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Did the Wikimedia Foundation lie about muzzling Wikinews?

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June 17, 2008

The Wikimedia Foundation ordered an admin to delete two controversial Wikinews articles, and Jay Walsh, the Foundation’s head of communications, knew more about this than he would like to admit, according to Wikinews author Jason Safoutin.

Safoutin contacted me after listening to this interview with Walsh. Walsh denied first-hand knowledge of an internal conversation about the deleted articles and emphasized Wikinews administrator Brian McNeil’s role in deleting it.

But Safoutin, who has written 750 articles for Wikinews under the screen name DragonFire1024, said Walsh did not tell the whole story.

“I have proof that Mr. Walsh knew of these actions,” Safoutin wrote.

The proof: a series of emails, available online, between McNeil, Wikimedia Foundation lawyer Mike Godwin, and Sue Gardner, the Foundation’s executive director, with Walsh CC’d. The emails reference the deleted articles.

“If this was not an action of the foundation,” Safoutin wrote, “why would a contributer (Brian), who has been on Wikinews longer than me and about the time it started, write a concerning e-mail to all these people (Godwin, Sue Gardner, Jay), saying that Godwin TOLD him to delete BOTH articles saying ‘Mike has got me to effectively perform office actions and delete two articles in the past day or so?’”

Gardner, Godwin and McNeil also discussed other Wikinews issues, such as the problems of writing about an organization you work for and the idea of creating a private site where writers can edit articles out of the public eye before they’re published.

In his interview, Walsh did admit that the Wikimedia Foundation advised McNeil that Safoutin’s articles might be libelous because of what they said about Erik Möller, the Foundation’s deputy director. Möller has brought the Foundation some bad press for allegedly approving of sex between very young children, and Safoutin’s article referenced the allegations.

But for Safoutin, the main problem was that the article was deleted without any input from him. He loves writing for Wikinews and has continued to write in spite of his frustration with some people in the organization.

I emailed him to find out more about his views on Wikinews, Walsh, the Foundation and the controversy surrounding his deleted articles. He responded with some thoughtful insight on what happened to his articles and what is in store for the Wikinews project.

The full Q&A is below: I’m curious if this is the first time in your experience with Wikinews that something like this has happened — that people inside the Foundation have gotten involved with deleting a story. If it’s happened before, when and why?

Jason Safoutin: This was the first time in my history that this has happened. If this has happened before, then it was before I joined Wikinews which was January of 2006.

WL: What about other articles that haven’t worked (if there have been any)? What were they about? Were there other legal concerns?

JS: We published an article about Wikimedia/Wikinews getting a copyright infringement notice from the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) about a web link in an article to Wikileaks which they claimed violated the DMCA (Digital Media Copyright Act). The Link was removed pending legal review, and was later re-added. Someone leaked the request the Church sent to Wikimedia and we wrote an article on that. Concerns were brought up about the leaked request, but nothing about the article itself, or general legal concerns. Only the initial concern was the actual request itself, and whether or not it was valid. Here is that article:

WL: Jay did say in the interview that the Foundation gives legal advice to users over issues such as libel and defamation. Have you asked them for legal advice before? Was their advice before this ever to delete an article?

JS: If they give any kind of legal advice, on an individual level or on a community level, then they have never, until these articles, given legal advice to me. I have never asked them for legal advice because I was not aware I needed any nor was I aware that they provided free legal advice to contributers on any project. If they do provide it then they sure don’t make it aware to anyone.

WL: What about Erik Moller? Were the quotes you cited untrue? Or just embarrassing for Wikimedia?

JS: What I wrote about Moeller was based edits he made to Wikipedia, and papers/reports he wrote in school. I never once stated that Moeller was a pedophile. I stated that based on my research that he supports the idea and concept of pedophilia. Other blogs and websites stated that he was or seemed to be one. I contacted Moeller and Godwin for a statement to deny, confirm and or give a statement regarding the allegations and within an hour or so the article was deleted on grounds it was “false.” If it was false, then I should have been allowed to correct those portions with advice and/or counsel, but was not given the chance. I would say that the whole situation in general would be embarrassing for Wikimedia, but they are able to exert control over Wikinews and other Wikimedia projects. Based on conversations I had with individuals from all over, I would say that yes this is quite embarrassing for Wikimedia…not just the deletions without a general cause to the public/community and me (at least prior to deletion), but the way they did it and how they did it.

WL: What do you think about the conversation in those emails you linked to about creating a private space to edit articles so that issues like libel are better avoided?

JS: I think it is a great idea, provided it is not just talk to keep us entertained for a little bit. It was widely supported by the community on Wikinews. We had submitted the proposal in January of 2008 to the developers at Wikimedia, but was denied because it “had to go through the committees”. I asked some people, including a board member who had no clue what “committees” meant. It is my understanding that the developers cannot begin a new “project” or space for Wikimedia, without approval from the language committees or the board of trustees. That being the case, I don’t see how Sue Gardner, or anyone else working for Wikimedia, can hand us that Wiki or any other space on a silver platter.

