Mr. Bahel and Mr. Staples21. This act seems to
          contravene procurement department practice which requires several vendors
          requesting a similar change that would result in an amendment as well as the
          approval of the requisitioner be sought.

   Kanwarjit Sachdeva 18 May 2006
   Sarin PCP email to Sanjay Bahel 21 March 2001, Provision of sound-proof and weather proof
generating sets for the UNPK missions
   Stephen Etsell email to Kanwar Sachdeva- 2 April 2001 3:08pm Re RFP 86 Urgent Clarification
   RFPG-118 Amendment issued 3 April 2001
   Sarin, PCP Director, ROC 4 July 2006; Note: Mr. Staples was no longer with PD at this time.



     225. On 16 April 2001 eight companies submitted bids, including PCP which offered
          Kirloskar generators. Thereafter, the technical proposals were sent to DPKO for
          review and evaluation. DPKO's evaluation report was sent to PD on 24 May
          2001, which concluded that TCIL and PCP had each offered the same non-
          specified diesel engines � Kirloskar generators, and neither can meet the
          required delivery schedule.22 Although DPKO had provided an evaluation
          finding that PCP did not meet the delivery schedule, Mr. Sachdeva, in
          consultation with Mr. Bahel, requested that DPKO re-evaluate these bids which
          were "alternate proposals in accordance with their previous agreement to allow
          vendors to propose alternative equipment."23 At first, DPKO refused to re-
          evaluate the bid from PCP on the basis that PCP was offering an alternate brand
          that was not specified in the RFP.24 From April through June 2001, multiple
          emails and memoranda were exchanged between DPKO and PD over this issue,
          and the debate reached the level of the Assistant Secretary General.

     226. Further, email messages were exchanged between ASG Toh on behalf of PD,
          and ASG Sheehan on behalf of DPKO, concerning the inclusion and evaluation
          of these "alternate brands" by PCP25. A review of the file reflects a Note to the
          File of 11 June 2001 from Mr. Chaudhary, an Engineer with DPKO,
          memorializing the fact that Mr. Etsell of DPKO/FALD did not accept alternate
          brand of generators, and opposed any amendments which stated otherwise.26 A
          further 11 June 2001 email from DPKO to Mr. Sachdeva confirms DPKO's
                "If the requirement for alternate engines was added by PD without
                the prior agreement of the requisitioner then it will not be
                evaluated until it is clarified.... Etsell has stated that he as the
                section chief never agreed to any such proposal from Mr. Bahel.27

   Memo from Stephen Etsell to Larisa Babynina dated 24 May 2001 RFPG-86 Requirement for Generating
   Sachdeva email to Etsell dated 29 May 2001, Sachdeva email to Sinha dated 9 June 2001 (note � Bahel
is currently away on annual leave in India during this time but email reflects that Sachdeva has spoken with
him in India)
   Sachdeva and Chaudhary emails dated 29 May 2001, 6 June and 10 June 2001
   RFP-86 file emails dated 24 May 2001 � 18 June 2001
   DPKO file - Sheel Chaudhary Note to File 11 June 2001
   Girish Sinha email to Sachdeva dated 11 June 2001



       Figure 39

       227. Mr. Bahel thereafter responded:
                 FALD's argument to reject all other makes of engines outright ...
                 on the grounds of logistical issues thus does not appear to be
                 totally valid. (sic) The amendment PD issued was in full
                 consultation with FALD on the premise as brought out above..28

          Figure 40

       228. Mr. Etsell confirmed to PTF investigators that it was his responsibility to ensure
            DPKO had dependable and quality generators as it was their "lifeline," and
            accordingly they wanted the top 4 brands with which they were already fully
     Sanjaya Bahel email to Girish Sinha dated 18 June 2001



            familiar. Mr. Etsell further explained that in the event of a failure, the Mission
            already had replacement parts for these models from the major manufacturers.
            This argument did not sway Mr. Bahel or the PD. On 5 July 2001 on behalf of
            DPKO, Mr. Sheehan complained to Mr. Toh, the then acting officer in charge of
            PD, about PD's position on the matter. Mr. Sheehan stated that DPKO/FALD
            found PD's position unacceptable, and maintained their desire for the four
            specified brands.29 Mr. Toh forwarded the email to Mr. Bahel, with the
            reference: "Mr. Bahel � Sanjay please prepare draft response (illegible)."30 As
            a result, Mr. Bahel sent a memo dated 17 July 2001 to Mr. Toh purporting to
            explain PD's position:

