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  • Julian Assange and COP26

    31 October 2021

    Julian Assange faces a 175 year prison sentence in the United States for publishing documents, including those which exposed wilful, or otherwise reckless, sabotage of climate action during prior climate...

  • Press Release Regarding Julian Assange's Case Management Hearing

    21 October 2019

    At today’s case management hearing against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who faces US extradition and 175 years’ imprisonment for publishing classified information revealing war crimes, district magistrate Vanessa Baraitser allowed the defe...

  • US DoJ preparing to file additional indictment against Julian Assange based on testimony by convicted conman

    07 June 2019

    US DoJ preparing to file additional indictment against Julian Assange based on testimony by convicted conman The star witness in the pending new indictment of the US DoJ against Julian Assange is a convicted fraudster and FBI informant Sigurdur T...

  • WikiLeaks responds to espionage act indictment against Assange: Unprecedented attack on free press

    24 May 2019

    **[You can download indictment here](** Today, the Trump administration launched an unprecedented attack on the global free press, unsealing 17 Espionage Act charges carrying 175 years in pr...

  • Funcionarios ecuatorianos entregan la defensa jurídica y pertenencias de Julián Assange a Estados Unidos

    20 May 2019

    Tres semanas antes de la fecha límite para que los Estados Unidos presenten su solicitud final para la extradición de Julián Assange, funcionarios ecuatorianos viajan a Londres para permitir que fiscales estadounidenses se hagan con las pertenenci...

  • Ecuador to hand over Assange's entire legal defense to the United States

    20 May 2019

    Three weeks before the U.S. deadline to file its final extradition request for Assange, Ecuadorian officials are travelling to London to allow U.S. prosecutors to help themselves to Assange's belongings. Neither Julian Assange nor U.N. officials ...

  • WikiLeaks statement on World Press Freedom Day 2019

    03 May 2019

    On World Press Freedom Day 2019, WikiLeaks honours the more than 250 journalists incarcerated for doing their jobs: shining a light on the truth and protecting their sources. The Trump Administration's unprecedented indictment against WikiLeaks fo...

  • US Embassy Shopping List

    21 December 2018

    Today, 21 December 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a [searchable database]( of more than 16,000 procurement requests posted by United States embassies around the world. All US embassies post requests for quotations an...

  • Amazon Atlas

    11 October 2018

    Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one h...

  • Statement on Julian Assange's situation

    27 September 2018

    Due to the extraordinary circumstances where Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been held incommunicado (except visits by his lawyers) for six months while arbitrarily detained in the Ecuadorian embassy, Mr Assange has appointed Kristin...

  • Assange Statement on the US Election

    08 November 2016

    On the eve of the election, it is important to restate why we have published what we have.

  • WikiLeaks offers reward for #LabourLeaks

    23 September 2016

    Wikileaks offers £20,000 for information on how the Labour Party’s top officials have attempted to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming and staying on as leader.

  • Assange Medical and Psychological Records

    14 September 2016

    Today WikiLeaks releases confidential medical and psychological reports concerning our editor Julian Assange’s situation. This part one publication consists of three documents: a twenty-seven page psycho-social and medical assessment from 10 Novem...

  • UN Decision on Assange Asylum

    03 February 2016

    UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) publicly announced its decision finding that the detention of Julian Assange is unlawful. The United Nations Working Group has ordered that he be released immediately and compensated by Sweden and the...

  • Sarah Harrison acceptance speech for the Willy Brandt Prize for political courage

    19 October 2015

    Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a honour to be here today to accept the Willy Brant Award for Political Courage for my work with WikiLeaks, in getting Edward Snowden asylum, and for my political statements - many of which have called for Germany’s pro...

  • WikiLeaks goes after hyper-secret Euro-American trade pact

    11 August 2015

    Today, Tuesday 11th August, 9:15 BST, WikiLeaks has launched a campaign to crowd-source a €100,000 reward for Europe’s most wanted secret: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Starting pledges have already been made by a num...

  • WikiLeaks issues call for $100,000 bounty on monster trade treaty

    02 June 2015

    Today WikiLeaks has launched a campaign to crowd-source a $100,000 reward for America’s Most Wanted Secret: the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Over the last two years WikiLeaks has published three chapters of this super-secret global ...

  • Murderous spooks drive journalism project to WikiLeaks

    20 May 2015

    "I promise that I will kill everyone involved in your website. There is nowhere on this earth that you will be able to hide from me." Just two weeks after its launch, Transparency Toolkit’s ICWatch project, which documents more than 100,000 job ...

  • Some notes on the new WikiLeaks next-generation submission system beta

    01 May 2015

    "All of these news organisations around the world, all of these publishers were trying to get a piece of the story. There was only one publisher that actually said: We want to help the source, we want to make sure he’s ok, we want to make sure tha...

  • Assange considers law suit against UK Deputy Prime Minister

    06 February 2015

    I have instructed my legal team to examine whether the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg should be sued for defamation. Nick Clegg falsely stated to the media yesterday, in comments that were widely reported, that I had been "charged" with an offe...

  • Sweden Tells the UN that Indefinite Detention Without Charge is Fine

    05 February 2015

    The United Kingdom’s costs for its embassy "siege" against Julian Assange, who has not been charged with an offence, has hit 10 million pounds, Scotland Yard confirmed today. Meanwhile, damning footage has been released from the United Nations. ...

  • Assange: "The son of a bitch is me" - statement on the sentencing hearing of US journalist Barrett Brown

    17 December 2014

    “How corrupt can we be? Let us take Barrett Brown campaigning against Fox’s calls to assassinate Julian Assange, and flip that to say he’s campaigning for the assassination of FBI agents and use that to put him away for a decade. And then, if he t...

  • From Pol Pot to ISIS: "Anything that flies on everything that moves"

    02 November 2014

    by John Pilger —  In transmitting President Richard Nixon’s orders for a "massive" bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, "Anything that flies on everything that moves". As Barack Obama ignites his seventh war against the Muslim wor...

  • Protesters against WikiLeaks banking blockade, the "PayPal 14", largely victorious

    01 November 2014

    On 7 December 2010, the same day Julian Assange was remanded to prison without charge, an extra-legal banking blockade was erected against WikiLeaks – as a direct result of WikiLeaks’ publications – by a number of US financial services giants incl...

  • Analysis Article - Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Financial Services Annex

    19 June 2014

    Unprecedented Secrecy Reverses WTO Trend of Disclosure The states driving TISA were responsible for the WTO’s pro-industry finance rules States promoting TISA blocked critical debates in the WTO post-GFC Strategic r...

  • Press Release - Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Financial Services Annex

    19 June 2014

    (en | es) Today, WikiLeaks released the secret draft text for the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Financial Services Annex, which covers 50 countries and 68.2%1 of world trade in services. The US and the EU are the main proponents...

  • 59 International Organizations Call Upon UN to Remedy Human Rights Violations in Pre-Charge Detention of Wikileaks Publisher Julian Assange

    17 June 2014

    For Immediate Release: 16 June 2014 59 International Organizations Call Upon UN to Remedy Human Rights Violations in Pre-Charge Detention of Wikileaks Publisher Julian Assange Groups Submit Reports to UN Universal Periodic Review Citing Sweden’s...

  • DECLARACIÓN JURADA DE Julian Paul Assange

    07 June 2014

    9.1 Apéndice A: Boleto de Avión SK2679 9.2 Apéndice B: Reporte de Irregularidad de Propiedad (Ref. TXLSK11342/27SEPT10/1742GMT) 9.3 Apéndice C: Declaración jurada de Andy Muller-Maguhn 9.4 Apéndice D: Declaración jurada de Kristinn Hrafnsson...

  • WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA

    23 May 2014

    The National Security Agency has been recording and storing nearly all the domestic (and international) phone calls from two or more target countries as of 2013. Both the Washington Post and The Intercept (based in the US and published by eBay cha...