A link of this denial is here:

That said, its a great idea. I just want to see the effort to get it to us first rather than just talking about it.

WL: What are some issues you see in the Foundation and Wikinews that need to be figured out?

JS: The foundation needs to recognize us as a project. I hear individuals complain about other websites that misquote Wikimedia all the time and then we need to hear about how bad that website is afterwards. If Wikimedia would come to Wikinews first and get the story out, then that problem might not exist. I don’t see Wikimedia doing anything for us, at least until we do something they might see as “bad”, like the recent situation for example. There is not enough communication or help when we ask for it. We are a project of Wikimedia just like any other and we should be treated with the same respect.

WL: How often does the Foundation intervene in the reporting and writing process?

JS: They have never interfered on Wikinews prior to this. If they have it was long before my time.

WL: Have you written other articles about Wikimedia controversies? Did similar things happen?

JS: I wrote an article about Carolyn Doran and about Mike Godwin not attending an ethics panel discussion on Wikipedia. I also wrote about the IP address which made an edit to Wikipedia on the wrestlers article Chris Benoit, who posted the death of his wife 14 hours before police knew about the murders of her and his son. Did they ever intervene then? Not once. In fact Moeller helped us with Benoit for a moment when FOX News took some of our work and tried to call it their own. But this is the first time that anything ‘negative’ came of an article that did not show Wikimedia in a good light.

WL: For this article, did you have the option to update the article before it was deleted?

JS: No. I didn’t have a chance to remove any alleged false information or correct any of the alleged mistakes in either of the two articles. I was not told what could have been wrong with them until after they were deleted.

WL: Do you think you’ll still write for Wikinews once this is resolved?

JS: I still am as we speak and don’t have any plans to stop writing. My concern is not with Wikinews which I love to death, but with the Wikimedia staff/board members and how they handle their concerns. Things around Wikinews and other projects are generally done on consensus and office actions are needed for extreme situations. I have written about 750 articles since January 2006. I think this situation could have been treated with a bit more respect towards me and the community. I was working hard on two articles, one of which was nowhere near completed. This could ave been done a lot nicer.

WL: Any more thoughts on the subject? Things that haven’t been addressed?

JS: Yes. I want to respond to a few things about the interview with Jay Walsh: We do write interesting things about interesting people. I don’t know if he takes the time to read Wikinews at all, even while this is going on, but he would see we work incredibly hard for something we do not get paid to do. The deletions were done by a Wikinews administrator who was told to do so (delete them) by Mike Godwin. I know this because the initial e-mail to Sue Gardner and Mike Godwin was also sent to Jay Walsh. So unless he doesn’t read his e-mail, then he was made very aware of this situation at about the time the articles were deleted. The discussion was forwarded to him and note that neither Godwin or Sue denied that the articles were deleted as an office action. Here is that e-mail in question:

Evidence from the foundation-l mailinglist

On the foundation-l mail-list, it is clear that the foundation's view of Wikinews should be be able to publish freely, only:

"When doing so doesn't compromise our goals, yes." -- Dalton [1]

Brain McNeil declares the articles as libel.[2] He also admits wanting case-law buildup and says something not nice about Bauer.[3]

Mike Godwin acknowledges the theory of office actions that look like community actions (even if the theory is questionable):

"So the theory here is that we're clever enough to cloak an OFFICE action as a community action, and even to convince some community members that they believe they're merely acting on advice rather than under a "WMF mandate," but not quite clever enough to fool you about our cloaked agenda?"[4]

Despite issues of conflict of interest, it is clear that the nature of the "request" is pivotal between office and community actions:

"On that, I would agree. However, when it -is- WMF taking an official action, it should be clearly marked as such. If it is not, it should be made absolutely, 100% clear that this is "Mike Godwin, the editor" not "Mike Godwin, the WMF representative" putting forth the position. What should be studiously avoided (ESPECIALLY in cases where the material at issue is critical of WMF) is some grey area between the two."[5]

Dalton acknowledges the precedence of legal matters over community policy (i.e. the "request"):

"But would you ever dismiss it if it was the foundation's lawyer telling you there were legal concerns? We all know the law trumps community policy."[6]

The conflict of interest is obvious. The request being made to the community from the foundation, or the foundation taking unilateral action can, both, be seen as identical:

"True, but I'd still say such a situation is pretty much identical to the WMF performing the action itself." -- Anthony [7]

It is also acknowledged that sysops/admins are unwilling go against foundation (or undo) suggestions,[8] and that "preventative" reactions are swift.[9]

It is clear that Wikinews is essentially controlled by the WMF, astroturfing attempts to conceal the control not withstanding:

"The attempt to make this look like a community decision when it really appears to be a WMF mandate ("strong suggestion", or whatever we want to call it) is what I find disturbing here."[10]

The lack of a clear editorial independence of Wikinews opens a can of worms:

"One other point, and then I'm done for the day. What is the foundation going to do when the people who would otherwise sue the foundation realize they can't do so and turn to the community members who implement these "suggestions" and sue them instead? Will it help them defend themselves, or will it leave them to fend for themselves?".[11]


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