                 FALD's request to require vendors to only quote for generators
                 with four specified makes ...was questioned by us. On their
                 insistence (sic) due to pressing urgency expressed, PD agreed to
                 issue the RFP with the specifications as requested. . .vendor
                 represented that they were in a position to offer generators with
                 other makes that meet . . . specifications required. PD did not do
                 amendment unilaterally. Irrespective at whose behest the RFP
                 permitted offers ... Organisation cannot decline to consider the

Figure 41

Use of the London Apartment

     229. On 11 July 2001 in the midst of the procurement exercise in which PCP was a
          participating vendor, PCP's executive officer, Mr. Sarin sent an email message
   Memo from Michael Sheehan ASG to Andrew Toh OIC 5 July 2001
   Memo from Sanjaya Bahel to Andrew Toh, 17 July 2001



            to Mr. Bahel referencing Mr. Bahel's request to use his London apartment while
            on vacation there with his family. According to documents and various
            correspondence obtained through the PTF's investigation, it is evident that Mr.
            Bahel sought to use Mr. Sarin's apartment while in London during this period,
            26 July 2001 through 11 August 2001.

Figure 42

     230. PTF investigators interviewed Mr. Sarin. Mr. Sarin confirmed that PCP owns a
          "corporate apartment/house" in London,32 and that in previous conversations
          with Mr. Bahel the issue about the apartment had arisen. According to Mr.
          Sarin, Mr. Bahel had asked him if his son, who was working as an intern in
          London, could use PCP's apartment. According to Mr. Sarin, Mr. Bahel's son
          picked up the keys but he did not know if Mr. Bahel had used the apartment.33

   Mr. Sarin was contacted at the London apartment telephone# � 44-20-8932-6953 and confirmed that PCP
did own the apartment in London which was used as corporate housing for guests and employees.
   Sarin ROC 4 July 2006



       231. However, the investigation has revealed that Mr. Bahel did indeed travel to
            London with his family during this time, and that the records from the
            Organisation confirm that Mr. Bahel was on annual leave between 29 July and 4
            August 2001.34 Further, prior to departure, Mr. Bahel's son wrote to him and
            inquired if he would be travelling to London:

                                     Figure 43

       232. A review of Mr. Bahel's August 2001 UNFCU Visa statement reflects various
            purchases in London, including charges for a rental car, and in-flight services
            during the period of 29 July 2001 and 4 August 2001. While there are food and
            rental car charges contained on the credit card statement, there is an absence of
            hotel expenses. None of Mr. Bahel's 2001 statements in the possession of the
            PTF reflect any such charge.35 Mr. Bahel confirmed that he was in London but
            denied that he used this apartment during his visit stating he stayed with his
            sister who lived in Manchester. However, he confirmed that his son had used
            the apartment for several days while interning in London. Mr. Bahel stated that
            his son only used this apartment as a "final resort" as there was no longer any
            room available at the B&B where his son was staying and his son could not
            afford the hotel rates of over 150 per night. However, the email sent by Mr.
            Bahel's son did not include such an explanation.

       233. Mr. Bahel stated that he asked Mr. Sarin if he could pay him for the use of the
            apartment which Mr. Sarin refused, however, he provided Mr. Sarin with a
            bottle of whisky as a token of thanks for his assistance with his son. Mr. Bahel
            stated that he had never received anything of value or any gift from PCP.
            However, it would appear that the use of the PCP apartment would be
            considered a gift. (See Annex-Timeline for Detailed Information.)