  • WikiLeaks releases the Carter Cables

    24 April 2014

    Today WikiLeaks releases the Carter Cables, 367,174 US diplomatic cables and associated records coinciding with the first year of President Jimmy Carter’s administration and the appointment of Secretary of State Cyrus Roberts Vance in 1977. They e...

  • El documental de WikiLeaks "El Ingeniero" va a Hot Docs 2014

    18 March 2014


  • WikiLeaks film "The Engineer" goes to Hot Docs 2014

    18 March 2014


  • NSA y GCHQ espían a Wikileaks

    17 March 2014

    NSA y GCHQ espían a Wikileaks Julian Assange hace un llamamiento a que se nombre un Fiscal Especial para investigar a la NSA, después que documentos demuestren que los EE.UU. espiaron a Wikileaks y a sus partidarios. Hoy fueron publicados docu...

  • NSA and GCHQ spying on WikiLeaks

    18 February 2014

    Julian Assange calls for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the NSA, after documents show US spying on WikiLeaks and its supporters. Today, documents were published from the national security whistleblower Edward Snowden, deta...

  • Second release of secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement documents

    09 December 2013

    On 13 November 2013 WikiLeaks released the draft text of the crucial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) Intellectual Property chapter during the lead-up to a TPP chief negotiators’ meeting in Salt Lake City on 19-24 November 2013. Today, 9 ...

  • WikiLeaks consultant Gottfrid Svartholm Warg extradited from Sweden after alleged access to NSA contractor CSC

    29 November 2013

    Statement by WikiLeaks Publisher Julian Assange concerning Sweden’s extradition of WikiLeaks consultant Gottfrid "Anakata" Svartholm Warg: "It is time someone says it like it is: Gottfrid Svartholm Warg is a political prisoner and Sweden has fall...

  • WikiLeaks Calls for US to Drop Grand Jury

    29 November 2013

    In the face of the US government’s three-year attack on WikiLeaks, an anonymous Department of Justice official talking to the Washington Post now claims that there is little possibility of prosecuting Julian Assange for publishing, but that a Gran...

  • Hammond Support Letter from World Media

    15 November 2013

    Today, November 15th 2013, Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to a maximum ten years in jail, with three years of supervised release thereafter. On 14 October 2013, before the sentence was given by Judge Loretta Preska, a letter was signed by editors a...

  • Erklärung von Sarah Harrison

    08 November 2013

    Als Journalistin habe ich die vergangenen vier Monate zusammen mit dem NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden verbracht und bin an diesem Wochenende in Berlin angekommen. Ich gehörte zu dem kleinen Wikileaks-Team, das in Hongkong eine Reihe von Asylmö...

  • Announcing Australian Preview Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate Challenger

    07 November 2013

    TODAY, on Thursday 7 November, WikiLeaks and Sixteen Films are proud to announce the Australian and New Zealand preview release of MEDIASTAN, the WikiLeaks road movie. Fairfax Media will be streaming MEDIASTAN for FREE for Australian and New Zeal...

  • Statement by Sarah Harrison

    06 November 2013

    As a journalist I have spent the last four months with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and arrived in Germany over the weekend. I worked in Hong Kong as part of the WikiLeaks team that brokered a number of asylum offers for Snowden and negotiated...

  • Déclaration de la journaliste de Wikileaks Sarah Harrison au sujet d’Edward Snowden

    06 November 2013

    J’ai passé les quatre derniers mois, en tant que journaliste, avec Edward Snowden, le lanceur d’alerte de la NSA, et suis arrivée en Allemagne en fin de semaine. J’ai travaillé à Hong Kong dans l’équipe de Wikileaks qui tentât de négocier plusieur...

  • Declaración a la prensa de periodista Sarah Harrison sobre Edward Snowden

    06 November 2013

    Como periodista, he pasado los últimos cuatro meses al lado del whistleblower (denunciante) Edward Snowden, llegando a la República de Alemania el fin de semana. Trabajé en Hong Kong como parte del equipo de Wikileaks que consiguió una serie de of...

  • Video: Snowden meets with German MP regarding being witness in NSA spying investigation

    03 November 2013

    On Thursday 31st October NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden met with German Green Party MP Hans-Christian Ströbele regarding being a witness for a possible investigation into NSA spying in Germany. There is large public support in Germany for an of...

  • Press Release: German Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate Challenger

    01 November 2013

    Mediastan The Fifth Estate IMDB rating: 8.8/10 IMDB rating: 5.9/10 “Bill Keller [New York Times editor] essentially discloses in #MEDIASTAN that the CIA … had editorial input on his NY Times stories” @ioerror “Bogus … C...

  • El Ingeniero: Communicado de Prensa

    25 October 2013

    EL INGENIERO Para el Ingeniero, la muerte es arte, y un cuerpo es un amigo. Este documental de la galardonada productora Guerrilla Pictures ofrece una perspectiva única y perturbadora de la brutal guerra entre pandillas vista desde los ojos de un...

  • Announcing preview of "The Engineer"

    24 October 2013

    For Immediate Release: For the Engineer, death is an art and a corpse his friend. This new documentary offers a unique and disturbing look at El Salvador’s brutal gang conflict through the eyes of a man whose life revolves around murder. The fi...

  • Press Release: US Release of Mediastan - WikiLeaks’ Fifth Estate Challenger

    17 October 2013

    Mediastan The Fifth Estate IMDB rating: 8.8/10 IMDB rating: 5.9/10 “Bill Keller [New York Times editor] essentially discloses in #MEDIASTAN that the CIA … had editorial input on his NY Times stories” @ioerror “Bogus … C...

  • Comunicado de Prensa: WikiLeaks estrena el desafío a “El Quinto Poder”: Mediastan - Un ´Road Movie´ de WikiLeaks

    11 October 2013

    Esta noche Wikileaks y Sixteen Films estrenan MEDIASTAN o un `road movie´de Wikileaks Esta noche Wikileaks y Sixteen Films estrenan MEDIASTAN o un `road movie´de Wikileaks El lanzamiento de MEDIASTAN se ha programado para desafiar a la premiere ...

  • Video: Edward Snowden wins Sam Adams award

    11 October 2013

    This week Edward Snowden received the Integrity Award from the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. These videos from the award ceremony are the first of Mr Snowden after being granted asylum in Russia. The videos show Mr Snowden a...

  • Press Release: WikiLeaks Releases Fifth Estate Challenger: Mediastan - A WikiLeaks Road Movie

    11 October 2013

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WIKILEAKS RELEASES FIFTH ESTATE CHALLENGER Tonight WikiLeaks and Sixteen Films release MEDIASTAN—a WikiLeaks road movie. The release of MEDIASTAN is timed to challenge the UK opening today of THE FIFTH ESTATE - the multi-m...


    11 October 2013

    For the first time ever, audiences get a behind-the-scenes insight into the world’s first truly global media event: "Operation Cablerun" : the 2011 operation during which WikiLeaks ran hundreds of thousands of secret US government cables to media ...

  • RELEASE: Julian Assange Correspondence with The Fifth Estate Star Benedict Cumberbatch

    09 October 2013

    For Immediate Release Contact: Trevor FitzGibbon, 202.406.0646, RELEASE: Julian Assange Correspondence with The Fifth Estate Star Benedict Cumberbatch WikiLeaks Founder Declines Actor’s Meeting Invitation in Protest o...

  • First Letter from Julian Assange to Benedict Cumberbatch Over The Fifth Estate

    09 October 2013

    Today WikiLeaks publishes the first letter from Julian Assange to Benedict Cumberbatch regarding "The Fifth Estate", a Dreamworks movie about WikiLeaks set to open in the UK on Friday 11 Oct, and in the US on Friday 18 Oct. The press release about...

  • Editorial: Release Barrett Brown

    16 September 2013

    WikiLeaks strongly condemns the prosecution of the investigative journalist Barrett Brown, who as of September 12 had spent a year in pre-trial confinement. Brown’s prosecution is yet another transgression against media freedom in the land of the ...

