United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo: Allegations of Bribes/Kickbacks for Employment at Pristina Airport (Case No. 377-04), 1 Jan 2005
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United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (UN OIOS) 1 Jan 2005 report titled "Allegations of Bribes/Kickbacks for Employment at Pristina Airport [Case No. 377-04]" relating to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. The report runs to 3 printed pages.
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UNITED NATIONS UNIES NATIONS Mission d'Administration United Nations Interim Int�rimaire des Nations UNMIK Unies au Kosovo Administration Mission in Kosovo INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE Allegations of Bribes/Kickbacks for Employment at Pristina Airport (Case No. 377/04) I - Allegations 1. This report summarizes the investigation into a report supplied to the Investigation Task Force (ITF) alleging that "kickbacks" had been paid to an airport official in order to obtain employment at Pristina Airport. The allegations were contained in a confidential police report written by Kosovo Police Service Officer 1 (KPS) serving in the Pristina Airport Border Police, but originated from Non Staff member 1. The allegations specifically stated that Non Staff member 1, and others, paid kickbacks to certain high-ranking Pristina Airport employees in the hope of receiving employment. II - Background 2. As this case was referred to the Department of Justice on 24 September 2004 and is currently under two separate judicial investigations, the ITF did not continue with its administrative investigations. This report summarizes the activities of the ITF. It should also be noted that dissemination of this report should be severely restricted given the ongoing criminal inquiries. III - Investigative Details 3. A separate case - ITF Case No. 2l5/04 - relating to requests for sexual favours in return for employment had already been under investigation when this report was received. Case No. 215-04 was subsequently closed due to the problem that none of the "victims" were willing to come forward and file an official statement on the matter. The reasons given to the ITF for this fear of making a report was related to the threat of losing already obtained employment at the airport, or to jeopardize marriages and reputations. 4. Non Staff member 1's statements provided to the ITF Investigators, disclosed the following two distinct cases: Case A 5. On 25-26 July 2004, Non Staff member 1 alleges to have visited Official 1 (Pristina Airport) asking how he/she could obtain employment at Pristina Airport. He/she stated that Official 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- had replied that this was possible, but only via the payment of a considerable amount of money. 6. Non Staff member 1 was aware that two other persons, Non Staff member 2 and Non Staff member 3 had already paid 7,000.00 each, to Official 1 through the same procedure, in the hope of receiving employment at Pristina Airport. 7. On either 30 or 31 July 2004, Non Staff member 1 said he/she was contacted by Official 1's daughter, Official 2's Secretary, requesting him/her to come to Restaurant 1 located in Hajvali. 8. Non Staff member 1 stated that he/she was personally greeted upon his arrival by Security Official, Official 2's Secretary and Official 1 and another person, male, but name unknown, who was there seeking a similar employment route. 9. According to Non Staff member 1, the other person paid, in his presence, the sum of 10.000,00 to Official 2's Secretary, just before Non Staff member 1 himself/herself handed 5.000,00 to the same person. 10. After both persons had paid the agreed upon cash amounts, they were both requested to sign three different coloured books entitled "Airport Staff", and then asked to leave because they would be contacted by telephone as to the details of their future employment at Pristina Airport. 11. Non Staff member 1 told the ITF that he/she was called again, two days later, in order to pay an additional 1.000,00, which he/she had then given to Official 2's Secretary, in the presence of his/her father, Official 1, during a dinner that Official 1 and his daughter were having at the same mentioned restaurant. Non Staff member 1 also said that he/she paid approximately 180 for that night's dinner and that he/she was called, always by Official 2's Secretary, to two further dinners at Restaurant 2 and at Restaurant 1. Non-Staff member 1 was requested to pay, amounts of 225 and 190 for the dinners. Non Staff member 1 stated that during the dinner, the following Pristina Airport staff were present: Security Official, a Secretary, Official 2, X-Ray Official, Official 1, Official 2's Secretary, Official 3, Official 4 and one person who only spoke English (name unknown). This person may have been Official 5, because Non Staff member 1 stated that this person was not a Kosovar, but an International and furthermore, at a certain point when this person was not present, all the others congratulated Non Staff member 1 for his new job. The Investigators believe that the above-mentioned Airport staff were attempting to demonstrate to Non Staff member 1 that they were in contact with the competent person who could authorize his employment. Case-B 12. Non Staff member 1 stated that he/she was aware of another case of kickbacks for Pristina Airport employment, which occurred circa 6 September 2004. Non Staff member 1, in his role as the owner of a hamburger/sandwich stand/restaurant - well-frequented by airport employees � said he/she was contacted by KPS officer 2 who requested information in relation to what business connections Non Staff member 4 had within Pristina Airport. 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Non Staff member 1 stated that Non Staff member 5, the wife of KPS Officer 2 met Non Staff member 4 in the clothing boutique where he/she worked, while he/she was purchasing airport uniforms. At that time, he/she had asked him/her how to obtain a job at the airport. He/she allegedly replied he/she had no problems in getting him/her a job at Pristina Airport due to his/her important airport contacts, but it would cost him/her 3.000,00. V � Conclusion 14. As ITF referred this case to the Department of Justice on 24 September 2004, no further action was taken by ITF. Therefore, no conclusions can be drawn at this stage on the basis of ITF Investigations. V - Recommendations 15. The ITF offers the following recommendations: Recommendation No. 1: Due to the fact that this case has already been referred to the International Prosecutor and is currently being investigated by the Financial Investigation Unit, the ITF recommends that UNMIK Pillar IV take no administrative action against Airport staff until the/ judicial process is finalized (IV04/377/01); Recommendation No. 2: Should the Airport staff not be criminally charged by the Department of Justice, ITF recommends that UNMIK Pillar IV should consider appropriate administrative action against implicated Pristina Airport staff in the light of the Department of Justice's findings (IV04/377/02). 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------