     Sanjay Bahel annual leave records � Monday, 30 July - Thursday, 2 August
     Sanjay Bahel UNFCU Visa Statements August 2001 - November 2001



         Figure 44

RFP 118 � Procurement of Generators

       234. Months later, in April 2002, the DPKO sought another generator contract, and
            PCP submitted a bid. Mr. Sarin was also involved in that exercise on behalf of
            PCP. Previously, on 20 February 2002 Stephen Etsell- Chief, DPKO, again
            requested that PD issue a tender for a systems contract for generators for the
            various peacekeeping missions36. An EOI was placed on the UN website on 4
            March 2002 which lasted for ten days. Again, PCP was included on the invitee
            list despite failing to be registered with the Organisation for the provision of
       235. On 28 March 2002 the RFP was issued to 45 vendors, including PCP, with a
            closing date of 30 April 2002.38 Three additional vendors were added in the next
            several weeks resulting in 48 total recipients.39 On 17 April 2002, Mr. Sarin, on
            behalf of PCP, sent an email message to Mr Bahel requesting a meeting with
            him. Mr. Sarin stated "Mr. Kirloskar, Chairman of Kirloskar Limited
            (manufacturer of the generators in PCP's bid) would like to meet as they will be
            in town on April 22 and 23 [2002]."40 Mr. Bahel replied confirming the

     Stephen Etsell memo to Christian Saunders (Chief, PD) 20 February 2002
     RFP#118 file � INCO, Ingersoll Rand, Guangxi Yuchai and K. Arano & Co faxes. Four of the others
vendors added to the invitee list were requested to register indicating that there registry
information may have been checked, however, PCPs was not
   RFP #118 Invitee List dated 28 March 2002
   RFP #118 Invitee List dated 17 April 2002
   Sarin email to Bahel dated 17 April 2002



            meeting on 23 April 2002 at 11:30am,41 seven days prior to the closing of the
            RFP. The RFP closed on 30 April 2002 with eight vendors submitting
            proposals, PCP being one of them.42 DPKO thereafter received all 8 company
            technical proposals for their review and evaluation, and in May and June 2002
            subsequently sent emails requesting further clarification from PCP and several
            other vendors on their technical proposals. DPKO concluded that PCP was
            technically compliant but offered an unknown brand of generator, Kirloskar,
            and found that it did not meet other important criteria essential to the bid
            including delivery timeframe, warranty and spare parts. DPKO stated:

     Figure 45
     236. DPKO again expressed their preference for other more well known brands of
          generators.43 On 15 July 2002 Mr. Sarin of PCP sent Mr. Bahel an email
          referencing the RFP and sought a meeting with Mr. Bahel and the General
          Manager of Kirloskar on 29 July 2002."44

Figure 46

     237. Officials within PD have informed the PTF that such a meeting with a vendor
          during the evaluation period is inappropriate. It is also suspicious that the
          request for the meeting was not routed through the case officer, and was

   Bahel email to Sarin dated 17 April 2002
   Request for Proposal RFP#118 dated 28 March 2002;
   Sarin email to Bahel dated 15 July 2002 (source Bahel's hard-drive)



             directed to Mr. Bahel himself. On 16 July 2002 Mr. Bahel responded:
             "evaluation is currently under way ...expected completion of the same
             negotiations will be required with Mr. Dhoot" and then confirms an
             appointment on 29 July 200245.

Figure 47

       238. However, the final determination had not been made by the requisitioner and the
            Procurement Department, and between 17 July and 26 July 2002 procurement
            officers were still communicating with vendors, including PCP, requesting
            further clarification of technical proposals.

       239. The investigation has not been able to confirm that a 29 July meeting was held,
            however the case officer informed the PTF that she does not recall attending this
            meeting, or being aware of it. However, the officer did relate to investigators
            that there was an 1 August 2002 meeting with Mr. Chaudhary of DPKO and Mr.
            Sarin of PCP wherein they discussed some of the commercial issues of
            performance bonds.46

       240. Well into August 2002 DPKO continued to express concerns about the
            generators PCP was offering. Mr. Etsell stated:

                    Since PCP is a new vendor for the supply of generators, and the
                    offered Kirloskar make generators will be used for the first time,
                    their performance is unknown.... Necessary their performance
                    bond of at least 15%(sic).47

     Bahel email to Sarin dated 16 July 2003
     Babynina ROC 6 July 2006; There are emails, letters and faxes that indicate that a meeting
was held on August 1st between Chaudhary-DPKO, Babynina- PD, Sarin-PCP and Mr.
Dhoot � Kirloskar, were the various concerns of DPKO regarding delivery schedule,
minimum stock, site inspection and performance bond issues were discussed and
     Chaudhary email to Etsell dated 2 August 2002; Etsell email to Bahel dated 5 August 2002