  • Swedish Police Open Investigation into Seizure of War Crime Evidence

    06 September 2013

    Swedish police have opened a formal preliminary investigation into the seizure of WikiLeaks property on 27 September 2010, which contained evidence of a war crime. Julian Assange filed a criminal complaint at Arlanda police on 3 September 2013 via...

  • WikiLeaks Files Second Criminal Complaint in Germany

    03 September 2013

    This afternoon the Federal Prosecutor of Germany (Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof) registered a complaint filed by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This is the second of four jurisdictions where WikiLeaks is filing a criminal complaint...

  • Swedish Police Opens Criminal Complaint File ahead of Wednesday’s Obama Visit to Sweden

    03 September 2013

    Julian Assange’s lawyer Per E. Samuelson confirmed that Swedish police opened a criminal complaint file at 11.35 under case number 0201 K 268906-13. The complaint was delivered to Arlanda police at 09:24 this morning. This is the first of four cr...

  • Press Release: WikiLeaks Launches Criminal Investigation ahead of Wednesday’s Obama Visit to Sweden

    02 September 2013

    Tomorrow morning, 3 September 2013, WikiLeaks will file a criminal complaint in Sweden, ahead of the arrival of the US delegation. The complaint concerns the likely unlawful seizure of WikiLeaks property on 27 September 2010, following its publica...

  • Op-ed: Google and the NSA: Who’s holding the ‘shit-bag’ now?

    27 August 2013

    It was revealed last week, thanks to Edward Snowden, that Google and other US tech companies received millions of dollars from the NSA for their compliance with the PRISM mass surveillance system. So just how close is Google to the US securitocra...

  • Op-ed: The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’

    27 August 2013

    This article - a review of The New Digital Age by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen - was originally published as an op-ed in the New York Times on June 1 2013. “THE New Digital Age” is a startlingly clear and provocative blueprint for technocratic im...

  • Statement by Julian Assange on today’s sentencing of Bradley Manning

    21 August 2013

    Today the well-known whistleblower Bradley Manning has been ordered by a military court in Maryland to spend a minimum of 5.2 years in prison with a 32 year maximum (including time already spent in detention), for revealing information about US go...

  • Response to Today’s Bradley Manning Statement

    14 August 2013

    Today Bradley Manning reportedly made a statement of remorse in a sentencing hearing at Fort Meade, Maryland. Manning’s statement comes towards the end of a court martial trial pursued with unprecedented prosecutorial zeal. Since his arrest, Mr. ...

  • Statement on Snowden’s Successful Russian Asylum Bid

    01 August 2013

    Today, Thursday 1st August at 15:50 MSK, Edward Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia. He left Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow with WikiLeaks staffer and legal advisor Sarah Harrison who has accompanied him during his 39 day stay in the t...

  • Comunicado de Wikileaks sobre el veredicto emitido contra Bradley Manning en la Corte Marcial

    30 July 2013

    El día de hoy, Bradley Manning, un "whistleblower", ha sido declarado culpable por una corte militar en el Fuerte Meade, por 20 ofensas cometidas al facilitar a la prensa información. Seis de éstas encuadran en el tipo legal de espionaje. La sent...

  • Statement by Julian Assange on Verdict in Bradley Manning Court-Martial

    30 July 2013

    Today Bradley Manning, a whistleblower, was convicted by a military court at Fort Meade of 20 offences for supplying the press with information, including six counts of ’espionage’. He now faces a maximum sentence of 136 years. The ’aiding the en...

  • Statement by Edward Snowden to human rights groups at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport

    12 July 2013

    Edward Joseph Snowden delivered a statement to human rights organizations and individuals at Sheremetyevo airport at 5pm Moscow time today, Friday 12th July. The meeting lasted 45 minutes. The human rights organizations included Amnesty Internatio...

  • MasterCard breaks ranks in WikiLeaks blockade

    03 July 2013

    MasterCard has broken ranks in the US-linked banking blockade against WikiLeaks. For almost three years, US financial giants VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, the Bank of America and Western Union have been engaged in an unlawful banking blockade against...

  • Edward Snowden faz pedidos de asilo a 21 países, inclusive ao Brasil

    02 July 2013

    No dia 30 de junho de 2013, a conselheira jurídica do WikiLeaks no caso de Edward Snowden, Sarah Harrison, submeteu diversos pedidos de asilo e assistência de asilo em nome de Edward J. Snowden, que denunciou o caso da NSA. Os pedidos foram entre...

  • Edward Snowden submits asylum applications

    02 July 2013

    On 30th June 2013 WikiLeaks’ legal advisor in the Edward Snowden matter, Sarah Harrison, submitted by hand a number of requests for asylum and asylum assistance on behalf of Edward J. Snowden, the NSA whistleblower. The requests were delivered to...

  • Statement from Edward Snowden in Moscow

    01 July 2013

    One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty has been owed to the efforts of friends new and old, family, and others who I have never met and probab...

  • Transcript of WikiLeaks Press Conference on Edward Snowden’s Exit From Hong Kong

    26 June 2013

    This is a full transcript of the WikiLeaks press conference call held on Monday June 24, at 15:00 BST, concerning Edward Snowden’s lawful exit from Hong Kong.

  • Further Statement From Baltasar Garzón

    26 June 2013

    Madrid, 25 June 2013 PRESS RELEASE FOR MEDIA AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES This serves to state that the Law firm ILOCAD has decided not to represent Mr. Snowden, whose whereabouts are unknown. We continue to represent Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks ...

  • Declaración de Julian Assange luego de un año en la Embajada del Ecuador

    25 June 2013

    Ya ha transcurrido un año desde que llegué a esta Embajada buscando refugio de la persecución. Como resultado de esa decisión, he podido trabajar relativamente a salvo del espionaje estadounidense. Pero hoy, el calvario de Edward Snowden recién ...

  • Statement From Baltasar Garzón

    24 June 2013

    Port-au-Prince (Haiti) 23 July 2013 TO MEDIA AND INTERESTED PARTIES This serves to inform that Mr. Edward Snowden has requested my legal advice. However, before making any decision in this regard I have requested more information that will allo...

  • WikiLeaks Statement On Edward Snowden’s Exit From Hong Kong

    23 June 2013

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mr Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who exposed evidence of a global surveillance regime conducted by US and UK intelligence agencies, has left Hong Kong legally. He is bound for a democratic nation via a safe rou...

  • Profile: Sarah Harrison

    23 June 2013

    Sarah Harrison is a UK citizen, journalist, and legal researcher who is currently working with the WikiLeaks Legal Defense team led by former Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon. Miss Harrison has worked on important investigative projects that have un...

  • Perfil: Sarah Harrison

    23 June 2013

    Sarah Harrison es una ciudadana británica, una periodista, y parte del equipo de investigadores legales que está trabajando junto al equipo liderado por el ex Juez español Baltasar Garzón en la defensa legal de Wikileaks. La Señorita Harrisson h...

  • WikiLeaks Statement On Edward Snowden’s Exit From Hong Kong - UPDATED

    23 June 2013

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mr Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who exposed evidence of a global surveillance regime conducted by US and UK intelligence agencies, has left Hong Kong legally. He is bound for the Republic of Ecuador via a safe ...

  • Statement by Julian Assange after One Year in Ecuadorian Embassy

    22 June 2013

    It has now been a year since I entered this embassy and sought refuge from persecution. As a result of that decision, I have been able to work in relative safety from a US espionage investigation. But today, Edward Snowden’s ordeal is just begin...

  • Assange Statement on the First Day of Manning Trial

    04 June 2013

    Statement by Julian Assange As I type these lines, on June 3, 2013, Private First Class Bradley Edward Manning is being tried in a sequestered room at Fort Meade, Maryland, for the alleged crime of telling the truth. The court martial of the most...

  • Bradley Manning Trial FAQ

    03 June 2013

    Who is Bradley Manning? When is the trial? How long is the trial? What is Bradley Manning accused of? What is the potential sentence? What is the status of the federal investigation against Julian Assange and six other ’founders, owners or ad...

  • WikiLeaks Leaks the Annotated Transcript of Universal’s WikiLeaks Documentary Ahead of Opening Tomorrow Night

    24 May 2013

    WikiLeaks leaks the transcript of $2 million documentary "We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks" by Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney, ahead of its world-wide release tomorrow night (May 24 2013). The annotated transcript reveals errors and sl...

  • For the next 49 days you can donate to WikiLeaks

    11 May 2013

    After over two years of financial censorship, Visa opened today for donations to WikiLeaks for the first time since December 2010, after its contractor in Iceland, Valitor (formally Visa Iceland) was ordered to do so by Icelandic Supreme Court. A...

  • Eight FBI agents conduct interrogation in Iceland in relation to ongoing U.S. investigation of WikiLeaks

    07 February 2013

    Recently it has become public that the FBI had secretly sent eight agents to Iceland in 2011 in relation to the ongoing U.S. investigation of WikiLeaks. The Icelandic Minister of Interior, Ögmundur Jónasson, has confirmed this to the Icelandic pre...

  • Statement by Julian Assange after Six Months in Ecuadorian Embassy

    20 December 2012

    (Checked to delivery - published at 21:00 GMT) Good evening London. What a sight for sore eyes. People ask what gives me hope. Well, the answer is right here. Six months ago – 185 days ago – I entered this building. It has become my home, my o...

  • WikiLeaks declares war on banking blockade

    16 December 2012

    Today sees the launch of the Freedom of the Press Foundation − a new initiative inspired by the fight against the two-year-long extra-judicial financial embargo imposed on WikiLeaks by U.S. financial giants including Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and t...

  • Julian Assange Presentation to EU Parliament on Corruption Revealed in Cablegate

    05 December 2012

    Julian Assange was asked to present at the European Parliament S&D party seminar on Corruption in member states of the European Union. Bivol made a presentation in this seminar entitled Government Level Corruption and Ties to Organized Crime. Juli...

  • La Comisión Europea permite el bloqueo a WikiLeaks por la extrema derecha de los EE.UU. Lieberman/King, en contra de los deseos del Parlamento Europeo

    30 November 2012

    Los documentos de la Comisión Europea publicados hoy por WikiLeaks muestran que los políticos de extrema derecha estadounidense estaban directamente detrás del bloqueo bancario extrajudicial contra WikiLeaks. En lo documentos redactados, MasterCar...

  • Comunicado público de Julian Assange respecto del comentario de la periodista Erinn Burnett al Estado de Ecuador

    30 November 2012

    Hoy han circulado reportes usando citas fuera de lugar de Julian Assange sobre Ecuador, dichas citas fueron obtenidas como resultado del intercambio con la presentadora de CNN Erinn Burnett. Para aquellos que miren el fragmento, el significado es ...

  • Assange statement regarding CNN’s Erinn Burnett show comment on Ecuador

    29 November 2012

    Today there have been reports misquoting Julian Assange in relation to Ecuador as a result of an exchange with CNN’s Erinn Burnett. To those who watch the segment the meaning is clear. Those that have drawn attention to the quote have clearly done...

  • European Commission enabling blockade of WikiLeaks by U.S. hard-right Lieberman/King, contrary to European Parliament’s wishes

    27 November 2012

    European Commission documents released today by WikiLeaks show that hard-right U.S. politicians were directly behind the extrajudicial banking blockade against WikiLeaks. In the heavily redacted documents, MasterCard Europe admits that Senator ...

  • WikiLeaks donations now tax deductible EU wide

    26 November 2012

    Wau-Holland-Stiftung (WHS), named in memory of the German philosopher and net activist Wau Holland, has been collecting donations for WikiLeaks since 2009. In the immediate aftermath of WikiLeaks publication of the US diplomatic cables in 2010, no...

  • El Parlamento Europeo vota a favor de proteger a WikiLeaks

    23 November 2012

    El Parlamento Europeo vota a favor de proteger a WikiLeaks. En una decisión histórica, hoy el Parlamento Europeo ha empezado a elaborar el anteproyecto de una normativa que permita parar aquellos bloqueos bancarios arbitrarios contra WikiLeaks y c...

  • European Parliament votes to protect WikiLeaks

    20 November 2012

    European Parliament votes to protect WikiLeaks. In a landmark decision today the European Parliament initiated the drafting of legislation that would stop the arbitrary banking blockades against WikiLeaks and other organizations facing economic ce...

  • Заявление для прессы: Голосуйте на этих выборах кошельком. Голосуйте за WikiLeaks

    14 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...


    14 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...


    04 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...


    04 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...

  • En estas elecciones, votemos con la billetera, Votemos por Wikileaks!

    04 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...

  • Pressmeddelande: Rösta med din plånbok i detta val, Rösta på Wikileaks

    04 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...

  • Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks

    03 October 2012

    [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng tuyển cử này, hãy bỏ phiếu dùng ví tiền, Bỏ phiếu cho Wikileaks nhé (Vietnamese) ...

  • 新闻公报:在此次选举中,用你的钱包投票,支持维基解密。

    03 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...

  • Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks

    03 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement : In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí : trong cuộc tổng tuyển cử này, hãy bỏ phiếu dùng ví tiền, Bỏ phiếu cho Wikileaks nhé (Vietnamese) [zh] 新闻公报:在此次...

  • Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng tuyển cử này, hãy bỏ phiếu dùng ví tiền, Bỏ phiếu cho Wikileaks nhé (Vietnamese)

    03 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [zh] 新闻公报:在此次选举中,用你的钱包投票,支持维基解密。 ...

  • Declaração à imprensa: Nestas eleições, vote com sua carteira – vote Wikileaks

    03 October 2012

    [en] Press Statement: In this election, vote with your wallet, Vote WikiLeaks [fr] Communiqué de presse : Dans cette élection, votez avec votre porte-monnaie, Votez WikiLeaks [vi] Bản phát Báo chí: trong cuộc tổng...

  • Transcript of Julian Assange Address to the UN

    27 September 2012

    Transcript of Julian Assange’s Address to the UN on Human Rights - given on Wednesday 26th September - Proofed from live speech Watch the speech Foreign Minister Patino, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen. I speak to you today as a free man...

  • US Military Refers to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as the "enemy" with the "victims" being "society"

    26 September 2012

    This document is an official internal document from the US Military that refers to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as the "enemy". The document is from an internal investigation in the US Air Force, released under the Freedom of Information Act. The ...

  • Background for UN Talk - Ongoing Investigation into WikiLeaks

    26 September 2012

    Ahead of Julian Assange’s address to the UN on Wednesday 26th September 2012 we are publishing some facts about the US investigation and Grand Jury into WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. This includes facts on the investigation and legal cases into As...

  • Inside the secrets and lies behind ’Secrets and Lies’

    11 September 2012

    Overview of files released as part of Ofcom complaint This package contains never before released details about Julian Assange and the operations of WikiLeaks. It contains more than five hours of previously unpublished interviews with Mr Assange...

  • The public relations state: full details of WikiLeaks & Assange Ofcom complaint over "WikiLeaks: Secrets & Lies"

    10 September 2012

    In response to today’s publication by Ofcom of its decision not to uphold Julian Assange’s complaint against the Channel 4 programme "WikiLeaks: Secrets & Lies", Julian Assange echoed criticisms made by many that the regulator is too close to the ...

  • Statement on U.K. intentions and pressures prior to Ecuadorian embassy siege

    23 August 2012

    Formal statement by Craig Murray former U.K. Ambassador and career diplomat, August 23, 2012, on the Ecuadorian embassy siege in London. My name is Craig John Murray. I am a retired British diplomat. I was a member of Her Majesty’s Diplomatic S...

  • Official Statement by Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy

    19 August 2012

    (This version has been proofed) I am here because I cannot be closer to you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your resolve and your generosity of spirit. On Wednesday night after a threat was sent to this embassy and the police descende...