     241. In response, Mr. Bahel challenged DPKO's standing to address these issues and
          expressed the view that commercial matters are within the province of the
          procurement department. DPKO disagreed, and represented to Mr. Bahel that
          these issues should be "discussed and decided between DPKO and PD since the
          vendor is being considered for the supply of a large quantity of generators for
          the first time and the performance of the generators is unknown."48 The debate
          continued. Mr. Bahel responded to Chaudhary on 5 August 2002:

Figure 48

     242. The view of a number of procurement officers present at the time was that
          DPKO was trying to "kill the contract" and the procurement department was
          doing its best to protect this company, some of whom opined that they thought
          the support was premised upon the fact that it was significantly less expensive.49
          As procurement chief, Mr. Bahel's responsibility was to protect the
          Organisation's interest. The Organisation's best interest should not be limited
          to merely achieving the lowest cost, but also offering the contract to the most
          qualified vendor. Further, protecting the integrity of the process is also in the
          bests interests of the Organisation. In light of concerns, it seemed prudent,
          rather than unnecessary, to require higher performance bonds and site

     243. As a result of DPKO's concerns about the reliability of the generators, a site
          inspection did occur between 13 September and 16 September 2001 in Pune,

   Chaudhary email to Bahel dated 5 August 2002; Bahel email to Etsell and Chaudhary dated August 5,
   Brian Streb, ROC



          India which was attended by Mr. Bahel along with DPKO and Kirloskar
          officials. Senior procurement officials have informed the PTF that typically the
          line procurement officer would attend the site inspections.50 In this case,
          Christian Saunders approved Bahel's request to travel to participate in the site
          inspection. During the inspection, Mr. Chaudhary refused PCP's offer to pay his
          hotel expenses.51 According to Mr. Sarin, PCP had made the hotel arrangements
          but denied paying for Mr. Bahel or Mr. Chaudhary.52 Mr. Chaudhary confirmed
          that Mr. Bahel had stayed in the same hotel for the three nights, but could not
          shed any light concerning the payment for Mr. Bahel's occupancy.53 Mr. Bahel
          confirmed he stayed in the hotel. He however stated that he paid for the room
          for all of his stay.54 Upon review of Mr. Bahel's UNFCU Visa Statement, there
          is a charge for a hotel Taj Blue Diamond for $188 on 16 September 2002.
          Current hotel rates at the Taj Blue Diamond are $230 per night. Although
          requested from the hotel, the investigators were unable to obtain the final
          invoice statement from the hotel for Mr. Bahel's stay in 2002.

     244. After the first inspection, DPKO felt that these generators would no longer be
          considered as the inspection report listed many deficiencies in the workmanship
          and quality.55 Mr. Chaudhary of DPKO stated that he did not believe that
          PCP/Kirloskar should be awarded the contract because the quality of the
          generators was substandard to the other European brands that they had been
          using, and that they had submitted proposals for the current contract. In
          addition, Mr. Chaudhary did not believe that the Kirloskar model would be as
          reliable, a concern which later proved valid as many of problems occurred in the

     245. Mr. Etsell, OIC � Engineering Section, DPKO recalled that he informed the
          procurement department that he did not think the generators would last, and
          stated that they "were not value for money." Mr. Etsell also recalled sending the
          first inspection report with a cover memo informing PD that DPKO did not
          want these generators. This cover sheet was not located in the file.57 According
          to DPKO officers, typically when DPKO voiced complaints of other systems'
          contracts, the contracts did not survive. Such was not the case here. Mr.
          Clemens Adams, Chief of DPKO, told PTF investigators that he would not
          normally get involved with these types of contracts, but because of the
          stalemates and delays he interceded. In his view, Mr. Adams believed that there
          was pressure from Mr. Bahel as he had accused DPKO of racism for opposing
          PCP. According to Mr. Adams, Mr Bahel accused DPKO of not wanting to
          grant the contract to an Indian manufacturer. To the contrary, DPKO officials

   Saunders ROC 27 June 2006
   Chaudhary ROC 28 May 2006 and 14 June 2006
   Sarin ROC 4 July 2006
   Chaudhary email 19 July 2006
   Bahel ROC 26 July 2006
   Stephen Etsell ROC 22 June 2006
   Chaudhary ROC 28 May 2006 and 14 June 2006
   Stephen Etsell ROC 22 June 2006; Note � This cover memo was not found in the RFP or DPKO files



          expressed concerns about the quality of the proposed generators, which was
          well documented in the files.