  • Declaración sobre la amenaza del Reino Unido de asaltar la embajada ecuatoriana para arrestar a Julian Assange (Es)

    16 August 2012

    En un comunicado en la mañana de ayer el Reino Unido amenazó con entrar fozosamente en la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres y con arrestar a Julian Assange en su interior. El Reino Unido dice tener la autoridad de llevar a cabo tal acción bajo la L...

  • Statement on UK threat to storm Ecuadorian embassy and arrest Julian Assange

    16 August 2012

    In a communication this morning to the government of Ecuador, the UK threatened to forcefully enter the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange. The UK claims the power to do so under the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987. ...

  • Press Release: WikiLeaks opens path through banking siege. Donations open.

    18 July 2012

    Wednesday July 18, 11:00 After almost two years of fighting an unlawful banking blockade by US financial giants VISA and MasterCard, WikiLeaks has announced it is back open for donations. After WikiLeaks’ publications revealing US war crimes and...

  • Press Statement: By Julian Assange Defense Fund Outside the Ecuadorian Embassy

    29 June 2012

    Friday June 29th, 16:00 Thank you for coming – My name is Susan Benn from the Julian Assange Defense Fund. I have spoken to Julian today and he is in good spirits. He is grateful for the support shown to him by the people of Ecuador and so many ...

  • Press Release – WikiLeaks: Beat the Blockade CD

    28 June 2012

    28 June 2012, 23:00 BST WikiLeaks has released its first music CD, entitled "Beat the Blockade". Since December 2010, WikiLeaks has been under an unlawful financial blockade by major Washington-linked US financial institutions. The WikiLeaks CD ...

  • Wikileaks has launched a case against Valitor hf. (formerly VISA Iceland)

    21 June 2012

    Today, a hearing is taking place before the Icelandic courts in Reykjavik to callenge the unlawful suspension of financial services aganst Wikileaks. Since 7th December 2010, after publishing the biggest leaks in journalistic history, an arbitr...

  • Effective Declaration of Abandonment from Australian Government

    19 June 2012

    Legal advisor to Julian Assange, Jennifer Robinson, met with Australian Attorney General Nicola Roxon on May 2 2012, to ask Australia for basic assistance to protect Mr. Assange. The Australian government issued an effective "declaration of abando...

  • Smear and Enjoy

    18 April 2012

    Statement by Julian Assange “The World Tomorrow with Julian Assange” premieres today. The first broadcast features the leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. In this document, I try to lend a helping hand to the overworked hacks in the ant...

  • Press Release - 500 Days of the WikiLeaks Banking Blockade

    17 April 2012

    500 days ago today, WikiLeaks was abruptly cut off from 95% of its funds. 500 days have passed since a cartel of the world’s largest financial players Bank of America, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and Western Union instituted a consolidated, extra-ju...

  • Assange Submissions to the Leveson Inquiry

    05 April 2012

    Julian Assange Witness Statement and evidence submitted on 23 February 2012 to the Leveson Inquiry into UK media ethics. The evidence comprises his full correspondence file with the Press Complaints Commission, a data sheet giving details of each ...

  • Press release: WikiLeaks on Recent Fabricated Stories in the Swedish Press

    05 March 2012

    Over the past week various media in Sweden have been critically discussing WikiLeaks affairs. Much of these discussions have been based on two fabricated reports that originate from the daily tabloid Expressen. The recent fabrications picked up i...

  • Kristinn Hrafnsson: The Great WikiLeaks War on Sweden?

    04 March 2012

    The Great WikiLeaks war on Sweden? While WikiLeaks has been preoccupied with preparing its new release ’The Global Intelligence Files’ where we are releasing actual documents from the privatized spying world in collaboration with 25 newspapers, Ex...

  • WikiLeaks denounces UNESCO after WikiLeaks banned from UNESCO conference on WikiLeaks

    15 February 2012

    WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wed Feb 15 17:00:00 2012 GMT "#OccupyUNESCO" WikiLeaks denounces UNESCO for banning WikiLeaks from conference about WikiLeaks (February 16-17, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris). WikiLeaks denounced UNESC...

  • New Assange TV Series

    23 January 2012

    23 January 2012, 23:00 GMT Julian Assange will be hosting a series of in-depth conversations with key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries from around the world. The theme: the world tomorrow. Upheavals and revolutions in the Middle E...

  • Statement on Bradley Manning Case

    16 December 2011

    15 December 2011, 21:18 GMT Today is the 220th year anniversary of the Bill of Rights. Tomorrow, Private Bradley Manning will appear before a court for the first time in Fort Meade near Washington D.C after 570 days in prison. He is alleged to ha...

  • Guardian’s "WikiLeaks: Secrets and Lies" Documentary:

    30 November 2011

    30 November 2011, 19:20 GMT The Guardian has continued its war on WikiLeaks with three new attacks over 48 hours—five days before Julian Assange’s final extradition appeal judgement in the High Court and a UK Parliamentary debate and vote on extr...

  • New translation: Comunicado à imprensa: WikiLeaks X bancos

    24 October 2011

    Wikileaks ha publicado las mayores filtraciones periodísticas de la historia. Esto ha provocado agresivas represalias por parte de algunos grupos poderosos. Desde el 7 de diciembre de 2010 un bloqueo financiero arbitrario e ilegal ha sido impuesto...

  • WikiLeaks Pressemitteilung: WikiLeaks vs Banken

    24 October 2011

    WikiLeaks veröffentlichte die größten Leaks in der Geschichte des Journalismus. Als Reaktion darauf ergriffen mächtige Interessengruppen agressive Gegenmaßnahmen. Seit dem 7. Dezember 2010 halten die Bank of America, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal und W...

  • Comunicado à imprensa: WikiLeaks X bancos

    24 October 2011

    O WikiLeaks publicou os maiores vazamentos na história do jornalismo – e isso provocou uma retaliação agressiva de grupos poderosos. Desde o dia 7 de dezembro de 2010 um bloqueio financeiro arbitrário e ilegal tem sido imposto pelas empresas Bank ...

  • WikiLeaks Press Statement: WikiLeaks vs the Banks

    23 October 2011

    WikiLeaks has published the biggest leaks in journalistic history. This has triggered aggressive retaliation from powerful groups. Since 7th December 2010 an arbitrary and unlawful financial blockade has been imposed by Bank of America, VISA, Mast...

  • Communiqué de presse de Wikileaks : Wikileaks contre les banques

    23 October 2011

    Wikileaks a publié les plus grosses fuites de l’histoire du journalisme. Ceci a déclenché des représailles agressives de groupes puissants. Depuis le 7 décembre 2010, un blocus financier arbitraire et illégal a été imposé par la Bank of America, V...

  • Supporters

    23 October 2011

    What you can do to help (other than donate): First of all, become a member of Friends of WikiLeaks at, then sign up to our Twitter feed or Facebook feed to stay up to date. Bloggers/internet users: (1) Add the WikiLeaks donations fu...

  • Julian Assange: Statement on the Unauthorised, Secret Publishing of the Julian Assange “autobiography” by Canongate

    22 September 2011

    Julian Assange Press Statement on the Unauthorised "Autobiography": Thursday 22nd September 2011, 0100Update; 27 September 2011, 1900 - New Primary Sources at Bottom I have learned today through an article in The Independent that my publisher, Ca...

  • WikiLeaks Launches the First of Four Fundraising Auctions

    16 September 2011

    ( ) The first of four WikiLeaks fundraising auctions features unique items such as a framed, signed limited edition cable describing Hillary Clinton’s spying orders against the United Nations, one of two computers used t...

  • US espionage investigation against WikiLeaks: PATRIOT Act order unsealed

    24 August 2011

    Further proof has emerged of the United States secret Grand Jury investigation into Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Further information has been demanded on the organization and its founder for the US courts, this time under the PATRIOT Act. The Gra...