     246. Mr. Etsell expressed the view that PCP was given a second chance to improve
          the generators. In a memorandum from Stephen Etsell to Christian Saunders on
          2 December 2002, Mr. Etsell wrote that "based on Mr. Chaudhary's attached
          report PD is recommending PCP be given a second opportunity to improve the
          workmanship and design of the generators."58 Mr. Saunders confirmed that he
          suggested the second inspection. Mr. Etsell stated that he felt DPKO was
          pushed by PD to provide PCP a second opportunity.59 Mr. Adams further
          offered that it was unusual for a contractor to receive a second chance to fix or
          make modifications to the prototype. Mr. Adams agreed with Mr. Etsell and
          stated that they were "under pressure" to get the generators as this procurement
          exercise had taken a long time.60 Both Mr. Adams and Etsell stated that they felt
          frustrated and were desperate to get generators due to critical operational needs
          in the missions for these generators.61

     247. Upon review of the generator bids, PCP was the lowest bidder, ahead of FG
          Wilson and Coelmo.62 PCP was awarded the contract for a not to exceed value
          of $3.5 million over 3 years.63 On 20 June 2003 the initial contract was signed
          by Mr. Sarin of PCP and Mr. Saunders on behalf of the Organisation.64 One
          month later, on 19 July 2003, Mr. Sarin sent Mr. Bahel an email referring to a
          prior telephone conversation and providing the requested route information for
          flights to Dublin and Istanbul. Mr. Sarin requests "Mr Bahel to advise of the
          dates."65 According to Mr. Sarin, he provided Mr. Bahel with information
          regarding flights on KLM as he was previously a travel agent for KLM. He
          confirmed that he obtained special excursion fares for Mr. Bahel, made the
          bookings and gave the contact name to Mr. Bahel for confirmation. However,
          Mr. Sarin denied paying for the flights.66 A review of Mr. Bahel's visa
          statements reflects rental car charges and purchases in Dublin and Istanbul
          during the period of 30 August � 5 September 2003. The statements do not
          reflect purchases for KLM airline tickets during this time period. According to
          Mr. Bahel, he may have received flight information but tickets were purchased

   Etsell memo to Saunders through Adams dated 2 December 2002
   Stephen Etsell ROC 22 June 2006
   Clem Adams, ROC 9 May 2006
   Clem Adams, ROC May 9, 2006; Stephen Etsell ROC 22 June 2006
   RFP#118 PCP's bids for the prior RFP #86 and the current RFP#118 indicate that the
prices decreased from the early bid RFP #86 in 2001 to the current RFP #118 in 2002. If
PCP had submitted in the 2001 prices as seen in their RFP#86 bid they would not have
been the lowest bidder and would not have been granted the contract award. It is curious
that their bid prices significantly drop from 2001 to 2002 on average of $1,600 - $3,800
while the other companies prices had increased on average of $500.62
   Lars Dahlo ROC 24 May 2006; HCC Meeting Minutes 6 May 2003
   PD/CO0098/03 Contract dated 20 June 2003
   Sarin email to Bahel dated 19 July 2003
   Sarin ROC 4 July 2006



       by his wife through a travel agent she used in India. Mr. Bahel's version seems
       to contradict facts Mr. Sarin conceded.

  248. After the contract was issued in June 2003 the first generators were delivered in
       September 2003. Some of the generators arrived damaged, and problems
       thereafter continued to occur. The contract was ultimately cancelled in
       December 2003. The contract was subsequently reinstated several months later,
       and thereafter amended twice. Ultimately, the amount of the award increased
       from the original $3.5 million to $9.9 million.