  • Chat

    18 July 2011

    We are sorry, but the Chat is now closed until further notice. We hope to bring a better community solution soon. Over the last few months, our chat has been target of multiple attacks, including attempts to obtain information about users and a l...

  • Banking Blockade

    28 June 2011

    For information on how to beat the banks visit our donate page. For further information on the banking blockade against WikiLeaks download this PDF. A kit with full information on the blockade and tools to assist WikiLeaks through it can be downlo...

  • In Conversation with Julian Assange Part II

    15 June 2011

    Hans Ulrich Obrist: Before we begin with the questions from the artists, I wanted to ask you about the Bourbaki, an anonymous group of mathematicians that you have often referred to. I am very curious to know more about your interest in them, and ...

  • "WikiSecrets" Julian Assange Full Interview Footage

    24 May 2011

    On 24 May, 2011, 9pm EST, PBS-Frontline will air a documentary "WikiSecrets". WikiLeaks has had intelligence for some time that the program is hostile and misrepresents WikiLeaks’ views and tries to build an "espionage" case against its founder, J...

  • In Conversation with Julian Assange Part I

    23 May 2011

    Hans Ulrich Obrist talks extensively with Julian Assange about his life and work Hans Ulrich Obrist: How did it all begin? Julian Assange: I grew up in Australia in the 1970s. My parents were in the theatre, so I lived everywhere—in over fifty d...

  • Press

    10 May 2011

    Sections:  News for press  Issues Regarding the Financial System that Should Be Made Understandable to the General Public  Interviews and Speaking  Who Else Works For WikiLeaks?  Who Speaks for WikiLeaks?  People For Comment  Wallpapers News for...

  • About

    07 May 2011

    WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). O...

  • Western internet censorship: The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

    March 30, 2009 EDITORIAL (WikiLeaks) We're arresting you for speeding. What's the speed limit, officer? The speed limit is secret. Cartoon by Cathy Wilcox Shortly after 9pm on Tuesday March 24, Wikileaks related buildings in Dresden...

  • Thailand's latest political prisoner: Harry Nicolaides

    Harry Nicolaides, Thailand’s latest political prisoner. {{#ev:youtube|3CkdrUqLVGE|400}} By CJ Hinke (Director, Freedom Against Censorship Thailand, Advisory Board, Wikileaks) with Julian Assange (Investigative Editor, Wikileaks) January 21, 20...

  • Fallujah background

    Contents 1 general context 2 The jail re warehouse for human beings 2.1 location 2.2 conditions 3 Locations around the Jail 3.1 JCC (Joint Communications Center) 3.2 OP Burgess general context The city grew from a small town in 194...

  • Successes and three near misses for Wikileaks

    EDITORIALOctober 16, 2008 Contents 1 The case of the Sarah Palin Yahoo hacker 2 The case of a Sallie Mae case dismissed 3 The case of the secret fraternity 4 Notes Wikileaks has publicly revealed more sensitive military documents in the pa...

  • Police raid home of domain owner over censorship lists

    March 24, 2009 EDITORIAL (Wikileaks) Excerpt raid documentation Shortly after 9pm on Tuesday the 24th of March 2009, seven police officers in Dresden and four in Jena searched the homes of Theodor Reppe, who holds the domain registration for "w...

  • Wikileaks cracks NATO's Master Narrative for Afghanistan

    February 27, 2009 WIKILEAKS EDITORIALWikileaks has cracked the encryption to a key document relating to the war in Afghanistan. The document, titled "NATO in Afghanistan: Master Narrative", details the "story" NATO representatives are to give to, ...

  • UK phone hacking scandal: The News of the World didn't go far enough

    July 11, 2009 This week the British paper, The News of the World, was condemned by The Guardian for hiring private investigators. The investigators were alleged to have accessed messages left on the answering machines of thousands of the UK's ...

  • Wikipediametric mailinglist/Misc

    November 15, 2009 WikiPedia (which is wholly unrelated to WikiLeaks) has often been the subject of campaigns of influence. One such group, referred to by insiders as the "Eastern European cabal" is a group of Polish, Estonian/Latvian, Romanian and...

  • On the take and loving it

    “ A science is said to be useful if its development tends to accentuate the existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth, or more directly promotes the destruction of human life... „ — G. H Hardy, A mathematician's apology (1941) ...

  • Thailand's latest political prisoner: Harry Nicolaides

    Harry Nicolaides, Thailand’s latest political prisoner. {{#ev:youtube|3CkdrUqLVGE|400}} By CJ Hinke (Director, Freedom Against Censorship Thailand, Advisory Board, Wikileaks) with Julian Assange (Investigative Editor, Wikileaks) January 21, 20...

  • Draft:The Most Wanted Leaks of 2009

    2009's Most Wanted Leaks—the concealed documents or recordings most sought after by a country's journalists, activists, historians, lawyers, police, or human rights investigators. Contents 1 International organizations 2 Austria 3 Aus...

  • An insight into child porn

    February 26, 2009 Contents 1 Small reflection on the history of the industry 2 Differing legal positions 3 The business model 4 The technology of today 5 Where and how abuse happens 6 In the name of the child 7 The reality of filtering and ce...

  • Von Zensur und der Gesellschaft

    June 15, 2009 Daniel Schmitt (WikiLeaks) Zensurlisten, who is who Zensurlisten, Sperrlisten, Blacklists und Co. stellen Listen mit Namen (oder in erweiterter Form: Adressen hinter Namen und spezifische Angaben) dar, die dazu dienen bestimmte Inhal...

  • UK phone hacking scandal: The News of the World didn't go far enough

    July 11, 2009 This week the British paper, The News of the World, was condemned by The Guardian for hiring private investigators. The investigators were alleged to have accessed messages left on the answering machines of thousands of the UK's ...

  • Wikileaks busts Gitmo propaganda team/ru

    ДЖУЛИАН AССАНЖ (автор и исследователь 12, 2007 20 летний Oмар Хадр, из Канады. Заключённый #766 тюрьмы в Гуатанамо. Взят под арест в возрасте 15 лет в июле 2002, в течении 5 лет находится в заключении без судебного...

  • Common purpose

    Common Purpose (CP) - a hidden virus in our government and schools Although it has 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 18,000 graduate members and enormous power, Common Purpose is largely unknown to the general public. It recruits and trains "leaders" ...

  • Hausdurchsuchung bei Domaininhaber

    March 24, 2009 EDITORIAL (Wikileaks) Auszug Durchsuchungsprotokoll Um kurz nach 21 Uhr wurden am heutigen Dienstag den 24. Maerz 2009 die Wohnorte von Theodor Reppe, dem Domaininhabers von durch die saechsische Polizei, vertreten d...

  • Washington Times repeats debunked Obama Kenyan fraud

    JULIAN ASSANGE (Investigative Editor)October 20, 2008 In Obama's Kenya Ghosts[1] by Mark Hyman, the Washington Times becomes latest publication to try and take on Barack Obama with a discredited leak from last year's Kenyan election. The d...

  • Northern Rock vs. Wikileaks

    JULIAN ASSANGE and JAMES HARDINEJanuary 20, 2008 Today the transparency group Wikileaks released a number of censorship demands it has received over a confidential briefing memo relating to the dramatic financial collapse of the UK's Northern ...

  • Framing Obama: what the Spectator and the New York Sun won't tell you

    How journalists desperate for dirt on Obama fell for forged documents without so much as an eye blink. An image of Senator Obama with Raila Odinga in Kenya, 2006, together with a typical US conservative caption from 2008. This caption was take...

  • Serious nuclear accident may lay behind Iranian nuke chief's mystery resignation

    July 17, 2009 WIKILEAKS NOTE Two weeks ago, a source associated with Iran's nuclear program confidentially told WikiLeaks of a serious, recent, nuclear accident at Natanz. Natanz is the primary location of Iran's nuclear enrichment progra...

  • Wikileaks cracks NATO's Master Narrative for Afghanistan

    February 27, 2009 WIKILEAKS EDITORIALWikileaks has cracked the encryption to a key document relating to the war in Afghanistan. The document, titled "NATO in Afghanistan: Master Narrative", details the "story" NATO representatives are to give to, ...

  • A technical analysis of the Chinese 'Green Dam Youth-Escort' censorship software

    June 10, 2009 The Green Dam censorship/spy software is mandated to be installed on all Chinese personal computers sold as of July 1, 2009[1] 绿坝-花季护航软件技术分析A Technical Analysis of the 'Green Dam-Youth Escort' Software 协作组编写 A collaborative ...

  • Classified documents from Guantanamo captive's Combatant Status Review Tribunals

    In mid 2004, shortly after the United States Supreme Court made its ruling in Rasul v. Bush, United States Department of Defense set up Combatant Status Review Tribunals to consider the combatant status of captives held in Guantanamo Bay detention...

  • Draft:DU Munitions Excess Doses of Gamma to Military and Civilian Workers

    Contents 1 DU MUNITIONS: EXCESS DOSES OF GAMMA TO MILITARY AND CIVILIAN WORKERS 1.1 And not Just Gamma, Consolidated Quantities* of DU Munitions Emit Neutrons and X-Rays 1.2 The Case for Gamma Radiation From CDUM 1.3 The Case for Neutron Emissio...

  • Bermuda Housing Corporation Scandal

    QC Saul Froomkin, right, Alan Dunch, centre and Royal Gazette editor Bill Zuill, outside the Privy Council, 9 Downing Street, London, where they defended the media against a gagging order of the Bermuda Housing Corporation Police Dossier. Photo co...

  • Talk:Ireland

    Contents 1 Ireland: Wicklow Planning concerns. 2 Cullen. 3 DmD clearly favours corruption 4 I believe I have been vindicated. Ireland: Wicklow Planning concerns. Ireland: Wicklow Planning concerns. - There is anecdotal evidence of corruptio...

  • Did the Wikimedia Foundation lie about muzzling Wikinews?

    ERIN HALASZ & staffJune 17, 2008 The Wikimedia Foundation ordered an admin to delete two controversial Wikinews articles, and Jay Walsh, the Foundation’s head of communications, knew more about this than he would like to admit, according to Wikine...

  • Von der Einfuehrung eines Gesetzes wider Herz und Verstand

    June 18, 2009 Das Ende vom Anfang, und der Anfang vom Ende Am heutigen Donnerstag, den 18. Juni 2009, verabschiedete die deutsche Bundesregierung den umstrittenen und gesellschaftlich inakzeptablen Gesetzesvorschlag von Familienministerin Ursula v...

  • Legal Protections of the Sarbanes Oxley Act

    Legal Protections of the United States of America’s Sarbanes Oxley Act. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Which companies SOX applies to: 3 Who SOX protects: 4 What SOX is supposed to protect: 5 What SOX is supposed to prevent: 6 What SOX can do: 7 What...

  • US military may destroy interrogation videos

    JULIAN ASSANGE (Investigative Editor)October 3, 2008 Remember the furor earlier this year surrounding the CIA's destruction of its interrogation videos? Wikileaks has discovered that the US Marine Corps probably also has interrogation videos a...

  • U.S. Census memo discussing how to count foreign-born residents

    This September 2006 memo details the Census Bureau's attempts to better estimate the number of "foreign born" U.S. residents and classify them according to legal status, e.g., "legal," "temporary," "unauthorized migrants," and "quasi-legal mig...

  • Wikipediametric mailinglist/Piotrus

    Author: User:Conclusion Contents 1 Abstract 2 87 Quotations 2.1 Number 1-9 2.2 10-19 2.3 20-29 2.4 30-39 2.5 40-49 2.6 50-59 2.7 60-69 2.8 70-79 2.9 80-89 3 Applicable rules 4 See also Abstract The -now desysopped- administrator Piotr K...

  • Einblicke in die Kinderpornoszene

    February 26, 2009 By Mr. X (kinderporno insider, contents verified by Wikileaks staff as substantially correct) Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Es gehoert sich eigentlich nicht anonyme Briefe zu verschicken. Angesichts der Inhalte dieses Briefes, w...

  • Wikipediametric mailinglist/Digwuren

    Contents 1 Abstract 1.1 Selected mail quotes 1-10 1.2 11-20 1.3 21-33 2 See also Abstract Digwuren was the Wikipedian who ran the Eastern European mailing list to exploit Wikipedia for his hidden agenda, for Estonian nationalism and main...

  • One Child's Unending Abuse - From Disney World Girl to Drifter

    Lawyer: Young Internet child porn victim should be paid up to $100 million in damages for alleged mistreatment by Pa. child services and adoption system CHRISTOPHER WITKOWSKY and JULIAN ASSANGE (editor)March 19, 2008 A lawyer who represented a you...

  • Talk:Notfallsäuberung des BND nach Wikileaks Enthüllung

    T-Systems bereinigte die RIPE Datenbank von allen Netzwerken die durch Wikileaks enthüllt wurden und verschob die Adressen in verschiedene grosse Adresspools um somit die Zuweisung zu anonymisieren. Falsch. Für jede benutzte IP-Adresse finden si...

  • Euthanasia activist wants New Zealand website blacklist released

    July 20, 2009 New Zealand Press Association A euthanasia activist is questioning the Government's motives behind blocking access to objectionable websites. The new Digital Child Exploitation Filtering System , worth $150,000, will be provided ...

  • German intelligence scrubs European records after Wikileaks exposure

    By WIKILEAKS STAFF (Wikileaks)November 16, 2008 Between Friday night and Sunday morning, a massive deletion operation took place at the European Internet address register (RIPE) to scrub references to a cover used by Germany's premier spy age...

  • Talk:Court gags Cayman Whistleblower

    I'm just curious as to who the federal judge is that granted the restraining order. Considering the number of cases protecting the rights of publishers in situations like this, I don't understand how he/she could have granted it in the fi...

  • An American solution to the Kenyan consitutional crisis

    Contents 1 The pre-colonial peoples of Kenya 2 The Independent peoples of Kenya 3 Kenya is a Democracy 4 The Bill of Rights 4.1 Civil Rights upheld in the Constitution of Kenya 4.2 Political freedom 4.3 Economic freedom 4.4 Social freedom 5 Co...

  • Talk:Common purpose

    John Prescott is no longer in Government "Common Purpose is backed by John Prescott's "Office of the Deputy Prime Minister" (ODPM)," ODPM no longer exists. and John Prescott is no longer in Government. What are the current sources of funding...

  • Talk:Thailand

    Thailand and USA, DEA funding, collusive policy of denial The USA, DEA=dept.drug enforcement, were the finnancial sponsors and the trainers of the Thai Police Suppression squad ordered by prior PM Thaksin Shinawatra to eradicate 'drugs' ...

  • The injunction of

    Translated by Ponglert Pongwanan Date 16 Sept 2007 A website on Thai law closed itself down permanently after the Crime Suppression Division sent a letter to an internet service provider, asking for information about the website in connection wi...

  • The Fifth Estate

    WikiLeaks has decided to release this internal talking points memo to the public alongside the script, because it represents a frank internal appraisal of the Dreamworks film, THE FIFTH ESTATE, and what is wrong with it.This document is now issued...


    12 Jan 2011 23:00 "WikiLeaks condemns US embargo move" WikiLeaks today condemned calls from the chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security to "strangle the viability" of WikiLeaks by placing the publisher and its editor-in-chief, Julia...

  • Annotated Transcript of "We Steal Secrets" by Alex Gibney

    The image fades, and is replaced by stock footage from a July 2010 interview with Julian Assange conducted by ABC Nightline's Jim Sciutto.Footage of a WikiLeaks supporter billboard on Santa Monica Boulevard, reading "WikiLeaks: Giving us the t...