Bahel's Relationship with the Indian Government
  249. Documents obtained from a search of Mr. Bahel's computer reveal that he
       communicated with the Government of India and requested an extension of his
       position. In the correspondence, he argued that his position should be continued
       because he was well placed to further the interests of the Government. Further,
       Mr. Bahel expressed his intention to assist companies from his country. In
       March 2004 Mr. Bahel wrote to his Government, and represented the following:

             Figure 48



   250. Mr. Bahel principally asserts two claims in response to allegations that he
        purposely favored, or steered contracts to, certain vendors or individuals. First,
        Mr. Bahel asserts that a single procurement officer simply could not sufficiently
        influence the process to achieve a certain outcome. Further, he asserts,
        contested issues and complaints of requisitioners and vendors were routinely
        vetted through OLA and input and guidance was regularly sought from OLA
        lawyers. Mr. Bahel contends that he followed the guidance he ultimately

   251. Mr. Bahel's arguments are flawed. First, Mr. Bahel was a supervisory officer in
        the PD, and often acted in an interim or acting capacity as the Chief. As such,
        he wielded a great deal of authority within the department. While certainly Mr.
        Bahel could not on each and every occasion guarantee a certain outcome, he
        nevertheless was in a position to influence it. Further, it is not only the degree
        of success which is achieved, but the effort to influence the process which also
        is at issue.

   252. Equally without merit is Mr. Bahel's claims that OLA approved his ultimate
        actions or that he simply was carrying out instructions and guidance from OLA.
        The quality of the advice rendered was dependent upon the facts provided to
        OLA. It is evident that on numerous occasions, OLA did not have a clear
        picture of the circumstances because they relied on representations by Mr.
        Bahel concerning the facts and circumstances of the matter. Mr. Bahel's
        representations were often coloured. Further, OLA was principally asked to
        provide advice and guidance on existing contract provisions. They did not
        investigate matters, but relied upon the facts and circumstances presented to

The PTF concludes the following:

   253. That TCIL was represented by Nanak and Nishan Kohli in its bid to achieve
        substantial contracts from the Organisation, including IT manpower staffing,
        laptop computers, desktop computers, trunking systems, and satellite
        equipment. TCIL deferred to Nanak and Nishan Kohli to execute the contract
        with the Organisation, and sub-contracted with GTI without notifying or
        seeking approval from the Organisation for this assignment, in violation of the
        contract. Nanak and Nishan Kohli, and GTI, further violated the terms of the
        contract by failing to pay contract staff the full amounts due and owing to them
        under the terms of the contract with the Organisation. Through these acts,
        Nanak and Nishan Kohli, and GTI, improperly enriched themselves.



254. That a scheme to defraud the Organisation existed between in or about 1999 to
     2004, approximately. The scheme included the effort to achieve and maintain
     valuable UN contracts, referred to throughout this report, through seeking to
     improperly influence a UN procurement official, and achieving and converting
     sums of money to the use of the participants of the scheme which were provided
     to them by the Organisation pursuant to the contract. The participants of the
     scheme included, but were not limited to, Mr. Nanak Kohli, Mr. Nishan Kohli,
     GTI, En-Kay Associates, TCIL, PCP, Acumen International, Mr. Arvind Sarin,
     and UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel.

255. That UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel participated in the scheme through
     assisting the efforts of TCIL, PCP, Nanak and Nishan Kohli in the
     Organisation's procurement process and exercises, defending these entities in
     the wake of criticism and opposition from other branches of the Organisation,
     making false statements to personnel in the Organisation, omitting critical facts
     to such personnel, and improperly receiving tangible and intangible benefits
     from Mr. Nanak Kohli, Mr. Nishan Kohli, TCIL, PCP, and Mr. Arvind Sarin.

256. That TCIL, GTI, Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli failed to provide the
     required amount of subsistence payments (MSA) to its contract staff in violation
     of the IT Staffing Contract, and improperly converted such funds to their own
     benefit. Nanak Kohli and Nishan Kohli falsely represented to the Organisation
     that such sums were in fact paid. These false statements were made in
     furtherance of the scheme to defraud the Organisation.