  • German spy chief threatens Wikileaks

    December 19, 2008 WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE (Wikileaks) The head of the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst), Germany's equivalent to the CIA, has threatened Wikileaks with "immediate criminal prosecution" if it does not remove all "files or reports ...

  • Statement on DDOS attacks

    Wikileaks is aware that several government agencies and corporations, including the Swedish prosecutor, Mastercard, PayPal and have come under cyber-attack in recent days, and have often been driven offline as a result. The attacks are ...

  • Media and civil liberties organizations file briefs in support of Wikileaks

    Wikileaks would like to thank the following 18 steadfast supporters of the First Amendment who have filed in support of Wikileaks and against the claims of the Cayman Islands branch of Swiss bank Bank Julius Baer and their lawyers, Lavely & Singer...

  • Talk:Wikileaks blasts Cayman Islands bank

    mudslinging and propaganda from both sides. Wikileaks should step back and report with a critical eye. Evaluate the evidence. The content and wording used in this article undermines its credibility. To report on governments and corporations and st...

  • Iran blocks WikiLeaks

    WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE Thu Jul 16 20:37:43 GMT 2009 "Iran blocks Wikileaks" Iran has blocked the main addresses of the whistleblower site WikiLeaks. In doing so, it has crossed an important human rights line. A middle-sized developing country, su...

  • More detail on suspension

    April 14, 2009 WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE (Deutsche Fassung: Mehr Details zur Stilllegung)Tue Apr 14 07:05:51 2009 CEST Registrar at fault; dispute related to last year's exposure of Germany's foreign intelligence service, the BN...

  • Wikileaks blasts Cayman Islands bank/de

    EDITORIALFebruary 28, 2008 Bank Julius Bär & Trust -- die "privatbankliche" Instanz aus der Schweiz bzw. den Kaimaninseln, die gerade versucht Wikileaks vor dem US Bundesrichter Jeffrey White in San Fransisco zu verklagen, hat heute eine Pressemel...

  • Deutsche Wikileaks Domain ohne Vorwarnung gesperrt

    April 10, 2009 GMT Mon Apr 13 19:27:10 2009 GMT Update Weitere Details zur Stilllegung der Domain GMT Fri Apr 10 19:40:56 2009 GMT WIKILEAKS PRESSEMITTEILUNG Am 9. April 2009 wurde die Domain ohne Vorwarnung vom Regis...

  • under injunction

    The looting of Kenya under President moi mentioned in article currently not resolving (comes out blank/new page). YdENpA 8g74dlGaSnxCc96lsg4l Contents 1 On the positive side... 2 thieves and liars 3 I'm not really that surprised... 4 Regrets...

  • The Big Bad Database of Senator Norm Coleman

    March 11, 2009 Contents 1 WikiLeaks Press Releases 1.1 Coleman leak update 1.2 "The Big Bad Database of Senator Norm Coleman" 1.3 Source documents 2 Additional press and internet media coverage 3 WikiLeaks notifying mails to Coleman supporter...

  • Germany deletes domain after raid

    April 10, 2009 GMT Mon Apr 13 19:27:10 2009 GMT Update The issue seems to be mostly fear of authority by the domain register than a formal legal process. More information be found at More detail on suspension. Fri Apr 10 19:39:36 2009...

  • Talk:Scientology threatens Wikileaks over secret cult bibles

    I love this site :) We need to get rid of the world of these greedy people whose only aim in life is to accumulate wealth. They have done nothing but destroyed mankind for too long to serve their own greedy purpose. Thanks Wikileaks. Sunday April ...

  • PayPal freezes WikiLeaks donations

    Digital McCarthism in the United States? Saturday December 4, 2010 WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE Yesterday, PayPal, the US based internet banking giant, froze the public donations of whistleblowing publication WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is entirely supp...

  • German spy chief threatens Wikileaks/de

    December 29, 2008 By: Pommertg (Übersetzer) WIKILEAK PRESSEMITTEILUNG (Wikileaks) Der Behördenleiter des BND, die 'CIA Deutschlands', drohte Wikileaks mit sofortiger strafrechtlicher Verfolgung wenn nicht alle "Dateien oder Berichte im Z...

  • Talk:Media and civil liberties organizations file briefs in support of Wikileaks

    typos "provoke Wikileaks inorder" ==> "provoke Wikileaks in order" "the MicLibel case" ==> "the McLibel case" Hopefully nobody actually wants 20 years of litigation, as in that case! "Heast" -> "Hearst"...

  • Talk:WIKILEAKS.INFO censored by eNom and Demand Media ==

    To begin with, I think we should ask the question, are we going after the right organization. True eNom isn't very up on things like customer services, but the Times article ( makes the point tha...

  • Wikileaks blasts Cayman Islands bank

    EDITORIALFebruary 28, 2008 Julius Baer Bank & Trust -- the Swiss-Cayman "private banking" entity currently attempting to sue Wikileaks before US Federal court Justice Jeffery White in San Francisco, today released a press release onto the Business...

  • Scientology threatens Wikileaks over secret cult bibles

    WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASEMonday April 7, 2008 The Scientology cult, of which Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta are the most familiar public followers, has threatened transparency group Wikileaks, demanding that it remove "unpublished, co...

  • Secret gag orders undermine core Western values

    "British courts continue to disgrace Enlightenment values." WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE / EDITORIALDecember 24, 2008 December the 15th saw a secret UK court hearing, with secret participants, produce an order to gag the press, the terms of which are s...

  • WIKILEAKS.INFO censored by eNom and Demand Media

    EDITORIALMarch 7, 2008 eNom & Demand Media, Inc. GUILTY GUILTY RESIGNED GUILTY Richard M. Rosenblatt Paul Stahura John Kane Sarah Akhtar Richard Rosenbl...

  • Talk:Deutsche Wikileaks Domain ohne Vorwarnung gesperrt

    Contents 1 Keine Sperrung - Domain-Rückgabe nach fristgerechter Kündigung 2 Ende 3 Sperrung 4 Alternativen? 5 Transit != Sperrung Keine Sperrung - Domain-Rückgabe nach fristgerechter Kündigung hat TRANSIT-Status ! Die DENIC hat...

  • under injunction

    Wikileaks Press Release WIKILEAKS.ORG DOWN AFTER EX-PARTE LEGAL ATTACK BY CAYMAN ISLANDS BANK Contacts: Mon Feb 18 00:00:00 GMT 2008 The following release h...

  • Wikileaks victorious over Bank Julius Baer is back. In a blow to Bank Julius Baer's censorship attempts, Judge White has now denied the bank's request to silence WikiLeaks. Judge White also denied the bank's request to require that WikiLeaks remove the bank docu...

  • Clarification to Die Zeit article on Daniel Schmitt profile

    EDITORIAL NOTE December 15, 2009 WikiLeaks was started in 2006 by individuals from half a dozen countries. WikiLeaks and its parents are formally domiciled in several countries, which so far, do not include Germany. DS was not signif...

  • 1,203 new websites censored by Thailand

    December 21, 2008 WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE (Wikileaks) "Thai Democracy", a political cartoon from October, censored by the Thai government Wikileaks has released the secret internet censorship lists of Thailand's Ministry of Information and ...

  • Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt

    On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK at the time and Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Also in attendance was Jared Cohen, a former Secretary of St...

  • Wikileaks to Conroy: Go after our source and we will go after you

    WIKILEAKS PRESS RELEASE (for immediate release)Thu Mar 19 23:07:20 EDT 2009 "Wikileaks to Conroy: Go after our source and we will go after you." The Stockholm based publisher of Wikileaks today issued a warning to the Australian Minister for Broad...

  • Mehr Details zur Stilllegung

    April 14, 2009 WIKILEAKS PRESSEMITTEILUNG (english version) Tue Apr 14 07:05:51 2009 CEST Registrar handelt entgegen Abmachung; Debatte steht in Relation zur Enthüllung der BND Netzwerke im vergangenen Jahr BND Chef Ernst Uhrlau Am 9. April 200...