257. That Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli, both agents of TCIL, and Mr.
     Nishan Kohli, a principal of Thunderbird, participated in the scheme by
     unlawfully seeking to influence and corrupt the procurement process by making
     false statements, submitting false and fraudulent documents, and bestowing
     tangible and intangible benefits upon UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel, a
     supervisory procurement officer. The benefits bestowed upon Mr. Bahel
     included, at the very least: a reduced rental fee for the premises located at 240
     East 47th Street, Units 17E and F (condominiums); the discharge of moving
     expenses which were otherwise required to be paid by the tenant occupying the
     unit; a significantly reduced rental amount; and a favourable advantage in the
     purchase of the unit, including a fixed and reduced price.

258. That based upon the totality of the circumstances, reasonable inferences to be
     drawn therefrom, and in consideration of all the facts of the cases set forth
     herein, the PTF concludes that UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel improperly
     favoured, and assisted, Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli as well as Mr.
     Arvind Sarin in their efforts to achieve valuable UN contracts, and thereby
     compromised the integrity of the procurement process.



 259. That UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel knowingly made false statements to
      PTF investigators concerning the circumstances of his occupancy, lease and
      purchase of the premises located at 240 East 47th Street, Unit 17E and F.

 260. That TCIL representatives Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli, and TCIL
      employee Mr. G.S. Chauhan, made knowing materially false statements to the
      Organisation that the firm was complying with the terms of the IT Staffing
      Contract, and omitted informing the Organisation of material facts, namely that
      multiple assignments of the contracts were made.

 261. That UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel suffered from a conflict of interest
      by participating in a procurement exercise involving a company owned by the
      Government of India when he continued an association with, and owed his
      continued employment with the United Nations to, the Government of India.

 262. That UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel suffered from a conflict of interest in
      that he participated in procurement exercises in which his personal friends,
      Nanak and Nishan Kohli, and Arvind Sarin, represented the interests of the
      vendors in the procurement exercises.

 263. That UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel did not influence the vendor
      registration process of Thunderbird.

 264. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated United Nations Staff Regulation
      1.2(b) which requires staff members to uphold the highest standards of integrity
      and impartiality.

 265. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated United Nations Staff Regulation
      1.2(d) that prohibits staff members from accepting any instructions from any

 266. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated United Nations Staff Regulation
      1.2(e) which requires staff members to pledge themselves to discharge their
      functions with the interests of the Organisation only in view;

 267. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated United Nations Staff Regulation
      1.2(g) which prohibits staff members from using their official office for private
      gain, or the private gain of any third party, including family, friends and those
      they favour;

 268. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated United Nations Staff Regulation
      1.2(i) which requires staff members to exercise discretion with regard to all
      matters of official business, and not communicate to others outside the



      Organisation any information known to them by reason of their position, except
      as appropriate in the course of their duties;

 269. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel violated UN Staff Regulation 1.2(m)
      which provides that staff members shall not be actively associated with a
      management of any business or other concern, where they may benefit from
      such association by reason of his or her position;

 270. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel suffered from a conflict of interest by
      participating in procurement exercises involving his personal friends, and a
      company owned by a government with which he had a past, as well as present,

 271. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel participated in, and aided and abetted, a
      scheme to defraud the Organisation in violation of Title 18, United States Code,
      Sections 1343 and 2.

 272. UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel improperly and unlawfully accepted
      tangible and intangible benefits in consideration for advancing the interests of
      vendors seeking to obtain contracts from the Organisation.

 273. The company TCIL breached the IT Staffing Contract in failing to advise, and
      seek the Organisation s approval, when assigning the IT Staffing Contract.

 274. Mr. Nanak Kohli and Mr. Nishan Kohli, both agents of TCIL, and Mr. Nishan
      Kohli, a principal of Thunderbird, unlawfully conferred tangible and intangible
      benefits upon UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel. These benefits were fully
      accepted by UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel, improperly, and unlawfully.

 275. The PTF recommends this matter be referred to the appropriate departments in
      the Organisation for action against UN Staff Member Mr. Sanjaya Bahel for
      violations of the Staff Rules and Regulations.

 276. The PTF recommends that the matter be referred to prosecutorial authorities in
      the host country as well as in India for further investigation of the commission
      of criminal offences.

 277. The PTF recommends that appropriate action to be taken to recover the
      financial losses to the Organisation occurred as a result of the matters detailed in
      this report.

 278. The PTF recommends that appropriate consideration should be given to whether
      the actions of the various UN registered vendors warrant their removal from the
      vendor registration list.



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